1963. Chapter 1963 Chapter HuaRuo Oil and Gas Pipeline

“Right, Feng, after two days, the oil and gas pipelines of our two countries were officially completed. I was also invited to attend the completion ceremony. Have you been invited?” Kirilenko remembered this matter and asked casually.

China and Russia have long been negotiating to establish a long-term and secure way of cooperation. China has cooperated with many countries, oil and natural gas, which is China’s strategic energy channel.

China has a large population and is a major energy consumer. At present, China’s oil and gas consumption growth rate, the world’s leading, oil consumption rate, can be reflected in the growth of China car.

In the past, this cooperation agreement was officially signed in 12 year, a total of 20 years, 1,500 tons of oil per year, 358 One billion cubic meters of natural gas, the cost of the pipeline is more than 60 billion euros.

China has also established oil and gas pipelines with countries such as Myanmar, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, and is also China’s strategic energy channel.

Including the transportation channel at sea, and cooperation with countries such as Africa and the Middle East to ensure domestic energy consumption.

It is also these strategic deployments that allow China to have sufficient energy use and reduce pollution of coal and other heavily polluted energy sources. It also prohibits the burning of some traditional fuels such as wood and straw to protect the environment.

Many people say that China’s oil is expensive, but they don’t know how much it costs for oil to be transported.

Does China have an oil field? Have. Is the reserve rich? Not too good, but not bad, there are many explorations, but not mining, even shale oil, China also has abundant reserves and more mature technology.

But China is now learning from other countries, and its own energy is not mined, kept, and used for price regulation. If you have money now, then you will import it. When the price of import is too high, then you will mine some and force the other party to cut the price.

China is about to become the world’s largest energy importer. Once China says it is not imported, then the other party must cut prices, otherwise the other party’s energy will not be sold, is it not reducing revenue?

Exporting powers can control product prices, as well as importing large countries, as long as they can afford to import.

This Sino-Russian oil and gas pipeline was actually contributed by Feng Yu and Kirilenko. In recent years, China has experienced rapid growth, its revenue has grown rapidly year after year, and people’s living standards have also increased substantially. The demand for energy has also increased.

Russia was rich in the period of the former Soviet Union, but then it was not poor bankruptcy. After the dissolution of Soviet Union, Russia has never recovered its standard of living.

Russia’s pillar industries, industrial and mineral, rely on these to make money. What other countries can do real estate, finance or something, Russia can’t play.

The land is sparsely populated and the house cannot be sold. People’s lack of trust in Government finance and financial revitalization.

As far as technology is concerned, the former Soviet Union had the world’s top scientists and engineers, but when the Soviet Union was disintegrated, most of them were dug away by foreign countries, and China did not start.

Of course, because of the small butterfly of Kirilenko, Russia still left a lot of top talent, but the development route of Russia is not much different from previous life.

Rather, Russia is also working hard to revitalize agriculture and trade, but unfortunately it is also very general. The kind of place in Russia, although it is said that there is a lot of land, but the climate is not very good, too far north.

They are relying on the sea, but the routes are not very good. Fortunately, there are European railways, so that their transportation lines can have more choices.

It is said that the country is poor, you can not make such a good foundation on some basic welfare, use a period of time to precipitate accumulation, and slowly develop.

However, Russia has never given up on this point, and the welfare treatment is still aimed at the standards of developed countries, which makes Russia’s finances often have a deficit.

In a country with such a strong industrial technology, minerals are the largest income. The real developed countries will not use such low-value-added raw materials as their main income. Even in the Middle East, they are also striving to develop the crude chemical industry. .

On the surface, Russia has cut back on military spending, but in fact it is still making huge investments, but they have invested a lot and can’t make any money.

Now approaching the era of peace, the arms dealers in the country have all gone bankrupt, but the main cause of bankruptcy is the production of guns and weapons. Those who make planes, guides, and ships still have a lot of money.

In this respect, Japan and South Korea are actually doing the best in the world. Civil and military ~ use the combination, while improving the military ~ with technology, while popularizing in civilian use, earn a lot of profits.

In this case, Russia needs a long-term, stable cooperation order, just as China is a major importer of minerals, so it is a hit with China.

It’s just the cooperation between the two sides, and there have been many twists and turns. For example, China said that you sold us oil and gas, then this oil and gas pipeline, should you build it?

Russia said that you have to buy it. This should be invested by you. In Myanmar and other countries, aren’t they all built?

Can Myanmar be the same as Russia? If Myanmar dares to swallow these pipes, China will let him spit out more. Russia If China is a rogue, will China still fight against Russia?

So at the end of the agreement, who is responsible for the construction. At this time, Russia said again, we have no money, what to build?

Russia has money, but it is not enough. In the end, Feng Yu proposed a plan, which was also adopted by former China and other countries to provide a low-interest loan.

The so-called low-interest loans are basically loans that can only be guaranteed. The interest is about the same as the depreciation caused by inflation, and it does not make money at all.

But being able to switch back to this agreement has guaranteed China’s energy stability needs, and it is still very cost-effective.

In the future, China will cooperate with many countries in the Middle East and Africa. China is not bad at the moment, and it is easy to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars.

This cooperation is not only the participation of the Russian state company, but also the Polar Bear Mining Conglomerate. And the pipeline construction in Russia is the investment of Polar Bear Mining Conglomerate.

Therefore, Kirilenko was invited to attend the completion ceremony. Feng Yu, who said that it was promoted, should also be invited, not to mention Feng Yu is the major shareholder of Polar Bear Mining Conglomerate. It is normal to attend this event.

However, Feng Yu told Kirilenko that he would not attend and had no interest in this matter. He just made this win-win situation come earlier, but according to Feng Yu’s speculation, if Russia does not cut public spending, then once Russia is sanctioned by Western countries, it will fall into the same recession as its predecessor.

“Brother Ki, if you are interested, invest more in the Food Company, you Russia, this is too dependent on imports, you can do it, you can make a lot of money.”

The reminder has already been reminded. As to whether Kirilenko understands, Feng Yu will not say much. Anyway, Russia is not his home country.


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