Extraterrestrial parasite

Open a chapter and say something

From the last book to now, I have never published a single chapter. Let me give it a try.

In fact, there is only one purpose for publishing a single chapter, which is to ask for subscriptions. Please do your best to subscribe. The plot of the last book was only opened because the extremely miserable subscription eunuch was dropped. (The average manuscript fee for the last book was two yuan per chapter. I really insisted. No more, sorry) I hope everyone will support this book.

It’s also tragic to say that last month, one of my good friends’ subscriptions was about the same as mine. Because of the strong support from his book friends, his subscriptions are now almost 200 more than Laoyu’s. This is nothing... His rewards in a month reached more than 2,400, and today it exceeded more than 400 in one day, and Laoyu's rewards... in February were a total of 45 yuan.

Just give me a reward. Laoyu knows that my book is too niche and cannot be compared with the large and powerful book friends of my friends, but everyone can subscribe to it if they can.

Okay, Laoyu knows that even if I open this single chapter, I won’t support subscription or I won’t support it...

Hey, I hope that at least ten more book lovers who read pirated copies will support the subscription.

It's half past ten that night. (To be continued...)

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