Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 389 Mass Bomb

The clouds turned red as if they were burning. Under Chen Yang's gaze, the billowing clouds were suddenly torn apart. An extremely large creature that could only be described as terrifying was half-hidden in the red-hot clouds, slowly. The slow settlement exposed half of the body.

The whole body is covered with red scales. As the body trembles slightly, the scales will emit rays of light and strange patterns will appear.

This is a creature that Chen Yang has never seen before and cannot describe in words. With just one glance, he can be sure that this creature definitely does not belong to the earth.

There are no living things on Earth that are as large as hundreds of meters in length, nor do they have this weird appearance, nor can they be classified according to the existing knowledge structure...

Sir Screw, what is this?

The creature that fell from the sky was so huge that the pressure on people's hearts was very obvious. Although they were still far away, they felt as if they could touch it with just a hand. Even Chen Yang couldn't help but feel a burst of pressure. He couldn't bear it. Zhu took a step back.

It's not a different species... It should be like me, a species from outside the earth☆wan~shu~~xiao~said☆~nsb~m creature...

The right hand told Chen Yang its own opinion in a simple sentence. Chen Yang took a deep breath and knew that no matter how mutated the alien species was, it would never be able to mutate to this state... To be honest, the creature burst out of the clouds, its body almost covering half of the sky, but there was no sign of falling. It was completely different. In line with human common sense.

Such a huge body structure, let alone how the bones are supported, and it obviously has no wings, can actually float in the sky. What is the principle of this?

Chen Yang was still shocked by the strange creature in the distant sky. It used its body covered with red scales to slowly float and move. With its movement, its huge body of 700 to 800 meters long brought up a turbulent air current, which suddenly formed several gusts of wind and swept away in all directions.


This sweeping wind. By the time it arrived at Chen Yang's side, it had already weakened a lot, and it only caused his windbreaker to flutter backwards. He still stood upright, as majestic as a mountain.

If it's not a different species, then does it have anything to do with rigin?

Chen Yang immediately thought of rigin. After all, this strange-shaped meteorite came from the outer space of the universe, and this series of things happened only after it fell all over the world. ...

The right hand acquiesced to Chen Yang's guess.

Before Chen Yang could make further guesses and decisions, the strange creature moving from the sky suddenly began to squirm from the tail to the front, and slowly opened a huge crack in the front body part.

The crack opened wider and wider, slowly pointing towards the ground, and then...

In Chen Yang's doubtful eyes. He only had time to see a black shadow suddenly shoot out from the crack, aiming directly at the block in the distance.

Board. Watch out!

The reminder from his right hand and Chen Yang's reaction were almost on the same timeline. He did not think about anything, and all thoughts were eliminated from his mind. He subconsciously moved his body and instantly hid under the half-collapsed huge concrete stone pillar next to him.

In just a moment, the world shook. The earth cracked, and the ruined buildings, trees, cars, and ruins were all swallowed up by the air waves that swept over like a tsunami...

The unimaginably huge and terrifying air waves, accompanied by the rolling up of the ground like a carpet, were centered on the block hit by the black shadow in the distance, and rushed in all directions like a devastating blow. No matter what is blocking the road, whether it is buildings, piles of ruins, trees or scrapped vehicles, they are all broken at the first touch, and they are like a broken bamboo that cannot withstand such a short time.

Supersonic mass bomb!

Chen Yang, who was hiding under the stone pillar, changed his face drastically, and the dark shield on his right hand suddenly changed and suddenly covered Chen Yang's entire body.


A few blocks away, it was difficult to escape the fate of being swept away by the air waves. The stone pillars, which were more than ten meters wide and several meters wide, did not even resist, and directly shattered into countless stones, tumbling into the turbulent impact. in the air waves.

And the tearing earth that followed behind was even more powerful and powerful. The ups and downs of the earth rolled over in waves. Chen Yang lay on the ground, with the shield and tentacles turned into his right hand tightly. It was inserted tightly into the foundation, but it still looked extremely small amidst the millions and tens of millions of tons of soil rising into the sky.

Under such a shocking destructive effect, no matter how hard Chen Yang and his right hand tried, they were swept up like feathers and disappeared instantly in the sweeping air waves.

Gradually, the tens of millions and billions of tons of sand, gravel and soil swept up, no matter how fierce the momentum was, began to subside and calm down as the scope of the impact became wider and wider.


The wind that had calmed down returned to its former gentleness and calmness, blowing slowly over the completely flattened land, as if a gentle mother was comforting her crying child.


Among the ruins of the earth, a dirty arm suddenly broke out of the earth. After struggling for a few times, the other arm also stretched out of the earth.


The gravel and dirt covering the ground suddenly exploded and shot towards the surroundings with a snap of the fingers, causing the surrounding ruins to crackle.

Chen Yang half-knelt in the exploded soil, took a few deep breaths, and then looked around.

Has it become like this...

The clothes on his upper body had long been torn into pieces, revealing the sharp edges and perfect muscles like knives. Chen Yang took a breath and felt the severe pain all over his body. He couldn't help but smile bitterly: It's been a long time since I've been like this... It's so unlucky. …”

Fortunately, the source of all these results, the huge strange creature, has now gone to no one knows where. The sky above New York City is the same as before, with all the clouds swept away, and the stars are once again revealed. night sky.

Mach fifty!

The sound of the right hand came through the bones.

Mach fifty?

Chen Yang was startled, then realized: Are you saying that the speed of the thing shot by that thing exceeded Mach 50?

To be precise, it's at least Mach 50.

Hearing what his right hand said, Chen Yang took a breath. Although he also understood that the thing shot must have exceeded the speed of sound to cause such great destructive power, he never thought that this speed threshold would actually reach Mach fifty!

What is this concept?

The speed of Mach 1 is approximately 340 meters per second, and Mach 50 is 17,000 meters per second!

It can circle the Earth's equator once and a half in one hour!

You can fly from the West Coast of the United States to Beijing in ten minutes!

At a height of just over a thousand meters, an unknown substance is instantly accelerated to Mach 50. The terrifying destructive power produced by the supersonic speed is no less than that of nuclear weapons.

Chen Yang calculated silently in his mind and came up with a rough figure.

Calculating based on the kinetic energy calculation formula, if the mass bomb shot by that strange creature is one ton, then at a speed of more than 61,200 kilometers per hour, the kinetic energy impact it generates is equivalent to more than 73,000 tons t*nt.

So in terms of destructive effect, the mass of the black shadow shot just now should have exceeded twenty tons!

What kind of monster is this?

Only then can we accelerate more than twenty tons of matter to Mach 50 or more at a distance of more than a thousand meters?

Just thinking about it made Chen Yang feel like he was breaking out in a cold sweat. If Earth's technology were to compare with such an ability, I'm afraid it would never be possible even if it took another fifty years to develop.

Nowadays, humans can accelerate a dozen kilograms of artillery shells to seven times the speed of sound, which is already amazing. A cannonball of more than 20 tons? I dare not imagine it at all...

Chen Yang had already found it incredible when he met the strange reinforced concrete stone before. He only thought that the universe was vast and full of wonders. He did not expect that in just a few days, there would be another creature that refreshed his cognitive scope.

Chen Yang even felt that he would not be shocked if another creature capable of destroying the earth with one strike appeared the next day. A series of encounters made Chen Yang's nerves gradually become rough.

The right hand seemed to be shocked by the huge creature just now, and said with caution in his tone: If such a huge mass bomb can be accelerated to a speed of Mach 50, many civilized races that have reached the level of interstellar colonization can basically do it. But that is based on the use of the power of technology, and it is indeed rare to be able to do this kind of thing with living things...

Why would such an extraterrestrial creature come to earth?

Chen Yang felt a headache. Although this was a parallel world, it was also a parallel world that was too similar to the real earth environment, so he became more and more worried.

Will there be such weird creatures in the real world?

Will there be a rigin coming too?

If it doesn’t appear now, does that mean it will never appear in the future?

Chen Yang is not a god, so of course he cannot be sure, but if a huge strange creature like the one just appeared in the real world... Once it appears, I am afraid that human casualties will be quite large.

After all, a creature that can destroy a city with one strike is no different from a nuclear bomb depot that can move freely. Such a picture should not be too beautiful. Chen Yang didn't even want to imagine it.

Wait a minute... Chief Screw, are you saying this is just an isolated case in New York City?

Chen Yang pondered.

“Is there anything unique about New York City?”

The right hand asked rhetorically.

If you want to be unique...it should only be rigin, right?

So there is no rigin in the rest of the places?

If you say so...

Chen Yang looked up at the dark sky: Have such creatures also appeared in the places where the other sixty-three rigins are?

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