Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 400 Military Base (Part 2)

In the 1960s, in order to cope with the complex international environment, China organized and built a series of large-scale underground military projects such as the 131 top-secret project, the 816 underground nuclear project, the 6501 underground project, and so on. |Top|Point|Novel

For example, the 816 underground nuclear project hollowed out a mountain and built a huge artificial cave with reinforced concrete. The total length of the cave is about 20 kilometers, and the amount of excavated stone is 1.51 million cubic meters.

And this is only the declassified information. In the deep mountain canyons, desert wilderness and other places in southern Sichuan and Tibetan areas, the northwest, there are more underground engineering bases that have not been declassified and are still under strict military management.

Chen Yang estimated that the excavated mountain base should also be an underground project of this type.

Judging from the tunnels excavated so far, the length of the tunnel entering the mountain is six kilometers long. Although it is not necessarily the largest underground project, it can basically be regarded as a medium-level base.

The red dot caused by the cube's mutation was actually in this place, which really worried Chen Yang.

The unloading personnel transport the goods from the truck, and the forklift waiting nearby picks up the goods and transports the goods to the side under the command of the personnel.

It took more than half an hour before Chen Yang heard the people around him gradually disperse and the car was about to start again.

Chen Yang, who already had the people around him in his mind, rolled out of the chassis of the car just as the car was about to start, and suddenly hid in the gap of the large container.


After the sirens were blown, military trucks began to drive away from the warehouse.

Yes, Chen Yang used his spare time to scan around, and he could see that this indoor building was nearly fifteen meters high and had an unknown range. It should be a warehouse filled with containers and other large goods.

The cold searchlights on the top of the warehouse ruthlessly covered the entire indoor environment. Chen Yang used the light to scan the surroundings, intending to see if there were any monitoring facilities such as cameras.

Although this place is a former construction project and looks very old, it does not represent today's military. No modifications can be made to it.

Building surveillance cameras should be the most basic renovation project.

It's just that this place should be at the core of the base. Chen Yang didn't see many cameras. There were only two in this direction, which just covered and monitored the entrance and exit.

However, Chen Yang would definitely not go out through the entrance and exit of the car. With a thought in his mind, he looked at the two soldiers walking over and followed them quietly.

Two soldiers with serious expressions, holding 95 rifles. Patrolled past the container.

The sound of Chen Yang's slowed breathing was like that of an old cat quietly approaching its prey. It stepped lightly on the ground, which was almost the same as stepping on the ground with thick flesh pads. They were both so light and silent that even those walking in front The two soldiers had no idea that there would be an intruder following behind them.

Talk about it. This is also inside the warehouse tunnel, although searchlights are arranged. But because the cave is too large, there are still many shadow areas in the intervals between light irradiations. Chen Yang moved quickly and silently, hiding in the shadows and speaking from a distance of more than ten meters. It is really possible to ignore the past carelessly.

Is there more than one passage?

The car entrance and exit is a passage, but on the other side of the warehouse, there is a deep and long passage for people to enter and exit.

Revolutionary soldiers are like bricks, they can be moved wherever they are needed.

“No matter how small a public matter is, it is still a big deal, no matter how big a personal matter is, it is still a small matter.”

Big letters painted in red paint. Printed on the cement channel, everyone who comes and goes can see it clearly.

The meaning expressed in it is no longer in line with the current atmosphere of the times, but Chen Yang can still see from the words the power that burst out in everyone's heart at that time.

It is a kind of spiritual absolute will.

Chen Yang, who had never experienced that era, glanced past a line of large characters and turned his attention to the deep passage for people to enter and exit.

It is indeed very deep. The distance from the corner of the passage to Chen Yang's current position is at least more than two hundred meters. And on the distance of more than two hundred meters, there is a big light every few meters away. The light shines brightly on the entire passage, making it completely impossible to sneak through.

Unless Chen Yang knows the invisibility technique, otherwise... the cameras clearly set up on the passage will immediately spot him as a suspicious person.

It's really hard to break into a military base...

Although this place is restricted by certain conditions and cannot have as foolproof security arrangements as Andres' underground base, even at its current level, it is not something that ordinary people can sneak into.

Of course, Chen Yang, who came here, dared to come in and even had a certain degree of confidence to find the target indicated by the cube, so he was naturally prepared.

Seriously speaking, even Andres' underground base may be plotted, because this is no longer a loophole that humans can imagine and defend against.

The right hand in its perfect state can do things beyond human imagination.

The two soldiers on patrol walked to the entrance and exit of the passage and began to turn back. However, this time the patrol was not as smooth as before.


With an instant strike, Chen Yang interrupted the two men's thinking. He knocked out the two soldiers at will, dragged them into the gap between the containers, and quickly took off the clothes of one of them.

Sir Screw...

With a gentle sound, his right hand suddenly softened and covered a soldier's face.


It only took his right hand a moment to analyze the facial features on the soldier's face.


Under the slight sound of skeletal movement, Chen Yang's face began to squirm and change again. The muscles and bones quickly changed from the face of a person to the face of this soldier at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the height...well, I need to reduce it by 10 centimeters.

It is much easier to operate the height by roughly ten centimeters than to precisely operate the facial muscles. Chen Yang can do this by himself without the help of his right hand.

Fingerprints and irises are also imitated. If there is no DNA collection, it should be no problem to cope with all levels.

Yeah. Chen Yang nodded.

Boarding body, and try not to speak.

His right hand gave Chen Yang a final warning.

I understand, it's a bit inconvenient not to get his voice information.

Chen Yang changed his clothes and picked up the 95 rifle, Their patrol range should have restricted areas, and they are always paired with two people, so... I think we must act quickly.

This sentence was also approved by the right hand.

Chen Yang, transformed into another person again, walked out of the gap in the container. His behavior and movements were almost the same as those of the previous soldier.

One step, two steps, three steps, when he came to the entrance and exit passage, Chen Yang walked in calmly.

This passage was indeed very long. After successfully walking the first two hundred meters without any other problems, Chen Yang saw two forks in the road as soon as he turned the corner.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Yang chose the fork on the right and walked in.

After walking into the fork on the right for more than ten meters, I turned a corner and saw some light in the distance ahead.

This is……

The distance of tens of meters accelerated and passed by in a flash, but the scene that was immediately exposed in front of Chen Yang made him secretly surprised.

Is this the former nuclear reaction hall that was renovated?

Nearly two hundred meters high, with dozens of floors up and down. Standing at the railing and looking down, the equipment and lights at the bottom are even like ants. Looking up, there are still more than a dozen floors.

It is like a building in the shape of the word hui. The empty space in the middle is, according to Chen Yang's calculations, about the same size as a football field.

How much manpower and material resources did it take to build such a magnificent and huge building? Especially considering that this remote place is located, the manpower required for mid-way transportation is even more unimaginable.

In comparison, Andres' headquarters underground base may be much ahead in terms of advanced design, but in terms of scale, it is probably not just one step behind, but two or three steps ahead.

Just between the back-shaped floors, countless people are walking around, shuttling through the densely packed maze-like passages, converging in this hall, and then entering another passage.

The number of passages and the complexity of the interior of the building immediately surprised Chen Yang and made him feel a little chilled.

How difficult is it to find the goal here?

What's more, for safety reasons, he didn't bring the cube with him this time...Does he really have to search for each passage and room?

Regardless of how much time and energy it would take, someone would definitely find something wrong before he could find his target.

Chen Yang, who had a severe headache, couldn't help but hesitate, and quickly thought of solutions in his mind.

Hey, why are you here?

While Chen Yang was thinking about a solution, a voice came from the side.

Turning his head, Chen Yang's pupils shrank without anyone noticing. He had the rank of lieutenant colonel.

A lieutenant colonel in military uniform frowned and walked over slowly, I see you are in a daze here...don't you know the discipline?

Like an eagle's eyes, he looked at Chen Yang from top to bottom. It was best to focus on the number on Chen Yang's chest, 1712?

Although the lieutenant colonel's expression was relatively calm, Chen Yang could not hide the fleeting doubt in his eyes.

Is it exposed so soon? Sure enough, this trick is not foolproof.

With a sigh, Chen Yang stepped forward and looked directly at the lieutenant colonel. (To be continued...)

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