Even the Savior’s own people look towards towards Namo’s eyes are different, of course, they do not feel excessive, but seeing Namo’s eyes also have a faint weight – this is a fierce person!

Atlantis’s mixed-race Prince Namo can be a real-powered Prince in the Atlantis sea country that discriminates against the land. Of course, it is not relying on the reverse discrimination of the two devils, but relying on the actual decision and sternness. The average person does not dare to kill the innocent. He dares! It is difficult for ordinary people to face the entanglement of interests when they break, he dares.

In order to survive and the interests of Atlantis, Namo is not afraid to kill women and children.

Even if you meet Atlantis in parallel world, there is also a parallel world of Namo. If you are dead and living, in order to survive, he will not be able to make up his mind, kill another one and destroy another Atlantis.

No matter what means – Namo still cleaned up the destroyer.

The evil magician Esteban, the black tongue, the ebony throat, the evil spirit knight, the slain general, and the Casillas all vacated their hands. They only faced the eyes of Agomodo but did not use them. The spider man, there is a king wizard. Master Wang put the spider behind him and whispered: “You go first!”

He draws a circle in his right hand and wants to transfer the spider.

But the evil magician Esteban shot, his right hand pulled out a three-handed whip with a dark red magma from the void, and waved forward, his body also soared a head, exhaled in the nose and mouth. Aura, his head grows a horn, his feet are turned into anti-joint hooves, and the screaming sorcerer whip is rolled to the king’s mage.

He used the evil spirit of summon to cover the eyes of Master Wang.

At the same time, Casillas also opened a fist-sized portal in front of the generals, and the blade of death brought the blade of death into it. The sharp spider of the spider man made him avoid the sudden appearance in the air. The Blade of Death, but also had to be separated from the Master of the King, and the two were divided and surrounded.

Master Wang lifted the rod of the life court, and the sorcerer’s long whip was rolled up on the staff. He roared to death, but his footsteps were still pulled to the evil spirits of the evil magician.

The Blade of Death suddenly appeared behind him and inserted into his spine.

The Master of the King is inevitable, and the Spider-Man wants to rescue, but the ebony throat is trapped by the power of the mind, and he jumps into the air, and the ebony throat is with a smile: “No one can jump in front of me!”

The ability of the ebony throat is precisely the nemesis of the small spider, and the small spider relies on the spider silk to move.

However, the numbness of the ebony throat can easily cut off the spider silk, and relying on the inertial movement of the spider silk sliding, it can be easily changed direction by the mind.

Master Wang was so hard to support, he could only watch the blade of death as if he had harvested the life of Strange, taking away his life. He simply gave up the rebellion, using only the remaining hand, in the small A portal is opened next to the spider.

There was a portal in front of the little spider, and the blade of death was stabbed behind the king’s mage, and the end of the death and the escape was about to be settled…

A crystal clear blue ice condenses the Blade of Death in the void. The icicles rise from the sea and sandwich the death blade in the middle. The sharp artifacts constantly break the ice, but with the endless sea water support below, the ice-ice snow’s formidable power continues to grow and finally stops. This thorn.

Snow and ice!

Zheng Shangqi shot the space behind Wang Master and blocked this deadly blow.

The ten-day ring in his hand shines with the strange brilliance of True Qi’s flow!

“While you are called the savior, the reality is destruction, and what you call the destroyer, what you want to do is protection!” Zheng Shangqi turned to face the other people in the Savior Alliance: “martial arts is not It鈥檚 just a way to destroy and destroy, and it鈥檚 a Great Way, a kind of great way to pursue life.鈥?/p>

“I don’t see a touch of life and understanding of life in you, only naked greed, hatred and destruction!”

“I always want to practice my morality!”

“But in the face of father, I flinched. I hope that I can do something to make him agree with me. I have thought a lot and realized the spirit of many martial arts, but just now, I realized that it is not enough. Must be used; hope is not enough, not to do it!”

“I practice my morality!” Zheng Shangqi said: “Even if you give your life!”

“Amazing stupidity!” Umbrella said slowly: “If just now, the destroyer is still there, our victory seems to be very embarrassing, you can betrayed us can understand, after all, people are always more inclined to follow strong But now that we are far more powerful than those little bugs, you betray us!”

鈥淒o you think that you alone can beat us all?鈥?/p>

Zheng Shangqi said: “Under force!”

“Then you are in courting death!” The ebony throat restored calmness and elegance.

“I have lost my way to see the direction…” Zheng Shangqi said: “But I am not afraid to slash the knife to the strong… I have had fears! That is because I can’t make a decision, I don’t know if I am right. Once we are hesitant, we will cringe. But if you can make a clear judgment on something, I will not be afraid if there is no value.”

“I am more afraid to do wrong things than death! I am even more afraid to go the wrong way… This is why I always hesitate when I fight between you.”

“Now, these people, just the people who were still my enemies, taught me what is the right thing.”

“These are far more important than life and death!”

Zheng Shangqi faced them with a Nanquan starter, lightly smiled, saying: “The rest of the things are in the martial arts! It makes me fearless… the martial arts way, to death Health!”

“Stupid!” Ebony reached out and pushed gently. The wreckage of Bonin Zana in the sea was spurred from his feet. The vibrating wreckage and concrete blocks moving at subsonic speed, with amazing kinetic energy, went directly to Zheng Shangqi and was The king of the guard, the little spider, who he was protecting, madly tore.

The whistling sound of the whistling is unusually fierce!

The seawater below was crushed and crushed, leaving a white corrugated trace like a broken wave. Zheng Shangqi鈥檚 wrist was shocked. The snow and ice of the Bijie in the tenth ring of the heavens spurred the sea below to rise and turned into a huge ice wall. In the heavy objects that are constantly being shot, the ice wall is twisted and shattered, and the extremely cold ice crystals formed by the cold and cold water of the clear snow are constantly broken and continuously re-condensed to create various broken sharp ice blades.

The 10th Ring of the Magic Blade – Bijing True Qi, ice and snow!

Stretch your fists, raise your arms, twist your waist, punch your fists! There is no sword, it is just the simplest punch.

It is called ice and snow!

I saw the singularity of the Ten Commandments, so that Zheng Qiqi鈥檚 True Qi was able to control the chilly ice crystals of his True Qi condensed sea, and the grotesque sharp ice blade on the ice wall ejected from the thick Qi into the ice cloud. The coldness is pervasive, the skin is invaded into the bones, the heart and lungs are frozen, and the ice blade is wrapped around the Taotao ice blade…

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