Chapter 758 Chu Yang’s attack

Zhang Liguo broke away from the combination of Song Qingyu and Kong Hongbin, which was a very strange thing.

If their three brothers want to defeat Chu Yang, then their three brothers need to stand in the same direction.

Only when they got together, Zhang Liguo and the three brothers could discuss countermeasures together so that Chu Yang could be solved.

The three “three zero seven” of their brothers live together. Naturally, they are much better than Kong Hongbin and Song Qingyu who are alone.

Otherwise, the strength of Kong Hongbin and Song Qingyu is too weak, comparable to two old, weak, sick and disabled.

Let Song Qingyu and Kong Hongbin deal with Chu Yang, it is the same as let them go to death.

The mayfly cannot shake Mount Tai, which is the same reason.

Kong Hongbin and Song Qingyu, two young guys, must not be able to survive the first move, and they have already been nailed to death by Chu Yang.

As Dage of Kong Hongbin and Song Qingyu, Zhang Liguo always knows how to care and loves the two Little Brothers.

Zhang Li Guo is definitely not so cruel, just like that, let his own two Little Brothers face Chu Yang directly.

What a powerful guy Chu Yang is, even Zhang Li Kaguo can’t hold him this strike, let alone Kong Hongbin and Song Qingyu.

Chu Yang’s attack, as long as it is a living human, will definitely have a strong fear of Chu Yang.

Fear will make people lose the mind of confronting Chu Yang, and they dare not try to kill Chu Yang again.

But Zhang Liguo disappeared, leaving only Song Qingyu and Kong Hongbin.

If Zhang Liguo didn’t want to abandon Song Qingyu and Kong Hongbin and escape by himself, then Zhang Liguo must have come up with other countermeasures.

In addition to Zhang Liguo’s sneak attack on Chu Yang, Luo Tian couldn’t think of other possibilities.

“Master Chu Yang, I suspect that Zhang Liguo is definitely trying to attack you, Master Chu Yang, please be careful!”

Luo Tian opened his mouth and reminded Chu Yang, speaking in a hurry.

Although in such a short period of time, Luo Tian didn’t know what countermeasures Zhang Li Guo thought about.

However, Luo Tian wondered.

No matter if Zhang Liguo broke away from the team of Kong Hongbin and Song Qingyu, he wanted to do something.

Zhang Liguo definitely won’t do something beneficial to Chu Yang

If Zhang Liguo’s purpose is to escape, it is to sneak attack Chu Yang.

Fighting is the cruel state of life and death, Chu Yang is not dead, Zhang Liguo and they have to die.

As a lucky person who was carefully protected by Chu Yang, Na Luotian naturally wanted to cover Chu Yang and protect Chu Yang.

As soon as Luo Tian found out every little thing and little detail that seemed insignificant, he would immediately tell Chu Yang.

If one or two small details were missed, and Kong Hongbin and their three brothers calculated Chu Yang’s scheme, Chu Yang would be in bad luck.

Chu Yang was calculated and died tragically in the palms of their three brothers.

That is equivalent to Luo Tian being calculated by their three brothers.

Luo Tian scored 5.0 very clearly. He and Chu Yang are now grasshoppers on the same boat.

Kong Hongbin and their three brothers are calculating Chu Yang, just calculating his Luotian.

If Chu Yang is caught in the conspiracy of Kong Hongbin and their three brothers, if he is unlucky, then Luo Tian will have to follow him.

As long as it can help Chu Yang, it is helping Luo Tian himself. .

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