“If the devil is Angel…” Johnny Blaze has a dissent: “They can’t even enter the church!”

“Because they have sinned.” Chen Ang said: “So it was punished by the Messiah.”

“Because they tempted people to fall and sin?” Johnny Breze said: “God gave them the responsibility of judging sinners, but they tempted people to fall?”

“No, no, you misunderstood what I meant. First of all…not God gave them the responsibility. But the Messiah, God did nothing, he just created, it was Creator. And the Messiah is everything. You can also call it fate. It is not the sin of the devil and the devil to induce the soul to fall. In fact…that is their duty, to create the devil, to divide and punish human beings, fishing law enforcement… It is also law enforcement.”

“Their sin is that they slay each other for fear of future trials. The Messiah appointed seven ancient demons, but they succumbed to each other… This is the arrangement that provokes the Messiah, so… they are guilty. Betrayed the Messiah’s arrangement for them.”

“No leader will care about your little bit of the line of authority, or gray is overpowered. It is only when the leader wants to pack you, that is the evidence, but every leader will care about your challenge to others. So, They are bad luck.”

“And… you want evidence, the evidence is in what you just said!” Chen Ang stared at him.

Johnny Breze recalled what he had just said, but he still didn’t understand it.

Chen Ang had to remind him: “You just said that the devil and the devil can’t walk into the church. In fact, in my experience of dealing with the cult problems in North America, the devil’s family can’t walk into the church, only their Admirers, demon believers who are not assimilated by their power, can walk in, but you can come and go in the church.”

“This is a very clear proof that you have a part of Angel – even if it is vengeance Angel.”

“So…God didn’t give up on me!” Johnny Blaze excitedly said: “He didn’t give up my father, his soul will go to heaven?”

“Wait a minute…God didn’t give up anyone…no one will give up his ‘property’. I promise you belong to him from head to toe, from soul to body. But he just doesn’t care, you are just small money, he is not The Savings Party did not save your soul in heaven.”

“God is a wealth manager who likes to invest and keep running his property.”

“So… your souls are generally continually invested in … operations. Constantly investing … saving what, does not exist, this does not meet the principles of financial management.”

“You just said that the spirit of revenge is Angel!”

“So!” Chen Ang flipped through the small book: “You belong to Messiah Operations Management. It is the capital that is temporarily operated by Him.”

“The church…” What Johnny Blaze wants to say, the soul does not belong to God, it is very important for believers, although Johnny Blaze is not a believer, but as a traditional American, or a southerner He still cares about this, which is why he is obsessed with the soul of his own father.

It can be seen that the capital of Messiah’s operation and management for Chen Ang has indeed developed well and the management level is very high.

Like Tianqi Chen himself, his management level is very low. In the hands of Messiah, human beings are happily becoming his property, but in the hands of the apocalypse, the resistance of the property is fierce.

Of course, there are also reasons for the different purposes of Apocalypse investment. The capital of Apocalypse is used for experiments. The small thing of capital appreciation has always been the responsibility of managers like Messiah. The four knights belong to the head of the functional department of Apocalypse, and the specific affairs are all done by them.

In fact, Chen Ang felt that the Messiah was very good, and the inferior asset that had no experimental value – the monkey, after his operation and transformation, became a high-quality asset with great experimental value – human!

The value-added speed can be said to be very fast!

Messiah can be said to be very capable!

Chen Ang vowed to teach him: “The church is not managed by God… I ask you, who is in the middle of the church? Who is hanging on the cross? Who established the church? Who is redeeming mankind?”

“My Lord Jesus!” answered Johnny Breze.

“That’s right! What temple to go to, what god to worship? For the church of Jesus, you let God do things… This is not reliable! So… you have to recognize your position. You are Murphytos. Controlled, and symbiotic with Angel, but ultimately the humans managed by Messiah. Ownership belongs to God…but the control belongs to Messiah.”

Johnny Blaze was somewhat confused by Chen Ang. He vaguely felt logically correct, but in terms of the truth and belief he learned from the Bible, these statements are almost irrelevant.

“But God and Jesus are not this attribute!” Johnny Blaze stressed.

“Promotional things, you are an administrative person in a system, not suitable for questioning or opposing!” Chen Ang said to the table: “You are half Angel, Angel – is the spirit of service. It is God’s beach. Civil servants, as civil servants, things in the faith, you are not suitable to mention. The belief is how the believer is, the confession is the human thing. The human understanding of the Messiah is your Angel should mention?”

“God is not merciful, Messiah is not bright, believers can question, but you have an Angel questioning. When God sent you to test humans, you have to ask – is this not in the spirit of the Bible? Your ass Where are you sitting? People are dying sooner or later, so you won’t end up as a human being. So how do you recognize your position when Angel and human identity conflict?”

Johnny Blaze has a mess in his head, and his feelings of the world are fragmented. I am a evil spirit knight, a human being who has signed a contract with the devil, born to be a human being, long and human… How did it become Angel? ?

Philip Paradise lives and dies…

shut up! I have embraced the cranky thoughts in my head… Johnny Breze said: “What do you think I should recognize my position…”

“Of course, where the butt is down, where is the position. Human beings are just the stools where your ass is sitting temporarily. Angel is your life’s position… After you die… Messiah is in accordance with God’s position. Liquidate you.”

“How do I recognize my inner decision?” Johnny Breze asked: “What is the difference between Angel’s and human positions?”

“…” Chen Ang picked up the beer channel: “I will ask you… God wants the final judgment, do you support it?”

“I…” Johnny Blaze is speechless:

“Destroy the world… Kill all human beings and recreate another world. According to the Old Testament, there are not many people on the Lamb book… Of course, reality is not the case. But the Last Judgment is a topic you will never avoid. … is Angel as a substitute for God to judge humans, or as a human being to judge… You see identity conflicts very much!” Chen Ang said.

“For example, like Angel of Revenge, destroying Babylon and destroying the Tower of Babel… This is Angel’s work. People can have a position, but Angel’s identity, your position must be consistent with God. The devils have their own The position is only falling from Angel…”

“I don’t know…” Johnny Breeer said, “I don’t know how to do it…”

“Have you come here as Angel asked me?” He looked up and asked: “These shouldn’t be you asking me.”

I am God, I can’t ask… Chen Ang is speechless.

“I am not Angel… I am just an organization that guards humanity. I want to ask you your attitude.” Chen Ang said: “Do you know?… Murphytos joined an alliance that tried to destroy half of the life of the universe. Their first step is to prepare to destroy humanity.”

“And you are the most powerful evil knight controlled by Murphytos.”

“So I need to know that as a member of humanity, it is the soul of Murfitos, what is your position. Further, as half is Angel, generally human existence, you are in the later doomsday trial. What is the position? God prepares for the final judgment, and people come to resist. Do you support it?”

Johnny Breze stunned: “These things, I can’t answer in a short time.”

“We don’t care about your answer… because the answer always changes. I just want you to know… Your actual behavior is your final answer. After we step out of this circus, there will be a silver cane. When the old man walks in, he will invite you to save the universe. The first step is to destroy us.”

“And when you appear on the battlefield… we will be sure of your attitude towards you, even all evil spirit knights.”

“Think about it!” Chen Ang stood up and said, “You will come across from us, but if your will wants to fight Murphytos, we will help you get rid of its control, if not… Then we are the enemy!”

Chen Ang left this sentence and turned and walked with Steve and walked out of the circus.

“What did you say to him?” Steve asked. “I heard a lot of secrets about religion… You actually think that Apocalypse is really God…he is not!”

“For Angel…he is!”

“The People’s Federation of Trade Unions is not afraid of a Galaxy warlord. Sanos is nothing in front of us. Even if he unites many allies, we care about the apocalypse… so this attitude is the most important. As for the other… strong Nie Breze and the other evil spirits will not choose Murphytos. They can fight against the demon for a St. Van Gogh contract. What about the whole man?”

“But in the Apocalypse, those Angels, including Murphytos and Satan, including the evil spirits, will they resist their Creator? Although the devil and the devil have their own positions, it is still difficult to say. After all, they Never challenged the Messiah positively, even the most rebellious demons.”

“Those devils and demons are only daring to poke some of the Messiah’s acquiescence. When the Apocalypse disaster breaks out, they can be the best results for the onlookers, in case those who turn around continue to surrender to the surrender Saiya, turned into a fate army, Messiah army, backhand will be able to pit us a big pit!”

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