As the stone gate broke apart, the four men rushed in with swords in their hands, their eyes locked on Yang Zilei, and they were suddenly startled.

Although the Ant-Man uniform was removed, Yang Zilei still wore a mask on his face at this time, and he did not reveal his identity.

However, these people recognized the mask on Yang Zilei's face when they had a dispute with Lin Yuqing outside the tomb.

"Boy, you have offended Lin Yuqing of Xuanjian Wufu. You dare to come in to the tomb. You really want to die."

A scared warrior stared at Yang Zilei with a gloomy look, and said with a grinning smile: "The treasures in this house must have been taken by you, and all those who are acquainted will spit it out!"

They were outside just now, and they obviously felt the spiritual power fluctuations coming out of this room. According to previous experience, it was most likely a large number of spiritual stones.

But looking at the empty stone house at this moment, the Scarab Warriors naturally knew that they had obviously been swallowed by Yang Zilei, and it took a lot of effort for the four of them to break through the stone gate, but Mao did not get it. Stop it easily.

Yang Zilei looked calm, and among the four, the strongest was the Scar Martial Artist, whose cultivation reached the level of the Star Realm.

The other three have also stepped into the late stage of the spirit pill realm. If they join forces, the lineup is not weak.

But in Yang Zilei's eyes, there was still not enough.

Without any nonsense, Yang Zilei took out the Gatling gun and pulled the trigger directly.

"this is……"

Seeing Yang Zilei taking out such a fierce killer, the expressions of Scar Martial Artist and the others changed drastically. Obviously, they didn't expect Yang Zilei to start fighting without saying a word, and hurriedly urged his spiritual power to condense the body protective aura.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

Suddenly, deafening gunfire resounded throughout the stone house.

The battle ended very quickly. Under the sweep of Gatling machine guns, these greedy warriors all fell to the ground covered with blood holes, and the blood was flowing.

But at this moment, there was a rapid pace again outside the door, and then a dozen figures appeared outside the Shimen, all blocking the door tightly.


Looking at the four dead bodies on the ground, everyone's eyes tightened, and then their eyes moved, looking at Yang Zilei who was standing in the room with quite fear.

Under their gaze, Yang Zilei was expressionless and walked straight over.

"Are all the treasures taken away by him?"

Looking at the empty house, these dozen warriors frowned. Although some suspected that the treasures in the stone house might have been taken away by Yang Zilei, no one dared to act on the latter, or even had the courage to question.

After all, the four corpses here made them understand that the mysterious guy in front of him who dared to offend even Xuanwu Palace was not a good thing.

Therefore, when they saw Yang Zilei walking towards the door, they immediately retreated in fright and unconsciously separated a passage.

Yang Zilei walked through the crowd with an air of calmness, his steady pace without rush, invisibly reveals a strong deterrent effect, and it shocked these people not to make the slightest change.

In this way, Yang Zilei walked out of the stone house casually, and then everyone left here with a little fear.

After turning to the passage in the left corner, Yang Zilei did not intend to continue putting on the Ant-Man uniform.

After all, under this long-distance running, if the body is too small, it will obviously affect the speed.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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