In the floating pyramid command room, Steve holds the Aegis, is undergoing weapon adaptation training, and the eagle eye sits next to his own bow and arrow, seeing Steve holding the ancient Egyptian Aegis, taking said with a smile: “After you lose a shield, there is always a new one. The captain of the Captain America should be the round shield. Or should you rename it shield?”

Steve buckled the shield and said: “Don’t make fun of it, this is the relic of the ancestors!”

“The SHIELD takes it as a symbol!” Hawkeye said: “You took it to fight, and if you broke it, Nick Fury couldn’t spare you!”

“This shield is born to protect humans!” Steve picked up Aegis:

“Now it’s just for the purpose it should do!”

“I still remember the words I heard when I was trained at SHIELD…” Hawkeye said: “We are a shield that guards humans between the known world and the unknown world!”

At this time, Chen Ang came over and said to them: “Come here… a meeting!”

When several people felt the meeting place, there were already many people here. Chen Ang said: “In response to the crisis of the African continent and the restart of the apocalypse disaster, we launched the floating fortress built by ancient civilizations and rebuilt the guardian of humanity. The Holy Shield Brother will. The spear is in the East, the Shield is in the West… and only the power of the East and West is gathered, and the Holy Shield Brother will be the complete brother!”

“I and Captain Steve, as the initiators of the contradictions, invited Prince Thor of Asgard, Sergeant Strange of Kama Taj, the original Shield’s Hawkeye, and Falcon Sam, Kama Taj’s Master Pharaoh, the five ancient guardian tribes in Vakanda’s Panther Techara…

“I am going to introduce you to a few new members!”

Chen Angbone barely fell, and a few people pushed the door of the conference room and walked in. Steve and others turned around and saw the surprised expression on the face of the coming person. The eagle eye is more complicated. Staring at one of them.

Chen Ang noticed the expression of the eagle eye, said with a smile : “There are many acquaintances… yes!”

He pointed to one of the sleek, backward-looking red-haired female agents who introduced to the crowd: “The People’s Revolutionary Union of Soviet Union, Natasha! You should be familiar… She is your former colleague. As a Soviet specialist Commissioner, join the Holy Shield fight. There are also European Commissioners… Merlin and Arthur…”

Natasha walked straight to the conference round table and sat down and sat down.

And the European Commissioner Merlin is a bearded old man, wearing a cloak and carrying a long stick, and Arthur is a rough-faced, square-faced man with a long sword on his back.

“The Special Representative of China for the PCT, Kong Kenan. Like Natasha, he is a member of the former liberator, and now joins the Shield Brothers as a special commissioner!”

Kong Kenan is now an energetic young soldier with a very obvious military style. Even sitting in a chair, his back is involuntarily straight. Everyone thought that when people came together, the last talent came in with high heels and saw her Steve surprised to stand up: “Little pepper!”

“Or call me Kelly!” Little pepper shrugs indifferently: “I am already disappointed with the bastard… just someone invited me to come here!”

“I thought about it, if someone invited me to save the world… then why not?” The little pepper was ready with a smile.

Steve opened the next position for her. After the small pepper was finally seated, it will be reorganized on behalf of the Holy Shield Brother.

Chen Ang looked around at everyone and turned to ask the little peppers: “You don’t want to fight wearing this thing!” He reached out and raised a set of women’s steel armor in the center of the round table, Chen Ang said. “This is the work that Anthony Stark encountered when he went to visit the People’s Revolution. The child modified it as a graduation project for his manual class… I hope Mr. Stark will not Sued him for infringement of patents.”

“I am not the kind of woman!” The little pepper replied broadly: “I hope that when I wear it to fight, I can give Stark a touch.”

“I have talked with Nick Fury about the Holy Shield Brother. He said that as a member of the Aegis, he will give us support. The SHIELD base and equipment personnel can coordinate the borrowing, and the UR. Expressing support for us, they will support some of the materials and technology of the original divine lance bureau.”

“So…” Chen Ang gestured to Xiaojiao: “Don’t worry about it, Stark has only one group to support his toy, you can now endorse the holy shield, which is supported by both East and West. The warship will be our logistics base. However, although this floating warship is powerful, some technologies have fallen behind. It will be supported by the Republic and you can participate in maintenance and renovation if you wish!”

“Okay… Gossip is going to be said later.” Chen Ang put the steel trenches in the arsenal, and the light above the center of the round table projected a light into a projection of the African continent continent on the round table, of which KWanda, Dubai The tribes and the Haitian voodoo headquarters coming out of the special projection are marked with the light of the silver.

Steve said: “We now know that the five ancient tribes that guarded the apocalypse, four of them are unknown and unknown, they have the power to guard the war knights – the victorious Vukanda, guarding the death knight power – Voodoo dolls, originally located in Benin, later moved to Voodoo in the Americas, and the Dubai-Asian tribe that guards the famine knight’s power, the Sun Steps.

“These three tribes have been colluded by the ebony throat of the arms dealer Ulysses Crow, the traitor of the Karma Taj, the Baron of Mortu, and the Atlantis, and the power of the Apocalypse four knights has fallen into the hands of the ebony. “”

“There are still Ebola tribes that are preserved in the plague knight’s power – the original virus, and have not yet fallen into the ebony throat.”

“The ancient tribes that preserved the power of the Apocalypse Messiah, and now the ebony throat should not know where they are!”

Techara indulged for a moment, saying: “In fact, even though I am the head of one of the five ancient tribes, the identity of King Vacanda, I don’t know the last ancient tribe, the tribe that holds the power of destiny. It’s as if my ancestors erased all their traces.”

“So, the ebony throat as an alien, it is even more impossible to know where they are, they should be safe!”

Chen Ang added: “In fact, only the Holy Shield Brother will know where they are. But for confidentiality, I can’t tell everyone here.”

“So now, they only have one goal – the Ebola tribe!” Natasha held the elbows on the table and held the road.

“Yes…” Chen Ang went on to say: “And we suspect that the reason why they did not start with Ebola may be to use it as a trap to lure us out, and then through us, to know the location of the last seal. But even if this is a trap, we can’t refuse it.”

“Because Zhenjin, Sun Ladder and Voodoo are recovering!” Steve asked. “Is it?”

“Yes, the sun ladder will unlock the evolution lock of nearby creatures. The gold will begin to recover slowly, the nature will be active, solve all material problems, open the scientific lock of human civilization, and the voodoo doll will bring nearby people. , transforming into another state, opening the lock of the soul… Its memetic effect will start to infect on a large scale, starting with those voodoo wizards!”

“Before, just a sun step created a different kind of ‘Blood’ that almost destroyed humanity. The delay was delayed, and the consequences were unimaginable. So we have to count on it, completely destroy them in the Ebola tribe, and re-seal the remnants of the Apocalypse four knights. thing.”

Chen Ang said in a dignified tone: “If we fail…”

“In human history, only one after another faces the civilization that simultaneously untied the power of the Apocalypse four knights. It is the ruined ancient civilization of Babylon. Because the Tongtian Tower plan is considered to be a signal to meet the test of the apocalypse, about that time. The disaster, without any record, we only know that the disaster killed all the ancient civilizations of Together, leaving the entire ancient human civilization to a silence, resulting in the rise of modern humanity.”

“Until now, Atlantis talents dare to make a comeback!”

“I don’t want us to face this level of test!”

Steve said: “Maybe worse, if the secret of the fifth tribe is also mastered by the ebony?”

Chen Ang puts his hands on the table, said with a slight smile: “Then we are the first civilization to face the challenge of unwrapping five seals at the same time. I really don’t want this to happen… but if it happens. We Only… fight back!”

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