
Chapter 483 The Armada is not invincible

The time has come to 1:23 in the afternoon.

After several hours of fierce fighting with artillery shells flying, both sides suffered casualties and ship damage, but it was still too early to withdraw from the battlefield.

Without the intervention of extraordinary power, this kind of meet force with force large Legion artillery bombardment is normal for several days or even ten days. possible.


Two Level 4 ships one after the other of both camps swept parallel to the left of the Alliance battle line, with “Cape Storm” in front , his old rival “Longnose Shark” is behind.

“Are Tulip’s soldiers all cowards? How long do you want to run?”

Confirming that he was not within the range of the port gun on the battle line, Marz couldn’t bear it Live sarcastically at “The Horn of the Storm”. He has been constantly wandering on the battlefield, but he just doesn’t fight with himself.

“Since you are in such a hurry to rush to reincarnate, Malz, it will be as you wish!”

Seeing that his two battleships have reached the top of the battle line In the middle, neither side could get out of this range for a short period of time. Alwin’s mouth curled up in a cold arc, and he issued an order in the spirit net network:


Buzz ——

A column of thirty battleships made a faint humming sound at the same time. Under the cover of the rumbling cannon, others could not detect it. In fact, even if they did, it was too late.

Under the water, the figure is not inferior to the large battleship, and the huge fish shadow that is moving at high speed seems to be hit by an invisible heavy hammer, especially the brain and body cavity for a while Heaven and Earth turning upside down .

Every cell in the body was injured at the same time, the eyes were congested, the internal organs were ruptured, and the resistance was lost in an instant.

The power of infrasound emitted by an entire fleet cannot be matched by even a large species with multiple spell abilities.

The Longnose Shark following the Cape Storm lost the spell-like blessing of the sea monster, and immediately began to stall, reverting to an ordinary Level 4 ship.

Alwin is very clear in his heart that every time he is promoted at his age, he will almost have to break the record of the kingdom. He must have an irrefutable merit, otherwise he will have a good personal relationship with the crown prince. Can’t be convincing.

Looking at Olivia next to her.

“Well, and the marquess of the Commodore is still a bit low after all.”


Closed on “sea monster song” moments after.

From the seabed beyond the reach of the “sea monster song” from a distance, a slender black shadow with a head and tail of 32 meters twists its steel-like body, bursting out at 112 km/h The extreme speed rushed over.


Like a sharp arrow flying on a seabed, every breath is several hundred meters. At this time, the “Thorn Crown Sea Serpent” has an extra long steel horn on the top of its head, which complements each other with its steel scales.

In the past few days after the rendezvous, it’s not like Alwin didn’t do anything. He has been thinking about how to maximize the use of the resources at hand and deal a heavy blow to Cyrus.

A surprise, the use of “sea monster song” and “thorn crown sea snake” raids that have not been exposed for a while is part of the plan. This ram made with “Lightning Shaping” and “Living Spirit Transformation Light” is also a part.

Soon, the Pippi Snake ran up from the seabed with the steel ramming horn on its head, and charged towards the belly of the “Long-nose Silver Shark” fiercely from bottom to top.

A huge amount of blood dyed red the sea.


When the whine of the “long-nosed silver shark” entered Major General Malz’s heart, he hadn’t waited for him to figure out what was going on underwater.

“The Horn of the Storm” has turned the bow of the ship to open the [Abilities · Single Dog Shark], and also bears a ramming horn composed of whirlwinds and rapids. The side rammed in.

Boom! ! !

sawdust fluttering, blood mist.

Essentially just an ordinary Level 4 ship, the “Longbeak” is taller and bigger than the “Storm Cape”, but after losing the protection of the sea monster’s extraordinary power, it is no more than ordinary. Battleships fared better.

next moment.


With a roar, hundreds of “fish monster warriors” have drawn out their sailors’ long knives, led by sailor Gary, who is the incarnation of “rhinoceros shark” , swooped towards the “Longnose Shark”.

The “Storm Horn” with the [White Shark Halo] is the well-deserved melee invincibility on this battlefield.

Facing hundreds of apprentice Knights at the peak of First Rank, the Cyrus soldiers on the battleship simply collapsed on the first encounter, not much better than straw.


“After today, there will be no more Legendary sharks!”

Alwin was not far behind, the majestic airflow of the collision made the cloak high Raised high. Across the blades of the sparks flying in all directions, he watched Malzin be knocked out of the dust in an instant, eyes like ashes, and announced this.

Rush to play tricks with Alwin.

The Great Knight Malz saw that the situation was over, and he could no longer care about his crew. The flames of Battle Qi erupted to the limit, and he stepped on the sea and fled in panic. The “Red Maple” confronting the “Earth Cold Wind”.

Alwin wasn’t ready to give up this opportunity to cut weeds and eliminate the roots. After letting Boris in the incarnation of “Great White Shark” command the battle, he quickly chased after him.

The battle between the Rabbit and the Falcon has been decided. The unexpected sudden change in the quasi-Legendary battle has made it impossible for the commanders of the Cyrus to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

“Show your cards in advance!”

On the Level 3 ship that temporarily took over the command of Ricard, the deputy commander of the fleet held a continent Aboriginal-style bluestone urn is placed on the deck, and half of the sea water is poured.

The “gu lu lu” seawater immediately began to boil, and the curling white water vapor rose up.

It was like an endless cloud of rain clouds that grew out of nowhere, piling up thicker and thicker over the combined fleet, but the sky was still clear on Cyrus’ side.

After a few minutes of trifling.

crash-bang .

The freezing rain has poured down.

【Ocean Treasure·Chuck Stone Urn】

Effect: The ocean treasure discovered from the three major primordial empires of the new continent, the Kumar Empire, is named after the rain god Chuck. Summon rain anytime, anywhere, and can independently limit the scope and intensity (with an upper limit).

At this time, under the control of the Cyrus people, this thick rain cloud only shrouded the top of the alliance battle line, with two worlds inside the cloud and outside the cloud.

At the beginning, the rain was not heavy. The artillery on the open deck of each battleship opened the rain cover in time and could fire normally, but it soon turned into a heavy downpour, and all the small-caliber artillery on the open deck failed to fire. , not to mention the Kentucky divine archers.

Then the rain increased again, as if a hole had been pierced in the sky, and the field of vision was white, and even the shooting on the lower penetrating artillery deck was seriously affected.

Originally, the total number of artillery pieces of the alliance side was at an absolute disadvantage, and this time it was even worse.

naked eye Visible, the battle damage rapidly increased.

The captains of Tulip’s ships scolded under the torrential rain and artillery fire, this marine treasure is simply a strategic Celestial Phenomenon weapon. With it, not to mention the weak line of battle, even the opponents of the same level can win.

At the same time as the heavy rain fell.

Alwin pursued Malz all the way, and has come to the battlefield belonging to the “Northern Cold Wind” and “Red Maple”. battleship.

‘Nice! ‘

Lieutenant General Elvis, the commander-in-chief of the alliance, applauded Alwin’s record with his eyes. At this time, he was concentrating his attention completely and threw himself into the spirit net network.

Although the quasi-Legendary battleship achieved a decisive advantage, it was not enough to reverse the defeat on the conventional battlefield.

To be on the safe side, he was ready to issue an order to temporarily withdraw the line of battle that was more flexible than Cyrus. Although he hadn’t seen that secret treasure before, he didn’t believe that Nimbus could chase him to the ends of the earth.

In addition, the magical “ocean treasures” all have special reserves of course, but the ability of this kind of treasure is all kinds, some are comparable to the authority of gods, and some are only capable of purifying fresh water, weather forecasting , summon fish school, shielding perception, etc. auxiliary abilities, this auxiliary type of marine treasures actually accounted for the majority.

At least the fleet has not cracked the Celestial Phenomenon weapon level treasures.

waved to Alwin:

“General Garriott, prepare to retreat temporarily. After today, we still have a chance.”

This time we need There is one more reason for the military exploits. Alwin is full of energy. Seeing Lieutenant General Elvis’ plan, he volunteered: “Your Excellency Commander, it is too early to decide the outcome. Who is not a wall hanging?

Milan, start the [Misty Silver Lamp] as planned!”

The previous sentence answered Lieutenant General Elvis, but the next sentence was the opposite Milan, who wears “Venom” and has worked with the crew to clear the crew of the “Longnose Shark”, said.

【Ocean Treasure·Misty Silver Lamp】

Effect: Ignore the original Celestial Phenomenon, and within a minute, only the lantern holder and designated no more than three companions can Vision fog. Dense fog can interfere with the enemy’s sense of direction, even using a compass or even directional magic is useless.


Soon, the effect of the foggy silver lamp had already covered the [Chuck Stone Urn], and the fog swept out and filled the entire battlefield, although it was not suitable for Shiliu. Sifang’s battle strength was intact, but it completely deprived them of their vision.

Milan, as the lantern bearer, designated the deputy commander who was still in the battle line. The two most experienced fire control officers were able to see things and let the officers share their vision through the mind connection. .

Because the two sides are using a well-formed line strategy, each battleship’s opponents are about the same distance from their own.

It is possible to use uniform firing parameters when operating the guns, adjust the firing angles of the upper, lower, left, and right.

Possibly better than when the fire control officers of various ships of varying skill were in their own right.

And the last place among the three was given to the sniper musketeer Olivia who had been preparing for a long time.

At the same time as the thick fog disperses.

The muzzle of the [Extraordinary Armament·Electric Gun 1.0] has already started to flicker. Except for the crew of the “Storm Horn”, neither the enemy nor the enemy can see the scene here.


Alwin raised the captain’s cloak behind him, and the commander beside him felt a little dazzling.

The voice of infinite confidence echoed on the ship:

“Let the Cyrus people know today that the Armada is not invincible, just as the Holy Lothar Empire is not holy, Neither Lothar, nor Empire!”

(End of this chapter)

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