Three days later.

Yang Zilei finally arrived at the Michuan Mountains with a huge team.

Looking around, this huge mountain range is like a huge treasure, attracting many adventurers.

Although the location of the City of Chaos is surrounded by dense surroundings, it is on the periphery of the mountains. If you want to expand the city, you can only cut down trees from the outside and enter it deep to merge with the City of Chaos.

The city is backed by mountains. This pattern is equivalent to that the entire Michuan Mountain Range has become a huge back garden of the chaotic city, with inexhaustible resources.

After changing his mind, Yang Zilei already had a bold idea.

"Is this the Michuan Mountains? What a spectacular view!"

Damen, Dakushi and many other dragon blood warriors looked at the endless giant mountain range in front of them, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

These people, who have grown up in remote tribes in small mountainous areas, are full of novelty about the outside world.

The most important thing is that the land here is fertile and the plants are lush, which is very suitable for cultivation and planting. If they can take root here, they can be fully self-sufficient with the hard work of their dragon blood clan.

In the periphery of the Michuan Mountains, most of the wandering beasts were low-level fierce beasts. Faced with so many people and horses breaking in, and the violent movement from the tree felling outside, they were scared to hide elsewhere.

Along the way, no fierce beasts came to attack, even if they encountered a few fierce beasts that did not have long eyes, they were instantly killed by the violent dragon blood warriors.

Soon, a city covered by a huge metal wall appeared in the sight of everyone.

The city defense army of Chaos City was formed temporarily, but Li Hu, who had been in the army, began to look decent after these days of training.

At this time, even if there is no beast tide, no enemy offense, but the city's guards are extremely strict. More than one hundred city defense soldiers standing guard at the gates and walls of the city are fully equipped with the solemn style of a soldier.

"Report to Captain Li Hu, a large number of people suddenly appeared not far from the city, coming towards our chaotic city."

In the guard tower on the city wall, a sentry shouted anxiously.

Li Hu, who was planning the deployment of urban defense, frowned, "How many are there? Apart from approaching here, what else do they do?!"

The sentry immediately replied: "The number is at least 10,000, men, women, and children have everything, and most people are very strong, with horns like animal horns on their foreheads."

"Horn? Is it... the dragon blood clan!"

Hearing this, Li Hu's expression suddenly tightened, and he stood up and said in surprise: "The boss has arrived!"

Earlier, he had received news from Yang Zilei that he would bring a large group of people from the dragon blood family back to the city so that he could prepare living supplies.

Unexpectedly, only two days later, Yang Zilei really brought so many Dragon Blood Warriors to the City of Chaos.

This...what can I do now! ?

Li Hu felt a little hairy when he thought of the terrifying bulls of the Dragon Blood clan.

If these dragon blood warriors get out of control in the city, wouldn't it be equivalent to a wave of small beasts!

But facing Yang Zilei's order, he had to follow.

Immediately, Li Hu's face was stunned, and he shouted: "His grandmother cheered up Lao Tzu, and immediately lined up to welcome the boss and the brothers of the Dragon Blood clan!"

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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