“Sanos!” A voice rang in the mind of the tyrant, like the whispers of countless people, the voice whispered quietly: “Sanos, the universe has lost its balance, a terrifying disaster is about to Coming, only you can save the entire universe.”

The tyrant feels that he suddenly appears in a void of the universe. Around his body, there are countless ruins of ruins. In the dark universe, it is quietly suspended. In the distance, it is the three cantilevers of the slowly rotating Milky Way.

The beautiful Milky Way shines with rays of light that are a few more bright than usual.

Among the rays of light, countless magnificent Angels with their faces and wings fluttered by countless brilliances are suspended in the void. Behind them are countless cool-burning stars, and those Angels are slaughtering!

They erased the planet of life on the surface, fighting against some magnificent, magnificent and huge warships, and some relatively incomparably small human beings. The tyrants have some impressions on them. They have recently appeared in the Milky Way and under the tyrants. A mysterious force in the fierce conflict between the legion and the race, they claimed to be the UR.

The huge comet warships obviously have three different styles.

But the human warriors who are being killed by the Angel Corps, or can’t be called humans, are essentially in the clusters of space bubbles that are infinitely shimmering, and in the space bubble, even the tyrants are shuddering. Powerful energy and matter, those space bubbles continue to blast and constantly reform.

Every time it blooms, it hurts those Angels. Every soldier here has the power to make the tyrants move. He even feels fear.

Because every one here, or that is still alive, still exists in every battle, can be erased from the universe with no difficulty.

And this is just a trivial battlefield of the Milky Way. The Milky Way is just a nebula in the universe. Under the control of that inexplicable voice, the tyrants saw the Milky Way, the countless Milky Way galaxy, where many galaxies have been extinguished. Some of them were burnt out by the huge heat of chaos, and some were caught in the cold silence.

Thousands of absolutely galaxy, as well as light and life flashing, but a few.

The tyrant saw the disappearance of countless planets and races, saw the destruction of thousands of absolute river systems, saw the endless wreckage of the darkness of the universe, and saw those among the ruined river systems, many surpass those of the Angel thousand thousand absolutely The existence of them, they cast hands to destroy everything.

No amount of sub-information, a huge consciousness that has come together.

The concept of death in several river systems overlaid by a distorted consciousness algorithm after death.

In the embers of the destruction of the universe, those civilizations that still resist, he saw the heroes in the civilized embers fighting in the end, sunspots, scorpion dragons, black bat kings, ganatas, he even saw the planet of the universe The devourer, the race that maintains the balance of the universe – a group of crystal-like thinking bodies whose collective consciousness has become the planet’s devourer of this universe.

But after the destruction of these last eras, the only civilization survivor, with the mission of maintaining the balance of the universe, as the god of the immune system of the universe, left only a huge wreck.

The tyrant is overwhelmed by the terrifying truth and the sorrow and fear of the tide!

It is difficult for him to look directly at the fierce war that spreads the entire universe, the plague of destruction, the great death, and the famine of civilization, and countless civilizations will die, leaving only their bodies and plunging into the boundless darkness.

The voice said: “This is not a tragedy of the universe, but the destruction of the entire multiverse. You think this is an end, no, this is a beginning! The war, before the timeline you can’t imagine, has already begun. An unparalleled darkness is attacking the multiverse.”

“In order to compete with it, all the great existences in the universe – the life court, the heart of the universe, the transcendental protoss, the observers, the gods group, the revenge Goddess have given their strength and are given to the only five majors that can protect the multiverse. The gods – eternal, infinite, dead, annihilated, and the confluence of residual civilization after the destruction of countless universes – the planet devourers.”

“They are the multiverse itself, only they can stop the invasion and destruction of the darkness.”

“After every universe is destroyed, the power of the five gods of the universe will be scattered over the five gods of other universes. It is by relying on this line of defense that we can survive in the wave of destruction of the excess universe.”

“This is the great balance of the multiverse!”

“Once the balance is broken, the universe will usher in the end, as you can see…” The history of the ruined universe reappeared in front of the tyrant, and countless images of war and destruction crossed in front of his eyes. Such fierce destruction has caused painful mourning.

“The balance in your universe is being broken. You have to stop this situation from continuing.”

“Sanos, the destiny of the universe, is in your hands. Only you can save the universe. Organize this unimaginable dark invasion.” The voice finally exhausted, and the tyrant raised his head and mourned: ” Who are you? Why choose me?”

The shadow of that voice finally appeared. He looked at the tyrant in silence. The tyrant slammed his eyes unbelievably. He heard the voice saying, “I will not deceive you, Sanos. Because…”

“I am you!”

Purple skin, all the scars left by the tragic war, sighed more than the powerful silhouette of the current tyrant.

After the silence was silenced for a long time, he stood up in the dark void: “What do you want me to do?”

“Only you can feel the balance… Sanos! The five gods have their own opponents, among them Dead Goddess…” There was a touch of gentleness in the eyes of the tyrant, and he whispered: “Her opponent is a also known as death’s existence. In order to distinguish, we can call it – death knight.”

“Apocalypse four knights!” The tyrant uttered the name that made him unforgettable.

“It is the four apocalypse knights who destroyed the Titan civilization, but the four apocalypse knights of this universe are still in balance with the five gods, and what you see is nothing but their insignificant power.”

“In your universe, the terrifying balance of the death Goddess and the death knight is out of control. She is gradually unable to compete with that darkness. The death Goddess represents the concept of death in the entire universe, but her authority is being deprived, in death. In the Cavaliers’ war, she gradually could not support it. In my universe, she finally failed!”

“When she lost most of her strength and fell beside me, I became her warrior to meet the tragic and indescribable war. Finally, she died in my arms. I inherited her residual Some power, but the concept of death in the entire universe has been usurped, my strength is negligible.”

“Only one point, the last death Goddess told me that the death knight defeated her secret… Sanos, my universe has been unable to save, I only hope… you can take up the hope of your universe.”

The tyrant clenched his fist, he closed his eyes, and the other scene of the destruction of the universe repeated again in his heart. A tear fell silently, and the tyrant opened his eyes and looked at his own hands: “I will not let this kind of thing.” It happens again, I… will guard everything, even if… pay an unimaginable price!”

“Tell me… how to stop the balance from getting out of control!”

That Sanos looked deeply at the parallel universe and said: “The power of the death Goddess comes from the death of this universe. In the long history of the universe, all life, without exception, will come to an end, and This end represents the power of the death Goddess, so in theory, no one should be able to defeat her, because all the immortality in the universe, in order to resist the darkness, gave up eternal life and promised to die.”

“But the death knight’s state of existence is very strange. It used to be the death of a civilization. The quantum entanglement of consciousness after the death of countless lives, it was only a humble existence at first. But under the dark tending, its power was We can grow at an unimaginable rate. Dead Goddess finally understood the existence of a part of it before it failed.”

“The end of a life will be death, this is the power of the death Goddess. But when it still exists, there are infinite possibilities, including the infinite kind of death’s possible. So, the death force of life is not the most at the moment of its death’s Powerful, but when it has infinite possibilities, the infinite variety of death’s possible superposition state, that is unknowable death.”

“The death that can be known is far less powerful than the unknowable death.”

“With the advent of the war, the existence of life has been eliminated, but this infinite possibility of death has suddenly expanded, and the unknowable death is unprecedentedly powerful, and this is part of the power of the death knight. As life becomes more and more Prosperity, the constant development of war and civilization, the unknown death will be more and more powerful.”

“Until, the death itself is destroyed!”

“This is all the reason why the death knight seizes the authority of the death Goddess…”

“So, to maintain balance, you have to eliminate the unknown death’s possibility of life, and collapse the possible superposition of their infinite kinds of death’s into the only reality. That is… bring death to them! ”

“How much life do I want to kill?”

“Unknown death, against known death! Although the death of life itself can bring the power of death Goddess, but for the death force that has endlessly ended since the birth of the universe, it is insignificant. So…” countless About death’s concepts, data and knowledge are pouring into the minds of the tyrants.

In an instant, the tyrant accepted the knowledge that he passed from another universe and became unprecedentedly powerful.

But he is also an unprecedented pain, so close contact with death, brought him unimaginable damage, the tyrants perceive the death of all things, now he opened his eyes, you can see all the death, you can kill Everything is dead, but this experience brings endless pain.

Because life should not know death!

“Half… actually half!” The tyrant collapsed: “I want to kill half of the life of the universe… Why? Why?”

The skin of the other genocide purple has turned gray, and just as he fell into the death’s moment, he showed an unprecedented desperate expression. He finally looked back and said: “Remember, your goal is not to serve. Death Goddess, your only mission is to maintain balance. Not only is the balance of death Goddess and death knights balanced, but also the balance of death knights and death Goddess. Once the death Goddess loses balance, her instinct of existence will let her destroy the universe. Everything in life. Death is too strong, life will cease to exist!”

After that, another genocide of the universe has fallen into death!

The tyrant also shocked and pained the death of all things he saw. He opened his eyes and saw a galaxy that prospered and prospered, and the essence of death. He sat on the throne’s general aircraft, silently. Looking at all this, he loved the universe, these lives, like never before.

But I have to, personally destroy everything I love.

In order to save the universe, Sanos decided to become a butcher!

Eliminate half of the life of the universe…

The ebony throat felt its own soul, and suddenly it was extremely heavy and oppressive. He knew that only the tyrannical tyrants in the vicinity could bring his telepathy so heavy to almost unbearable pressure. He rushed to the tyrant. Stumbled on the tunnel: “father, why are you so sad?”

“I…” It is difficult to speak out.

The ebony throat looked up and saw the unspeakable death in the eyes of the tyrant. He could barely breathe. His life almost left him. When the ebony throat was going to death’s, the tyrant closed his eyes and whispered. Road: “Ebony throat… Let me be alone for a while.”

The ebony throat wisely retreated and cleared the starry sky where the tyrant was located.

He quits well, deeply fears everything he has seen. For a long time, the tyrants slowly come out of the star field, whispering: “Calling… my army!”

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