Three hours ago, in a huge palace made up of the finest white marble on Earth, Maximus sat on the throne of his big brother, the black bat king, and summoned all the alien members.

In the brightly lit great hall, all sorts of strangers came to the palace to see their king.

The aliens have advanced technology compared to Earth. Through the misty crystal of Terrigan, they get a variety of super powers from the genes they have been transformed. At the same time, however, this artificially modified super-human race, like their reference object, mutant, caused various gene damage and deformities.

They developed ethnography—a study that was absolutely banned in the Earth social environment.

Ethnography is the artificial optimization and selection of human artificial interference genes. In short, it is the human breeding of crops and the breeding of pet breeds like Earth, through artificial intervention to screen traits and cultivate races.

When Chen Ang observed many world lines, he once made a hypothesis—if a slave civilization continues to move forward, what kind of specific social performance will emerge with the advancement of science and the development of society? He observed the world in which the slave system continued to develop after the victory of the South in the American Civil War.

In that world, Americans did not eliminate the slave system with the development of technology, but developed it more scientifically.

That is ethnography, also known as the breeding and cultivation of humanoid species.

Modern breeding and breeding techniques, in the use of pets, have produced a large number of special species, taking dogs as examples – border collies, Keji, German Shepherd, Teddy, Golden Retriever, Husky and other pet dogs and work dog.

The methods used are roughly anti-ethical and anti-ethical measures such as bloodline records, inbreeding and trait screening.

But dog owners who indulge in the special traits of pet dogs never care about this. They never thought about a dog that mutated a good trait. How to inherit this trait, even to a stable level, imagine Not why modern purebred pets have genetic diseases.

Because pet traits are cultivated almost 100% will use anti-ethical means, screening traits in the same litter of puppies, and breeding each other, the bloodline of a large breed of pet dog can almost go back to such one or two Pet dogs, breeders will let them multiply at a frequency that seriously harms the body.

In this way, the population can be expanded in a short period of time – a large number of unqualified puppies are destroyed, and a large number of qualified dogs are proliferated at a high frequency in adulthood, which can seriously damage health.

This is the history of modern pets, and almost all new breeds of dogs are from Western countries.

But Europeans and Americans who treat dogs as family members have never protested the source of their cute dogs, protesting those ‘bloodline’, which is purely bloodline but stems from anti-ethics.

And these means, from the pet to the slave, only need to break through a little bottom line.

The southern farmers of the United States of America soon learned to manually screen their slaves. They first cultivated a lower IQ, but the kindness of the pro-masters – this seems unbelievable, all human rights experts, well-known It is claimed that the free will of the person is unshakable, the freedom is great and sacred, the life is equal and free, and there is no difference in IQ between everyone.

However, in the field of pet dogs, the IQ of Jin Mao and Teddy are very different, and there are also differences between their loved ones and violent and aggressive. No one would think that Jin Mao and Dugan, the Tibetan mastiff’s aggression is the same.

People don’t dare to mention the difference in IQ between people, but every professional dog trainer will talk about how high the IQ of the Border Collie is, and how much Tibetan mastiff has no brain.

This is science—science is universal, re-validable, and sometimes even anti-human.

Dogs can develop considerable trait differences – why can’t people? The Pygmies are known as the “miniature peoples of Africa” and their height is 1.30-1.40 meters. They are physically strong and live in the Idoli region of northeastern Zaire in central Africa. The average IQ is 54, which is only smart. A little cetacean.

The age at which the Pygmies are mature is eight years old!

This is the special race of natural selection – and the Confederate States only need to introduce artificial breeding and optimization studies, and soon the population of black working slaves is nurtured! They are honestly obedient, have low IQ, and have a single stable trait – Americans can basically not worry that the slave will rebel, and don’t worry that someone among them will stand up and scream aloud – I have a dream!

Then there is the population differentiation of the working people – some farms need a slightly higher IQ, and then they will develop a slave with a higher IQ. The slave does not need to live too long. When it is not working, it must be disposed of – But the processing is costly. The farmers will not slaughter the slaves themselves, they will give the coalition government a sum of money, and the old slaves will be taken away, they will not know where to go.

However, this kind of treatment is for money, so there is a demand for working people without old age.

The genre selection will reach those ages where they can’t work and breed. About forty years old, there will be natural death’s races – the farmer hopes that the slave can work early, and the adult time will be shortened. In the end, I will cultivate an adult about 15 years old. When I reach the age of 45 in the middle age, I will naturally death’s race.

Slave has different job requirements. If you enter the factory for repeated labor, dry farming, and textile, you will cultivate different races. As with dogs, in the increasingly developed society, the work-assisted needs of dogs are gradually being replaced by pet needs.

And the farmer also has entertainment and companionship needs – there are many black mixed-races in Washington.

At this time, the cultivating work of the human race has a new direction of development – pet race!

So they created a cultivating factory, breeding beautiful and docile people, producing a variety of slaves for different purposes, the development of a slave system, and even threatening the extent of American reproduction and family, so that the coalition government had to legislate Forced teenagers to have two children at least before 25.

In the new era, after the rapid development of gene science, the world line will play more and more until Chen Ang can’t see it, giving the American Union a rock that completely destroyed the world line.

In the People’s Revolution, human breeding is a small number of scientific disciplines that have not developed at all. The People’s Revolutionary Union has developed into a civilization that is qualified to say that human beings are equal. Even if there are differences in innate qualifications, In further republics, innate qualifications have not hindered human development. In this civilization, equality of opportunity has covered the inequality of congenital qualifications.

People are equal in morality and personality, then they are absolutely equal.

People are not born equal and free, not God’s natural rights – at least Chen Ang never thought about this.

It is in the constant struggle of mankind, through the continuous efforts of the moral standards established by the common emotions of human beings, to achieve equality and freedom. Morality is one of the greatest parts of civilization. This is the two ideological systems established by the Republic. The ultimate humane value that represents human morality.

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