Chapter 569 Black stone

Not only that, when Chu Yang looked at these, his eyes couldn’t help but trance.

It’s as if the demons were stunned, and it was the same as how they were affected.

“Jianzi, what’s wrong with you, it looks too wrong.”

Because they were standing behind Chu Yang, when the two disciples uttered some words, their tone was a little confused, even strange.


This place is weird, but Chu Yang didn’t want to explain this matter.

He continued the movements of his hands.

It took almost an instant to dig out the things in the red soil.

It was a black stone, and it didn’t seem to have too many problems, but this was just what it looked like. In fact, the problem of 24 is a big one.

The surface of the stone is very flat, only a slight glance can tell that it was trimmed deliberately.

The stone is a rectangular shape, so beautiful that it is almost impossible to look away from it.

When touched, the surface also looks very smooth, even with a bit of coldness.

Chu Yang’s fingers just rubbed back and forth on this stone for a while, and then he saw his own fingers shift away.


This stone buried in the ground is so unusual that anyone with eyes can see what’s wrong in it, but no one looks away.

Because I don’t think it is necessary, of course, it is also very possible that there are other emotions in the middle.

They checked the cave again, and they really couldn’t find anything except the stone buried in the entrance of the cave. They probably thought it was very boring. At the end of the day, they didn’t change anything.

Instead, he left the cave and continued to move forward.

Snow mountain.

I kept walking forward along the way.

Although there are a lot of traces left behind, as long as you look back, you will notice that those footprints are almost just a moment of effort, and then they are covered by Xinxue, and there is still nothing left after that.

“We seem to have been walking for a long time.”

The two disciples followed behind Chu Yang, because they had been walking for a long time, they couldn’t help but muttered a few words.

On the way, Chu Yang was able to endure his loneliness and was unwilling to speak out, but the two disciples kept talking, and didn’t feel that he was susceptible to talking too much.

“There seems to be another cave over there.

This is not the first time that they have met a cave, so the two disciples are not as surprised as when they first met a cave.

“Let’s go take a look.

Almost without Chu Yang saying anything, they had already made a decision and walked in that direction.

It feels weird.

After clearing the snow, when they walked towards it, such a little thought appeared in their hearts almost unconventionally. They thought it was really weird.

This time, I didn’t know what was going on. After entering the cave, the feeling was completely different from before.

Not only is it different, there is even another situation.

After entering this cave, they only felt that this place seemed to have an infinite range.

The vigilance rushed to the depths of my heart almost immediately.

“Be careful.

The three people walked in tandem, almost unanimously focusing all their eyes on it, just to prevent whether something would come out of the outside suddenly. .

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