She turned to look at the direction of the fight and Danny’s battle. With the falling of this sentence, the beater suddenly became stagnant, and the mind that had been controlled by the black space actually recovered some inexplicably. He used an incredible look. Looking at Alexandra, then a huge decaying hole suddenly appeared in the middle of the body.

Danny stopped at once and watched the beater become a ash.

Alexandra reached out and beckoned, and no way was put into her hands: “We must together!”

Mrs. Gao trembled: “You have left a secret hand in our body!”

Yali Sandra said: “Is this not a matter of righteousness? A weapon that cannot be controlled, how can I let it hold hands and meet?” Yali Shand stretched his hand and silently suspended in her. In front of him, compared with the beaters, Yali Sandra’s control of the black space is much stronger.

Mi Ge, who danced in the sky, one after another broken skull, green mucus splash, invisible beast with no difficulty biting through their biological armor, they could not detect, nor could they touch the black space, so In the direction that Yali Sandra faced, one of the swarms flying in the sky began to fall.

Luke saw the corner of the black-air power, the powerful Mi Gogh warrior, before the black-air evil beast, no effort to fight back, this is Danny also driving the power of Heavenly Wolf Blade to fly into the sky.

As a knife mark slipped through the sky, the rice in the sky quickly lost water, their mucus was evaporated by the invisible drought, True Qi, and the huge insect body began to wither and shrink, and they dried down to the size of only the baby. Then fall from the sky and fall into pieces.

“Blood robbery – a thousand miles!”

The hot True Qi turns into a hot wind. Wherever it goes, the dust of the sand sweeps up and turns into a dust storm, which obscures the sky halfway. The flying insects are caught by the sandstorm. In the destruction of heavens, extinguish the earth In front of the human form of natural disasters, it seems unusually small, and the caves in the sky are tearing open a hole.

Luke and Alexandra immediately rushed over, but Danny first rushed into the core of the swarm.

He saw that the familiar silage was in the middle of the insect colony, but this human being was not injured by the insects, but the surrounding insects seemed to be guarding him, moving towards Danny issued a threat si si.

Danny trembled: “Ward! I didn’t think it was actually you!”

This is Danny鈥檚 childhood friend and the son of his father, Harold鈥檚 son, Ward Micham. Ward proud of said with a smile: “Danny, you know, I was deeply upset about your arrival. Since I knew you were not dead, I have been afraid of you coming back to take my company.”

“Until Father died, I got some information from him. Originally I wanted to destroy his will, he actually gave the property to you. I was very angry at the time, but I found it from his relics. something.”

Ward laughed: “The old guy, he didn’t take me as his son at all. His death is not an accident, but a conspiracy. A conspiracy to avoid your revenge and also cure your cancer and disability. He and The hand will make a deal, delaying his condition, helping his hand and mining some ancient ruins and classics. In the process, he is more and more familiar with the evil, in order to gain the power to cure his own cancer, he Also traded with some powerful evils.”

“Later, his opponent and his control are tired, and he predicted his death – died in your hands. So he decided to die once, he prepared a spare body for himself, take it out I gave my brain to the monsters. Then I used the rest of the manpower to arrange a sacrifice ceremony to transfer my brain to another young body.”

It can be seen that Ward was almost driven by these conspiracy, and he kept saying: “But I found out his conspiracy. He actually wanted to leave nothing for me. He left the documents and gave all the property to him. With my new identity, I have nothing to do with the younger sister. Because he changed his body, he didn’t treat me as his son!”

“So, after I know all this, I will let him change from a suspended animation to a real death. I also traded with those monsters, that is, to find his brain and kill him.” Ward’s crazy laugh The voice seems to be crying: “I succeeded. I killed a dead person, no one can punish me!”

Danny looked at his crazy friend, silent, and he whispered: “No one will punish you!”

Chen Ang walked slowly and shook his head: “Mie Ge is actually very creditworthy… they won’t use the first transaction of the summon to make a second trade!”

Behind the laughing Ward, another person slowly said: “You always make yourself smart, my son!”

Ward smiled and he slowly turned back, but he saw another self, a young, arrogant Ward. Danny saw this Ward and said “It turned out to be you!” But he guessed wrong.

Ward looked down at his body and was frightened to see that his hands were wrinkles and age spots. He couldn鈥檛 even feel his lower limbs. He couldn鈥檛 stand up. In everyone鈥檚 eyes, he was the one in a wheelchair. Harold.

The following Ward whispered with a smile: “I took my body back and gave it to you. It is to let you see the betrayal of me. You are my son after all, then take me with this. A broken body can live! Haha!” At this time, Ward recalled everything he had desperately forgotten.

He was already crazy. At this time, he suddenly woke up. He remembered that he was summon out of Mi Ge. When he remembered that Mi Ge appeared, he attacked himself and remembered that he was taken off by a meter. And the Mi Gou took out a brain from a barrel container that was one foot high and slightly smaller than one foot in diameter, three strange grooves in an isosceles triangle distributed on the surface of the convex circle.

The brain of your own father!

Then his brain was placed in the brain containment bucket, and his father took his body.

Then, after these strong stimuli, I began to produce hallucinations. He heard what Harold was proud of and said to himself: “How else is your body, my stupid son!”

“Right! You still have a younger sister… I will give birth to her offspring, as my third generation body… Under the old creatures of the old dominator, I will never die!”

Ward’s brain was put back into his father’s body, but at that time, he was already crazy!

Ward’s old body began to tremble violently. He looked up and looked at Danny. He suddenly turned back to his body and was his own father, Harold. But he was immediately pierced by the side of the Mi Ge warrior’s tongs, and Danny took a shot and made the Mi Goi ashes. He flew up and caught his friend.

Ward coughed up the black blood, he struggled, grabbed Danny’s hand, and trembled: “I’m sorry… please kill… kill him! Protect… protect Joey!” Joey is Ward. The younger sister, also Danny’s childhood friend, when Danny took over the company, Joey did not give him a good face, but helped him a lot.

In a short waking, Ward said his last words.

The uncontrollable anger caused Danny to tremble with his fists, his nails almost piercing into the flesh… He put down his buddy’s body, and at this moment his Warrior’s instinct, the power of the gods and soldiers, made him feel the memory of Ward. This man used to want to kill him, but he always loved his younger sister.

In order to protect her, he chose to kill his crazy father, also to protect her, he prayed for his friends…

“Aaah!” Danny madly yelled at Harold… but no severe meters. Ge swarmed and blocked him in front of Harold, not close.

At the moment when Ward died, the bloodshot of the innocent body in the hands of Alexandra began to move. The black iron-like sword, countless bloodshots made the magic blade bloody, Ward’s body, silky blood. Floshed into nowhere, absorbed by it.

Yali Sandra looked at the gods of the mution in her hand and showed the color of surprise.

Chen Ang is behind her, calmly said: “Children against the father, Chen Yujun, wife and father, etc., are inconsistent. The son kills the father, the wife kills the husband, the murderer, the brother kills the brother, the murderer People are blaspheming the world, violating the three principles, reversing the five commons, chaos ethics, and sinless. It is no sacrifice for blood.”

“This blood sacrifice is wonderful!”

“It is obviously a father and a murderer, but from the identity of the body, it is also a child to kill the father. Father took the son’s body and killed the son of the father’s body as a son. This is the biggest violation of the ethics. No wonder it can make you feel inexplicable.”

“The magic blade recasts, you need blood sacrifice, there is no better sacrifice than this!” Chen Ang looked at Yali Sandra and whispered: “Is this really just a coincidence? Unfortunately… still bad A little bit, this blood sacrifice ethics is complex and quality enough. But the power is not enough, either, it needs to be carried out hundreds of times in this kind of anti-traffic killing, or it will be an identity Special, a stronger person presides over the blood sacrifice. Can you recast it!”

“This person, it is best to be a soldier with no way, so no way to be born, often there are soldiers to kill the father and kill the mother, incest and often five virtues. This is the curse of the infinite magic blade, the Shangyu king is killed by the courtiers The resentment, and the curse of the magic blade. The gods have the way of the soldiers, the magic blade has the curse of the magic blade… So, since the ancient gods, the magical blade, the hero of the hero is not good!”

Harold is leaning against Ward’s body and looking at his body with with a smile: “Idiot, do you know how complicated it is to give property? How can I use my own heirs to inherit all my heritage? I am early I chose you! Ward! And Joey is so good, how can I be cheaper?”

Danny sighed with anger: “You are this beast!”

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