Steve put on his old suit and came to the edge of the floating pyramid. Chen Ang sent him next to him. As the gate slowly opened, the high altitude air pressure instantly evacuated the spaceship. The violent negative pressure caused an outward storm, but the two were completely motionless, and neither Steve nor Chen Ang had any discomfort in the thin air.

Chen Ang handed the Aegis over, and Steve refused!

“Without a shield?” Chen Ang suddenly laughed at himself: “Also, now that you have the body of steel, you don’t have to hide behind anything anymore!”

Steve regretfully glanced at the golden aegis embossed with an eagle and sighed: “Since the infection, after the injection of Superhuman Serum, my five senses have become sharp every minute, I can hear thousands of kilometers away, I can also see that when I look into outer space, I can even faintly notice the voices of people who have passed by me.”

“But I still can’t see you!”

Steve sighed: “Tony revealed the news of the Hawkeye family to the Skrurs!”

“I know!” Chen Ang calmly said.

Steve looked up: “He can’t stand the torture of things in his head, transforming himself into a peculiar state of quantum superposition, disappearing from my perception. But not long ago, he appeared in mine. In the line of sight, the destroyer is not out of control at all, but you deliberately control the loss of control. You do it all, just to let me stop it!”

“And then meet Stark!”

“Yes, and Stark’s transformation of himself is also my inducement. The entire battle of Wakanda was planned by me, and I know that you know, and you are not afraid of knowing!”

Chen Ang said: “Sturke has been able to carry out the future, but he still chose to step into my established timeline.”

“It’s weird! I created two characters that have detached from this stage play, but for various reasons, you have to follow the script. Stark wants to gain the power to counter the apocalypse, otherwise the more he knows The more desperate… I can see what the future is like, still in the dark!”

“It’s just sadly repeating the death that can’t resist that’s all!”

“What makes you a Superhuman, the future I create is the only timeline for new human beings to survive. Although the pure human justice side of your humanity is solidified by Superhuman Serum, you can get rid of the threat of the door, but the personality is solidified. There is no power to choose. Just goodness… This is a good thing.”

“But it can only be just and kind, just as sad as a puppet being manipulated!”

“The only weakness of Superhuman Serum is that it will magnify the positive side of your personality, making you perfect unlike a person. Of course, if this is the case, my transformation will fail completely. There is no negative personality, or negative. Personality can’t beat the positive existence, and it is already dead in personality!”

“I won’t allow my creations to have such serious flaws. My biggest hobby is to create unlimited possibilities. I don’t want stiff, rigid things! So I made you infected with the Destruction Virus, which is currently the only one that can destroy Superhuman. Things, it can break your now rigid personality, and then reshape it into an infinitely possible existence.”

“But that is not me. If I still have the positive factors in my personality, I will have nothing to do with the broken ones.”

“Destruction Day liberation of the self will fall into complete darkness, because it is necessary to let the Lord be born again by putting the dark side of Lord’s character, so that I may become the biggest dictator and destroyer.” Steve said.

“What about that? What are you doing with me? You will get used to it… completely destroying yourself. It’s cruel to say, but you know it when you do it! Nothing at all? Even if the change is beyond recognition, you don’t even recognize it in the past. As long as you can accommodate the past, you are still the same. The so-called self is just a pseudo-proposition of the format of informatics. It is only a three-dimensional perception of the creature’s mis-definition of itself. For a long river, every wave is part of it… …”

Chen Ang lightly smiled said: “When you open the killing ring, not recognizing one’s family, you can call Unjust Superhuman!”

After the successful transformation of Steve and Stark, they will be exposed to the blackening side of Chen Ang, and even have doubts, but what about? Do they dare to say it? Say it out to let all new humans die? Superhuman can’t do this kind of thing, blackened Tony Stark may be, but the future he sees makes him afraid to do this kind of thing.

I looked deeply at the calm face and said such cruel facts, but even Chen Ang, whose face smile did not change.

Steve vacated and there was no red cloak behind him, which made his image a bit weird. In particular, he did not use the classic one-armed flying posture. He personally created Superhuman’s Chen Ang and looked at some spicy eyes. – There isn’t a cloak covering the butt, and it’s too funny for a superhero to fly.

Steve used a wing-like flying stance, body-hugging clothing, the fully exposed hip line—Chen Ang turned back to the floating pyramid headquarters, and told the staff next to him: “Let the superhero image design A cloak, when Steve came back to let him wear, he said that the current flight attitude is unsightly, will create an ugly picture on the Internet, which is not good for publicity.

Chen Ang didn’t worry that Steve didn’t agree. As the propaganda mascot of the early army, Steve had long been used to being arranged to design images.

On the helipad of the Stark Mansion, a light blue fluorescent skin, naked Tony wearing only a pair of underwear, turned white eyes looked towards the sky, he peered into countless future timelines, and only saw a piece of the front In the darkness, he saw everything but could not change it, which made him blacker and worse.

He saw the return of his dead enemy, Sargeras, and saw the door in the human spirit.

I saw him and the old comrade-in-arms Captain America, today’s Superhuman, killing!

I saw the break between him and his ex-girlfriend Poz…

Seeing that he became the public enemy of all mankind, all the old companions stood up and confronted him and saw that he could not prevent everything from going to destruction… He even began to hate himself and why he could see it.

When it is unable to change the future, the so-called seeing the future is nothing more than repeated torture of fate.

Tony looked at the body of these super-heavy nuclear matter quantum superpositions, and actually shed black tears from all white eyes. He suffered from the dark endings again and again, bearing endless despair and terrifying, looking directly at one. Another indescribable creature, the ultimate spiritual bottomline, also collapsed silently.

How about loving someone, watching her thousands of times in front of her in myriad oddities, all kinds of tormenting ways to die, and then strong love, will be distorted.

What about Dr. Manhattan?

Without changing the power of the Apocalypse timeline, repeating the complete despair and darkness over and over again, even if there is no humanity, it can be forced to be crazy…

Tony Stark raised his mouth and revealed a big, bright smile, which was long distorted by despair and darkness.

Instead of desperately indulging in the future, it is better to face it with a smile.

“Even if you are crazy, you can’t lose Tony Stark’s sense of humor!”

Dr. Stark, Black Bat King asks you to go home to eat!

Dr. Stark has a completely different armor behind him. It uses different traditional gold red color matching, but uses a combination of black and green. This neutron star is slightly larger and is a medium-sized battle. A, unlike the close-fitting design of the Mark model, this set of armor has the same size as the anti-Hulk armor.

It is no longer full of the industrial design of the previous series, but rough, sturdy, full of murderous, like the hard core design of armored cars.

There is a steampunk, mixed with the design of cyberpunk.

If the former armor represents technology, Internet information technology and ergonomics, this new neutron star represents heavy industry, war weapon, reloading Mecha and punk goth, which completely subverts Stark’s aesthetic. A new generation of design, representing the slaughter aesthetic that he sank into the dark side.

Tony faced the new armor, smashed and sank into it.

In the next moment, the armor disappeared into place, re-collapsed into a known particle function over the vacanda, blocking the destroyer!

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