Jadaka wore a black panther coat made by Zhenjin. Compared to the coat of Techara, Jadaka’s suit was decorated with golden as a color, and the mask had obvious money markings. According to the tradition that Vakanda can only be called a black panther, there is no Jadaka that has not been enthroned, or it can be called a leopard!

The leopard shirt, although also from the hands of Su Rui Princess, but after Jadaka seized the battle suit, it was transformed by Crow with superb acoustic technology.

Therefore, when Jadaka was wearing a gold-colored decorative and money-spotted war suit, there was an air barrier around the battle shirt that was like a steam that distort the light.

Before the Techara reaction, Jadaka’s lance was shot out, and with the unique nature of Zhenjin, a silver light lance was silent, only to see the afterimages left in the air, sharp Nearly invincible spearhead, pointing to Techara’s left chest.

In addition to the sharp claw that comes with the suit, the Panther does not carry weapons.

The distance between the two sides is about three or four meters, but Jadaka in the package of the war suit seems to cross the space to penetrate the heavy barrier, almost inconceivable in front of Techara, surrounded by a steam-like air barrier, like The waves waved like a layer of ripples, and the violently distorted air refracted the light, refracting the lance waved silver light, deceiving Techara’s eyes.

Techara only had time to cross his arms and hugged his chest.

Then I felt my hand sinking, lance and his arms collided, making a dull sound, and then an unbeatable force came from the point of contact. Techara couldn’t stop and continued to retreat. Steps, I barely lived in the house.

There is a panic in Techara’s heart – I don’t know how Crow has transformed this suit. The acoustically modified leopard suit has no sound, breaks through the sound barrier, and walks on the ground without causing any sound. The speed of the breakthrough sound barrier distorts the air around the suit, causing the light to refract.

In the case of this kind of visual and auditory deception, the special investigation could not cope with the attack of Jadaka.

And Jadaka’s spear is amazing. He uses a spear as a stick, waving between the materials of the stick and vibrating the gold. When wielding the deformation, he accumulates powerful kinetic energy, which is equivalent to every time Jadaka swings lance. They are all building up their strength, and these forces will only erupt when they fight with Tracha.

This is equivalent to every time Techara and him fight, will be completely suppressed by power.

Soon he was hit several times, the body under the suit was severely bruised, the rib bones faintly burning, and there seemed to be symptoms of bone fracture.

And Jadaka’s bare-handed technique is also very ruthless, the American special forces, the killing devil in Afghanistan’s killing people like scything flax, and his fighting style, which is clear of the human weakness, is even more deadly, letting Techara It is difficult to parry.

The captain of the United States confronted Moses Magnum and wanted to make a quick decision. This is not an unimaginable thing. After all, Moses Magnum is only an arms dealer. It is a mercenary. It belongs to ordinary humans. It is difficult to compare with the Superhuman class that Steve used Super Warrior SErum.

Therefore, the US team used the military fighting techniques that he learned in the army and clean.

But Moses Magnum only opened the right hand, and the hoe was smog with a white powder of smoke. He wore windproof glasses and a gas mask. How can Steve not be surprised?

Steve rolled on the spot and held the vibrating shield in his hand: “Sprinkle the sand… Is this a child fight?”

“I am very old!” Moses Magnum said: “You bully me such an old man with a broken leg. Can I still play tricks?” “And what about the means of fighting? What is useful? I spilled the irritating toxic powder, which is specifically aimed at the human cornea!”

The US team slammed in the past: “On the respect of the elderly… I am ten years older than you!”

Moses Magnum’s wind-proof glasses on his eyes suddenly shot a strong white light, and the white light that emanate was very strong. A cigarette-sized light bulb illumined the entire palace hall.

The US team was caught off guard and felt that their golden eyes were bright and bright!

Then there was a sharp pain in the toes. He held his feet, resisted the pain, and angered, screaming at the eyes with tears, and vaguely seeing Moses Magnum lifting his shoes, Moses wore. There is a half-hand-sized thick-bottomed gold heel at the heel of the shoe.

The heel was even made into a small hydraulic mechanism. When his foot was lifted, the heel would be retracted. When he stepped on it, the heel would be like a hammer. .

This not only gives a reverse impact, it allows him to move faster, and there is a special bonus to the footsteps.

Moses Magnum’s double-fisted punches with a barbed punch, allowing the US team to only use the shield to parry, but also to prevent him from spitting, of course, spit out is also a highly corrosive saliva.

The US team has to cope with his attack, and the other side has to deal with his endless small movements, including… the squatting legs of the toe with the golden thorns and the impact hammer. Moses Magnum’s feet are like a hook. Like the Shanwei, it is able to attack the ‘critical’ of the US team from various angles and timings.

Every part of his body has become a ‘weapon’, with special modifications, including, but not limited to, inserting, smashing, **, lock throat, inserting knife. The movement technique is extremely erratic, good at staggering steps, repeated jumps, rolling and ground skills. In fact, Magnum has always wanted to fight with Steve.

But Steve succeeded in avoiding direct contact with him with his superb fighting skills.

Even so, in the face of Moses’ endless stream of ‘high-tech’ props, Steve couldn’t help but scare a cold sweat. He hid several ‘human mines’ that were hit by a sudden burst of strong currents. Suddenly a violent human body flash bomb, as well as a hardened hidden weapon, from time to time will also detonate two disability bombs, tear gas, shocking bombs.

Moses Magnum, a defensive measure that he had prepared beforehand, sneaked Steve, who was unable to guard against it.

Steve really felt what was called stalker, wretched flow fighting, Moses even installed a vibrating gold blade on his nails, specially used to scratch the face, Steve did not check, was He scratched his face and immediately saw five deep scars.

Even Chen Ang, who was on the sidelines, was attacked by Moses as a weapon, playing the most imaginative attack. The eagle eye and other people saw that the antelope was like an antelope hanging corner. Even more shocked by a cold sweat.

Chen Ang said with emotion: “Is this the legendary, unrestricted fighting technique created by the martial arts Grandmaster Chen Hezhen?”

“I didn’t expect the national wind to die, a generation of legendary martial arts, I can see it on this vast African land…”

After seeing Moses pull out two iron balls, a piece of iron mesh woven with hair-sized gold wire was popped up in the air, and the US team was tightly entangled, giving rise to the sneak peek of this year when Yang Guo was helpless. Swinging the entangled Steve’s crotch with his heel, the strong plasma and impact drill mechanism on the shoe, let the onlookers have an unspeakable pain, the eagle eye had to put on a magnetic arrow, want to save Steve.

At this time, Zheng Shangqi, who did not shoot in front of the eagle’s eye, blocked the arrow of the eagle eye.

Hawkeye said sternly: “I don’t want to hurt a child… so you better let it go!” He pointed the arrow at Zheng Shangqi.

Zheng Shangqi calmly said: “Your opponent is me! Although I do not agree with his martial arts, but this is not the reason you can besiege… we, one-on-one!”

The eagle eye helplessly sighed, loosened the bowstring, and the magnetic discharge arrow turned into a residual image, which was shot at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, but Zheng Shangqi just raised a hand and put on the ring of gemstones on the ring finger, slightly brighter. The coldness of silver and white with a clear color instantly freezes everything in front of him.

The metal arrow was frozen in his hand, and with the smashing of the sacred True Qi, the arrow forcibly created by the high-strength alloy was broken.

Zheng Shangqi’s other hand, punched out, white steamed steam boiled, wrapped his fists, filled with smog, white smoke, white True Qi emerged from the white jade ring on the thumb, True Qi abnormal Hot, dense and tenacious, directly defeated the eagle-eye blocked shelf, smashed the eagle-eye block and draped over his chest.

The eagle’s eye fell directly, feeling that a hot True Qi on the chest sealed the valve, so that he could not breathe, let alone counterattack.

“Bi-ice snow…cloud smoke!” Chen Ang sighed: “A good day!”

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