“Very good! Although it is still far from success, I have seen every progress you make. If you work harder, you can kill me.” Chen Ang stood in front of a large group, and his body was as clean as he had just cleaned up. The same.

Under the attack of a large group of complicated personalities and various magical abilities, he walked freely and walked in front of a large group. He did not attack, but it put more pressure on the large group. Because until now, his attack has been fruitless, and even Chen Ang has to open his mouth to encourage him.

Large groups of personality have begun to appear disorder, sometimes in a short period of time, a large number of personality to switch, some contradictory traits and personality began to line out in the same personality.

Sometimes, Chen Ang is simultaneously attacked by several abilities.

This has the effect of one plus one greater than two, and the compounding ability is more dangerous, secretive and complicated. The ability of telepathy, combined with any ability, is very powerful, and soon this ability is fixed on a large group. This also means that a large group of second personality kara fans, began to merge with the owner.

The self-replicating personality chain and the transferable personality fanya began to mix, then the super power and super speed, hundreds of super large groups flickering in space.

The huge gravitational drop in Chen Ang’s hand is like a white lightning, flickering in a large group of divided people, laying a ‘lightning’ net beside him, and the dense mesh divides anyone trying to pass into Finger-sized pieces of meat. The real lethal card is a split body controlled by Chen Ang.

Like mythology, Chen Ang’s subtle control created a petri dish in the void, and then refined to atomic cell surgery, presenting a biochemical modification surgery in front of everyone in a short period of time.

Soon the biochemical plague accelerated the division of the division through infection.

The deformed monster, modified by Chen Ang, achieved a crushing victory on large groups in terms of reproductive ability.

This large group of hunters has surpassed the number of large groups of split bodies in just a few minutes, and the powerful ability to infect, so that any split body can do nothing about it.

Soon, as Chen Ang expected, the splits began to be occupied by different personalities. They inherit the power of large groups, have the ability to split, and gain other abilities by creating personality. Countless long like a large group. Not even as large groups of splits begin to appear, countless personalities regain their freedom and their own bodies.

Only Chen Ang knows that the large group of owners is really at the most dangerous level.

If the innumerable personality tears the existence of the master, the large group will completely lose itself and become a chaotic and crazy split. He will become a huge monster. Probably the most insane, most confusing, most epileptic thought and personality of humanity.

“Another potential chaos evil spirit!” Chen Ang is very interested. It seems that every powerful ability comes to the end of the chaos, the indescribable chaos and madness, in Chen Ang’s cognition. It seems to be called the old day dominator. Is it because the truth is ignorant of the human mindset?

Chen Ang summed it up by his own example. Although human beings have such shortcomings, low intelligence, lack of self-control ability and rational thinking mode, there are many defects, but there is no higher level of human thinking. He is the development of typical human thinking. There is also no such extreme confusion.

“Hey!” One of the large groups of the divisions appeared to be animalized. There were no traces of the existence of the gods in the red eyes. The sharp claws were torn close to their other divisions and began to look around Chen Ang for the chance of culling.

“Why can’t you hurt me?”

“Because you are not crazy enough…” Chen Ang continues to stimulate the crowd: “You have to be a little more crazy, breakthrough the limits of human thinking, break through the inherent cognition in your brain, as long as your imagination is infinite, then the universe There is nothing to limit you!”

Chen Ang loudly: “Ask your heart, ask the ultimate madness, what is holding you?”

“Don’t believe him!” In the split of the large group. A woman’s personality suddenly changed. She tried to block the collapse of a large group of masters, just as any schizophrenic person created a personality in order to protect himself, in the spirit of a large group. There is also a protector with a personality x that manipulates reality.

The splitter of x personality is a white woman. She uses her powerful telepathic ability to suppress the collapse of a large group of characters, while clearing the chaos and madness in his spirit.

“Help me to suppress the Lord. Now the mental state of the large group is very unstable. He will be driven crazy by the ‘Apocalypse’!” X personality had to ask for help from others: “You don’t know what ‘Apocalypse’ wants to do?” ?Magneto! If a large group is crazy, then he will get a more dangerous experiment than the four knights.”

“If a large group falls into darkness and chaos, he will completely lose humanity and reason. I swear that it will be more terrifying than ‘Apocalypse’!”

x Looking at Magneto and other mutants, desperately begging: “Save him! You must save him.”

Magneto waited indifferently. He was like a poisonous snake, waiting for Chen Ang to show his flaws. For the large group of encounters, X’s help, he did not react at all, just like Chen Ang alone in sight.

But others have been unable to withstand it.

When Chen Ang reappeared, Vulcan seized what he thought was a ‘good opportunity’ to control tens of thousands of degrees of ultra-high temperature flames covering every inch of Chen Ang’s space.

The presence of the mutant is the most promising and capable of the most powerful, except for the storm girl, Magneto, the old man who grew up in the disaster of the ‘Doom of the Apocalypse’. The new era of mutant to Chen Ang, the legendary ‘Apocalypse’, ‘The Great Devil’, despise more than fear.

They have deep confidence in themselves, so even if Wanda and Fastbank pay the price of their lives and seize the opportunity, they still shoot.

But soon they got the lessons of blood.

Chen Ang appeared behind Vulcan at the moment when everyone had no time to react. The tremendous pressure of the gravitational ball allowed Vulcan’s ribs to pass through his lungs. Baisensen’s bones pierced the skin, from behind Vulcan. It came out.

Vulcan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but the blood in the upper part blocked his throat and only made the sound of the trachea ‘si si’.

The other mutant didn’t stun for too long. Angel immediately flew over to catch him, and once again opened his wrist and fed his blood with healing power, and others reacted instantly.

The last trace of calm was suddenly broken. Everyone, except Chen Ang’s owner, launched Chen’s most brutal attack. Blinking through the deep space, he holds other people and provides them with short-range maneuverability. The Phantom Cat began to build a short portal to follow the training to form a complete space attack formation.

It can be seen that the mutant has been preparing for this day for a long time. They are in good order and everyone plays their greatest ability.

The flashing and phantom cats are support groups. They try to provide the best spatial structure, control the attack rhythm and form on the battlefield, and let other mutants effectively use their abilities. They seem to know that Chen Ang’s ability to control space does not attempt to attack through space, but instead focus on mobilizing others.

Iceman, Vulcan, Storm Girl and Aurora should be the suppression group, pouring Chen Ang on firepower to maintain maximum energy suppression.

But they are doing very badly now, Vulcan seriously injured, the ice man lost Wanda’s assistance, unable to exert his ability, the storm girl has extreme fear of Chen Ang, she does not seem to believe what she can do to Chen Ang Troubled. As a result, only the Aurora alone can exert its full strength in the suppression group, and it is difficult to support it.

Lack of fast silver restraint and Wanda’s chaotic magic, probability selection, is fatal to mutant, without Wanda’s ability, most of the mutant’s ability can not reach the optimal state, they may not be able to control their ability, mutual The interference is also very serious.

This makes everything slip in the most dangerous direction.

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