After a while, two men greeted in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

These two are young and old.

The young man wore a purple silk brocade, his face was handsome and handsome, and his facial features were somewhat similar to those of the fourth prince Yanchen.

The identity of this person is obviously the third prince, Yanhong.

Following Yan Hong's body was a bald gray-robed old man with deep eyes, who was looking at Yang Zilei with a smile.

With eyes facing each other, Yang Zilei felt a trance.

Yang Zilei's eyes sank, and the mind of the Jiulong Good Fortune Art started to calm down quickly.

There is no doubt that the old man just displayed a kind of energy similar to mental power and swept his body.

That kind of feeling, as if someone had taken off his clothes forcibly, and looked at his body enough, immediately made Yang Zilei very upset.

"In the late stage of the spirit pill realm, becoming a city lord at a young age, and having this level of cultivation, is really terrifying for the younger generation."

After a brief test, the gray-robed old man nodded slightly, then said with a hoarse smile.

Yang Zilei didn't have such a good temper for this kind of rude behavior just after meeting.

"Respecting the old and loving the young is a virtue."

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth was slightly raised, and he said indifferently: "But without my permission, I use my mental energy to scan my body at will. Don't you think I should apologize first."

Hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the gray-robed old man. The temper of this young city lord was not small.

It seems that without putting pressure on him, he feels that he can become the lord of the City of Chaos, and he really has the arrogant capital.

"Do you know who we are?"

The gray-robed old man squinted his eyes, and said without a smile: "This is the second prince of the Great Yan Dynasty in front of me, and I..."

However, before the gray-robed old man could finish speaking, Yang Zilei interrupted and said faintly: "And you are just a dog."


Hearing this, the gray-robed old man's complexion suddenly turned dark.

"The cultivation base of Xiaoxiaoling Pill Realm's later stage, dare to be so arrogant."

He glared at Yang Zilei, and said in a sharp voice: "You really are in this place where birds don't shit. When you are a small city owner, you are qualified to be mad in front of the old man?!"

Yang Zilei smiled coldly, "At least I wouldn't just use my mental energy to scan other people's abnormal behaviors when they meet."


The face of the gray-robed old man was extremely gloomy at this moment.

When he was young, he was a former chief guard. Although he had retired a few years ago, he assisted His Royal Highness the second prince. Only then did he return to the palace and become Yanhong's personal guard.

Even if the second prince Yanhong speaks with him, he is very polite, but at this moment, he is disobedient by such a low-status small town lord in his eyes?

"If in the past, when I was in charge of the Imperial Guard, just by your words, you could be caught in the dungeon and be punished!"

The gray-robed old man snorted and looked at Yang Zilei with disdain.

As soon as the sound fell, the terrifying aura of a half-step Divine Sea Realm powerhouse burst out suddenly.

Immediately, this tyrannical aura fluctuated, forming an aura, like a mountain, pressing against Yang Zilei fiercely.

"Dare to run wild in my turf!"

Yang Zilei's eyes were cold, and the dragon soul in his body was awakened, and the dragon's essence in his bloodline immediately boiled, transforming directly into the fighting form of a dragon blood warrior.


The violent energy aura rushed from Yang Zilei's body, instantly smashing the compressed aura into an extremely arrogant posture!

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