“That is, this kind of witchcraft is not spiritual?” Nick was surprised: “I thought they were like Strange, what are these witchcraft? I know how to deal with them later!”

“A lot, most folk techniques – Meishan in China, Black Mass in Russia, Black witchcraft in Africa, and some witchcraft in Voodoo, including magic! Spirit requires faith to exert strength, but also will A kind of power, whether it is Satan or Jesus, many of the mass spells used by their church belong to this category.”

Nick skillfully put on gloves, he wore a black dress, and even a black hood with a hood, Chen Ang said with a smile: “What are you doing with those things? Although you are bald, you don’t Reflective, in fact, you go out naked, no one can see you without turning on the lights!”

“If you say this to me elsewhere, I will warn you of racial discrimination!” Nick pointed to Chen Ang.

“Here?” Chen Ang asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Here!” Nick remembered the unpleasant experiences on the way here, and said: “In Louisiana, this is already a friendly speech towards blacks! There are black people everywhere, and the white people are still squinting at his mother. I. I always ask myself doubts, isn’t the South still liberated?”

Nick raised his tactical small hand signal: “Will you go out like this? I think we are like two thieves in the night!”

“Don’t alarm them…” Chen Ang held the flashlight and stepped out of the door. The dim light on the corridor illuminated their vague shadows. They walked down the stairs and began to use the lobby on the first floor as a dividing line. . Chen Ang told Nick in tactical sign language that he left and left.

Nick flashed his flashlight and touched it to the left.

He actually has some doubts in his heart – why did Chen Ang ask him to come here? Dignified Aegis and the two shields of the Holy Shield, like second-rate detectives, explored an old (for Americans) house, and he knew what Chen Ang seemed to be looking for. They have a tacit understanding.

When some clues showed that the owner of the house and the house was weird, Nick had no reason not to play with Chen Ang.

In particular, some important information revealed by some signs is that the secret in this house is related to voodoo.

Nick knows that among the five seals that make Aegis and St. Shield a headache, there is one of the voodoos, which makes it hard for Nick to feel that it has nothing to do with the seal.

Nick pushed the first door from the left side of the porch and saw two silhouettes in the dark room at the door. He saw the black shadow standing at the door at first sight, letting Nick almost make out his joint skills. Broke its head, but soon Nick will return to God – just two people, and the doll is tied with straw.

Look at the eyebrows and look at it – more terrifying.

The flashlight of the flashlight shines from the bottom of the doll, and the light from the bottom to the top hits the face. Because of the terrifying valley effect and the shadow effect of the light, it is very embarrassing. In the dark old house, the more terrifying, but Nick is like a familiar friend, with his arms on his back and his arms around his neck – if he is still a neck.

Nick sniffed the strange smell of the dummy. He sniffed a few times, then pulled out the dagger, and opened the pillowcase with a knife to reveal the shape of the straw bales inside. He broke the dummy and found that the scarecrow was covered with lime. Things, like the dry internal organs of animals.

There is also sulphur – what he just smells is the smell of sulphur.

Nick quickly and carefully searched the room and found that there was nothing inside. He only found a few smaller puppets. He came to the next room. This time he was prepared, but when he opened the door, he hanged. The dummy at the door still surprised him. The dummy wraps around the rope and hangs through the ceiling lights.

This time the dummy is much finer – it is a plastic model, his hands are twisted and tied behind his back, his neck is slanting, Nick has a strange feeling, this dummy seems to be somewhat different from the one in the previous house. Although the dummy in the last room seems to be a dead object, this sentence, although much finer, at first glance, gives Nick a sense of life.

When he had just opened the door, Nick swears as the king of his own agent – he will never confuse the difference between a dummy and a corpse. The murderer, the corpse he has seen than the average person can see. Much more.

But this time he got confused! He almost thought it was a hanging body – so he was shocked.

Nick carefully observed the dummy. He felt that this dummy had a unique vitality. In other words, it was artistic expression. There was no difference in the rough look, but Nick sure that if they look at the artists, they will find out. The vitality of the dummy, in other words, the ordinary dummy is just a prop, but here is this – like a work of art.

Artwork usually gives people a vague feeling, showing some inner, living things.

Nick noticed this kind of thing. He saw the dummies’ struggles, and they struggled while hanging in the air. It was in fear, releasing the inner tension, and it appeared at the door, seemingly guarding something. Then that kind of thing came in and it was hanged in the air, struggling, resisting this kind of thing.

Then was swallowed up, eroded by…

Feeling here, Nick suddenly felt that the touch of his own touch had changed. It was no longer the kind of stiff, inelastic plastic, but cold, slippery, like human skin without temperature, with strong mouth and nose. The stench, Nick felt that the dummy he had caught was starting to stick to himself.

Its hands begin to grab themselves!

But he still has the embers to observe the room – this is a room where someone has lived, and there are traces of human activity not long ago, and countless tiny details show it.

Nick believes in his observation. At this time, the cold and smooth body has slipped into his chest, like the body that was soaked in the water was fished out, and then stuck with him – Nick felt all kinds of The feel of the body, male, female, old, young, burned, drowned, suicidal, murdered, rotten, fresh!

At this moment, he has no fluctuations in his heart, and even has the urge to sleep with it.

But his reason prevented him from continuing to make such madness, so Nick had to insert his big hand into the doll’s hair, groping between the slender neck of the collarbone, and then twisting his hands slightly to plasticize The doll’s head twisted, and he held the doll’s head in his hand, like holding a basketball, and making a random shot.

The big black hand can hold a basketball firmly in his hand. Compared to this, the head of a small woman is nothing.

He threw the doll’s head out, his head bounced off the wall, and Nick was taken in the hand. He performed a shooting action for the sex – slam dribble, three steps on the blue, super far three points ball……

The doll’s hair wrapped around his hand seemed to be protesting.

Chen Ang’s voice came from behind him, and he looked at Nick’s eyes with some sort of weird look at the metamorphosis: “When are you going to play?”

“Are you finished checking?” Nick was surprised.

“I don’t have you so slow… so there is… interest.” Chen Ang said: “Every room has dolls, all kinds of materials, but there is a trace of someone living in the room, the doll in the room. It’s a bit strange!”

Nick hangs his head in his hand and asks, “I am here… is there anything strange?”

“That is a leather doll, according to my experience – like a human skin!” Chen Ang said lightly.

Nick gestured to the head of the doll tied to his waist and said, “I seem to move!”

“And…” Nick hesitated for a moment: “It seems like something is looking for something in this room, and the dolls are like guards guarding these rooms. Once they come in, they will catch the dolls, they The target you are looking for can get away from it. What do you mean by those things?”

Chen Ang said with a slight smile : “Of course, the person who lives in the room… or something that is not human!”

“Two rooms that have lived in people!” Nick threw the head of the doll, one by one, and the one without the head squirmed and crawled on the ground. This picture can scare people out of heart disease, but the two in the room. People don’t care.

“There are strange dolls in the room, and it seems to protect the people in the room. All the dolls have traces of witchcraft. But the two people who lived in the room, the dolls are the most different.” Nick Chi chi laughed: “Let’s check the rest of the room on the first floor!”

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