Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 384: Rescue (Part 2)


The aliens did not expect such a scene to happen. When the heavy motorcycle hit them, the aliens in front were unable to resist and were suddenly knocked away.


Being hit by a modified heavy-duty motorcycle weighing nearly 700 to 800 kilograms, his bones would definitely be broken and he would die on the spot. Not only that, the several alien species that were knocked out were like bowling balls, and the crackling also involved dozens of alien species that had gathered together, rolling into a gourd.

Chen Yang's sudden attack also killed more than a dozen alien species in an instant. This action immediately attracted the attention of both sides on the battlefield.

The aliens are based on anger, and the humans hiding in the convoy are obviously full of surprise. They look in disbelief at Chen Yang, who is alone outside, and actually rushes into the alien group!

Yes, you dare to rush over alone. Are you looking for death?


After finishing the magazine, Chen Yang took out a magazine and threw it into the air with one hand. The magazine rotated 720 degrees and happened to be inserted into the empty Desert Eagle.

The efficiency is still too low...

Chen Yang glanced around, and couldn't help but feel that although the gun in his hand was powerful enough to hunt elephants without any problem, the efficiency was really low. Facing these thousands of alien species, he was afraid that he would use them all to hunt elephants. Even if all the magazines are empty, there is no way to kill one-tenth of the number of aliens here. You can't blame him for this. The information he got before coming here clearly showed that there were only a few remaining alien species in the wilderness. It is difficult to meet again, so pursuing a powerful single-shot pistol that is easy to carry is obviously the most suitable.

Chen Yang never expected it. What is the so-called residual small amount? Such a large number is really exaggerated... Was that doctor's mathematics taught by his son?

There were not only a large number of alien species present, but also many types. However, they could not speak like humans and could only emit angry roars and simple syllables. Facing the sudden arrival of the enemy Chen Yang, most of the alien species present actually gave up. Instead of besieging the convoy, he pounced on Chen Yang on the heavy motorcycle.

But this played into Chen Yang's heart. The front of the car suddenly turned around and once again crushed an alien blocking the road with irresistible force. Chen Yang drove in the direction he came from.

The alien group, covered in anger, immediately separated into two black lines and chased after Chen Yang's figure, suddenly losing about 80% of the alien siege. The pressure on the team suddenly diminished. They stared at Chen Yang's retreating shadow in disbelief, their brains completely shut down.

Chen Yang, a mysterious man riding a motorcycle, suddenly appeared and killed more than a dozen alien species, and then left with hundreds of alien species. Not to mention that no one in the convoy had ever seen such behavior, he had even heard of it before. Never heard of it. Ignoring these people whose brains were almost shut down, Chen Yang was like walking a dog. It speeds up for a while and slows down for a while, so that the aliens can't keep up. He didn't let them catch up easily. He just provoked these alien species from time to time and successfully brought the alien army several kilometers away.

Well, that's almost it.

Seeing that the distance was widening, Chen Yang made a sharp turn, turned the car around, and braked suddenly to stop. A piece of muddy water splashed into the air.

Huhu...these ghosts run really fast.

Chen Yang calculated silently and concluded that the average speed of these alien troops was about seven or eight meters per second. Close to human sprint speed.

It's a pity that if he brought an assault rifle and a lot of bullets this time, he could kill all the aliens just by standing here and shooting leisurely.

Instead of silently putting the remaining two magazines back into place like now, and not daring to use the mechanical compound bow with only a dozen explosive arrows.

Although these weapons cannot be used, there is still one way to kill people efficiently, well, to kill these monsters efficiently.

Sir Screw...

Chen Yang sat astride the motorcycle, ignoring the alien group that was approaching more than fifteen meters away, and calmly called out his right hand.

Kill them all?

Well, it doesn't look like there's anything of value.

Chen Yang nodded imperceptibly.

Just when the alien species was less than a few meters away from him, and the terrifying and disgusting arthropods had almost reached his face, Chen Yang took action boldly.


Raising one arm toward the sky, his right hand suddenly deformed. Countless split tentacles were like densely packed black needles and threads. In the lightning flash, with Chen Yang's raised right hand as the center, radiation spread out in an instant, suddenly covering the entire diameter. Within a range of more than three hundred meters.


All this happened in the blink of an eye, at an unbelievable speed. Before the numerous alien species could react, hundreds of black needles and threads covered and pressed down from the sky, driving rapid and ear-piercing explosions, and inserted accurately. Inside the head of the alien species.


The entire battlefield became strangely silent. It was clear that nearly a thousand alien species were roaring one moment, but all the sounds disappeared the next second. Not only that, the aliens that had just gathered towards Chen Yang seemed to have been immobilized at this moment, motionless, like statues, maintaining the same behavior as the previous second.

The situation is so weird that anyone who sees it will feel cold in their heart.

Chen Yang's expression was calm, and the limbs close to the skin of his face were reflected in his stagnant eyes without saying a word.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were nearly a thousand aliens present, and their originally stationary bodies suddenly fell apart. Blood surged, flesh and blood flew everywhere, bones exploded, and a series of explosions were like firecrackers. The dark red blood was almost free, and it sprayed everywhere and instantly dyed the entire swamp red. land.

With one move, just one move, the right hand in its complete form was like a god from above, crushing all the alien species with unrivaled power.

This is a species gap that is hopelessly wide.

These alien species can easily kill an adult man when faced alone. Once the number reaches thousands, even if humans have a large number of thermal weapons, it will be difficult to fight against them.

It was like this, and when he faced this extraterrestrial creature on his right hand, he was still destroyed like a chicken and a dog.

To use Chen Yang's words, even chickens are not killed so quickly.

With one move of his right hand, he destroyed all the alien species, and then slowly returned to his original state, lurking into Chen Yang's right hand again.

...Those people should be able to deal with the remaining alien species, right?

Rubbing his shoulders, Chen Yang pondered for a moment, and stopped looking at the bloody alien corpses. He started the motorcycle and drove quickly onto the road, speeding toward the curve.

After a while, after several kilometers of driving, they turned a corner and the previous battlefield appeared in Chen Yang's sight again.

Thanks to Chen Yang's ability to lure away most of the alien species, the remaining two hundred or so alien species reduced a lot of pressure on the people in the convoy.

However, even so, it is not possible to kill all two hundred mutants by killing them. Even if Chen Yang kills them, it is almost like crushing ants. The reason is that the desert eagle in Chen Yang's hands is basically used to hunt elephants. Yes, so it is natural for those alien species to have their heads smashed without any resistance.

However, the assault rifles in the convoy and the micro-shot bullets often failed to accurately hit the head of the alien. The effect of hitting the other parts of the alien was not very obvious. It often took more than a dozen rounds of bullets to completely kill the alien. Kill an alien.

If the convoy were not all modified buses and heavy trucks, which were too heavy, they would have been overturned by the swarming aliens.

As Chen Yang came and went, the number of alien corpses lying in front of the convoy only increased by about ten, which shows how low his shooting efficiency was.


After casually blasting the head of a foreign species with a single shot, Chen Yang stopped his motorcycle and got off the motorcycle when he was still more than twenty meters away from the convoy.

In front of so many people, Chen Yang naturally couldn't let his right hand take action, but just by himself, these aliens were relatively too weak.


He raised his hand and fired a bullet to smash the alien that was rushing towards him from the right. Chen Yang didn't even look back and threw out his left hand casually.


There was another scene of bones exploding and flesh and blood flying everywhere. The edge of Chen Yang's left hand was gently rubbed. The head of the alien that bit him from the left was suddenly cut off, and the whole neck was like a chainsaw with increased power. When cut, the texture of the neck bones can be seen clearly in cross-section.

Bang bang bang...

Dark red blood flew out, and after firing one magazine in a row, a circle of aliens around Chen Yang was actually empty!

After killing nine mutants like lightning, Chen Yang advanced without retreating. With a flick of his hand, he inserted the Desert Eagle into his waist. He stepped forward and punched the mutant at the front.

Not surprisingly, the alien's skull was just touched by the fist, and the huge force directly exploded the skull in less than a second.

Chen Yang kept walking, dodging and escaping the bites of several alien species. Chen Yang turned around and whipped his leg again, sweeping in a circle and kicking the sternums of the three alien species behind him, as well as the sharp joints on the surface.

It was just a breath time for an ordinary person. Chen Yang raised his hand and stepped forward. It was no different from walking and waving, but he immediately killed more than ten alien species. The scene was so shocking that the people in the convoy looked over. I was so stunned that I almost thought I was hallucinating.

Of course, this was not an illusion. After killing several alien species again, blood spattered into the iron bars of the car window. Only then did those people come back to their senses and quickly continue to shoot with guns in support.

These alien species are not completely unintelligent creatures. They maintain animal instincts and will follow their own instincts. Seeing Chen Yang, a human, casually kill dozens of his companions, they began to retreat in fear.

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