Lin Gang and Hong Fan strengthened their success in the evening. After Chen Ang’s inspection, Hong Fan’s virus blood group strengthening was more successful. His skills he learned in the assassin brothers were very suitable for the blood group’s gene, not only their own skills. A substantial reinforcement, but also because of Chen Ang’s curse with the lives of nine men, has a shadow-like spell-like ability.

He can be integrated into the shadows, and the spiritual attribute has also been greatly improved.

Therefore, Chen Ang used him as the experimental body of the next experiment to carry out the intensive experiment of the heterogeneous blood family. The experiment was on this evening, and Terence was responsible for hosting a curse ceremony held by the magic of the moon, so that the cursed was rejected by the sun. And by the moon’s care.

This is also the preparation for the final step of cursing the blood race.

Terence squinted at the center of the stone altar, Hong Fan, who was tied in the coffin, muttered: “This is too unfair. I have studied this for fifty years before I have this spell ability. He only passed A spell experiment has completely surpassed me. Dr. Chen, you are too partial to them. I am already your loyal subordinate, and they are not surrendering to you.”

Although Terence received the promise of Chen Ang to help him curse ceremony, but the behavior of Hong Fan such reap without sowing, is still very jealous, to know that they have only one alien blood group in their hands, Hong Fan got After the power of the bloody baron, he will suppress him far in his personality and strength.

Terence has long observed that Chen Ang and other reincarnations are only cooperative, and the exchanges between them are relatively equal. Although there are major and minor points, Terence feels that he is a subordinate who has been fully committed. It is also cleaner than the collaborators and deserves more care.

Chen Ang ignored him and continued to check the layout of the sacred rituals. He told Zhang Ziqiang: “The 30 materials for the Anubis and the twenty materials for the ceremony must be The difference is that they have done different treatments on their blood, and the reinforcement process is not to be a mistake.”

Zhang Ziqiang nodded: “Okay. But the doctor, there is no one in the prison!”

Chen Ang turned his head and looked at him: “The size of Cairo is so big, will it be missing?”

“The prisoner’s heavy criminals are not many. Except for those who are willing to trust us, but through our screening, the remaining 80-year-old villains have spent so many days of consumption, what blood sacrifice! Human experiment! Consumption Goods! There is not much left, this time a short child has emptyed the inventory. As for the population of Cairo City is indeed quite a lot, but there are not many bastards who do not do evil!”

“Plus the ones that are against us and hinder our expansion can persist until now. It is already the result of our countless enemies.”

Zhang Ziqiang complained like a Chief Steward: “Now Hong Fan is involved in the experiment. No one is the main force to pull the nails. No one has kidnapped the idiots who are not long-sighted.” Then the blood group began to experiment and needed a large number of people… …” He pointed to the side of the “those who let go, except for killing, what else would they do? And the impact is not good.”

In the place pointed out by Zhang Ziqiang, several of them were full of blood and suffocating, bat-like bats, and drowning, and the monsters squinting at the blood-red eyes were cleverly standing at the door and acting as guardian missions. These things have obviously lost their senses. It was a failure of the previous experiment, and Chen Ang simply controlled them and used them as a biological weapon.

Chen Ang explained: “Don’t look at their brains, but they will come in handy soon. I am going to take them for a blood mummy experiment. If it succeeds, we will have a new powerful weapon. At that time, I will be able to make Control their spell semaphores and dispatch them for use.”

The museum has been transformed into an ancient Egyptian spell experiment center by Chen Ang. On the open space outside the pavilion, a stone altar is bathed in the moonlight, and the moonlight is shining in the center of the altar. Chen Ang makes a gesture, Zhang Ziqiang Immediately, people cut through the throat of twenty spell materials, and the human body ‘touched’ slammed on the ground. This muffled sound did not pass too far on the empty surface.

Blood ran along the reserved ditches and gradually gathered in the center of the altar. Chen Ang stepped on the pre-placed spices and held a black book, whispering the ancient Egyptian language above, with his weird tone. The blood on the altar flowed up beyond the common sense, and the rune in the pictogram permeated the altar and flowed into the coffin where Hong Fan was placed.

On the coffin board, a rune that looks like an eye, echoes the moonlight’s bloody brilliance.

Chen Ang picked up a ritual blade dagger from the plate held by Terence, and the obsidian body reflected the faint moonlight, which can be clearly seen. The dagger is just like the Anka that represents life in hieroglyphics? The dagger, known as the symbol of life, was stabbed into the chest of the captain of the prayer team by Chen Ang. He screamed at his face, and his body slowly appeared deep wrinkles.

It seems that the whole body’s moisture is being pumped away.

Anka rune on the dagger, a blood line is like a creature, flowing down the dagger, along the pre-opened ditch, into the coffin of Hong Fan’s sleep, Chen Ang inserted another dagger into the heart of Hong Fan, The blood line followed the dagger and flowed into the heart of Hong Fan.

Hong Fan clearly heard the sound of the Lord God coming from the ear: Unknown energy is changing your physique, you are infected by a curse ceremony, an unknown bloodline is covering your physique.

Then the blood lines of the twenty people also poured into the small space where Hong Fan was, and the blood drowned him, but he could feel his body cheering, the hunger-throwing philosopher’s blood, the stench smell. In his nose, it was so fragrant that he could feel a cold and warm energy in his blood that would flow into his heart, with Chen Ang pulling the dagger on his heart.

Its wounds healed quickly, but the organ never beats.

Hong Fan felt that his body temperature was passing by little by little. He saw a lot of clear and noisy pictures from the blood surrounding him. It seemed to be the memory of the sacrifice of the blood. He saw it. Zhang Ziqiang touched the neck of ‘self’ and saw Chen Ang expressionless chanting the book.

Finally, he felt that the essence of his life was changing, when a strange voice came into his ear, which was Chen Ang whispering: “The abandonment of the human, the abandoner of the sun, the door of Heppel May he be tortured forever, Anubis will always refuse his soul into the Hades, Sun God will stop the sun from ignoring him. The hatred of the undead, the scream of the dead, will torture him forever.”

“You will feel that the entrance of the sap is turned into a scum, the scent of the grain is turned into a mulch, and eternal life can only feed on the blood. You will have no children, no place to bury, no moment to sleep. Only the darkness. Bless you, Luna Cons, may he watch you…”

After the sound went silent, Hong Fan felt a powerful and cold power inscribed on his own soul. He felt that the curses slowly changed his essence, giving him pain while increasing his strength. He inexplicably learned a lot of dark knowledge and incantation from these ceremonies, and he had a dark mana in his blood.

Hong Fan pushed open the alloy-cast coffin. His enormous strength even shot a 15-mm thick steel plate. He jumped into the air and turned into a black fog in the air. A flaw appeared in Chen. In front of Ang.

Hong Fan can feel the enormous power in his body. He even has some arrogant time and space. This powerful sense of power even makes him have a violent impulse, and there is a kind of distortion that kills the ants in front of him.

Chen Ang A faint look in the past, a kind of chill from the heart made Hong Fan awake in the eyes.

Chen Ang asked: “What, is there something?”

Hong Fan’s instinctive 谄said with a smile: “Nothing, nothing. Good, very good! It’s just that I can’t control the strength in my body, I’m a little inflated, I’m sober now. I’m sober now. !”

Looking at his face, he smiled almost to stick his tongue out. He just took photos of his cold magic. The new people who felt fear and stiffness suddenly woke up from the powerful illusion. Li Mingyi lamented: This is why I don’t want to become a blood family. What about a baron? When a doctor comes over, he becomes honest.”

Zhao Yingqi recalled the mysterious and powerful blood family in his impression and sighed: “He ruined my fond memories of the blood family.”

Zhang Ziqiang pulled the old man to the corner and whispered: “A Hong! Your performance is a shame to the blood!”

Hong Fan said: “You don’t know, the blood family feels very sharp. I just want to raise my tail! He has a look, I am afraid from the gene!”

Hong Fan, who succeeded in Suihua, had the powerful power of the blood family equivalent to the baron at the beginning, and because of the ability to integrate the virus blood group, he possessed a kind of infection, controlled the special ability of the lower blood group, carrying the virus of the blood group gene, Expanded descendants like the virus blood family, infected many people, but have a heterogeneous blood family, Elder’s strong control of the descendants.

This kind of control stems from the bloodline gene. Hong Fan can feel that he wants a descendant to commit suicide. He only needs one eye. This is a kind of spiritual restraint. The long-term relative has the ability to have permanent hypnosis. .

However, unlike the development of descendants of heterogeneous blood, it takes a lot of power. The lower blood group infected by Hong Fan has only the virus blood, is smart, powerful than ordinary people, can finally have bloody taste, and can obtain memory from the blood. The ability, the only thing that looks like supernatural power, is the ability to hypnotize humans, while lifespan is only three times as human.

Of course, Hong Fan can also choose to spend a lot of his own power to create descendants of the same bloody magic.

Chen Ang turned and handed the yellowish injection to Zhang Ziqiang and said to him: “This is a bloody virus I made with Hong Fan’s gene. It can infect the blood of the virus, and it will still be controlled by Hong Fan. The only special point. I modified the related genes of the virus so that these blood families have the ability to walk in the sun, but the corresponding ones will get less power.”

Zhang Ziqiang wondered: “What do you do with this? Directly let Ah Hong bite it!”

Chen Ang said with a smile: “One is unsanitary. I don’t think Hong Fan is willing to bite each other in the stinky Egyptians and whites. Second, our people can’t always be active in the dark. There must always be a group of people who can see the light… With these, I have to become the underground emperor of Egypt within three days. Can it be done?”

Zhang Ziqiang nodded: “Yes!” Then he smiled wryly: “Oh! But with my understanding of Ahong, he must have personally went to ‘bite’ some people. I just saw him paying attention to me. Next to the new little secretary.”

The love of the blood of the female is also derived from the instinct of life.” Chen Ang is not surprised: “His body fluids contain viruses. In theory, people who come into contact with him will become blood. If any woman has become a blood family without passing the first time, you will grab her and let me study it.”

“I am very curious about the difference between different body fluid infections!”

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