1898. Chapter 1898 chapter Li Chaoren’s plan

鈥淔eng Yu, is it convenient to come to Hong Kong? Some things I want to discuss with you.鈥?/p>

Li Chaoren personally called Feng Yu and asked Feng Yu to go over. It鈥檚 not Li Chaoren鈥檚 self-sustaining identity, but Li Chaoren鈥檚 recent bad health, he is not allowed to travel long distances, and now he basically does not leave Hong Kong.

Since Li Chaoren said something, it is certainly not a trivial matter. Feng Yu was just free, and he arranged the plane and flew to Hong Kong.

Li Chaoren’s family, Feng Yu found that Li Zeju is also there, Li Chaoren plans to retire, and is gradually pushing eldest son to the stage. It鈥檚 just that other shareholders are not at ease with Li Zeju and think that he is too young, so the position of the president can be given to him, but the position of Chairman is not enough.

Especially in the financial crisis in the second half of last year, the stock price of listed companies is declining. Although Li Chaoren’s assets have not shrunk as a whole, the book assets of other shareholders have shrunk a lot.

They are worried that Li Chaoren will retire at this time, and the company’s share price will remain low for a long time, which is very unfavorable to the development of the Corporation.

Li Chaoren is also thinking about how to help eldest son the last journey, he enjoys retirement with peace of mind. Although his Chairman’s work is not much, not very tired, but always give his son a position.

Even if he retires, he can help his son, so that he will be more unstable when he is seriously ill and unable to work in the future.

鈥淔eng Yu, I heard that you are joining Kirilenko to acquire the Rio Group.鈥?/p>

鈥淵es, Kirilenko believes that the Lituo Group has great potential, and the global demand for minerals will increase in the future. This is a good investment, and I am very much in favor of it.鈥?This is now known all over the world, Feng Yu doesn’t have to hide.

鈥淭he negotiation of the acquisition is not going very well? I heard that Andy Rothschild is running for your business. Are you asking their family to be a middleman?鈥?/p>

Li Chaoren is very powerful in the UK, and some news, he wants to know, is easy to know.

Feng Yu nodded. “There are a lot of countries involved in the Lituo Group, especially in Europe, so I asked the Rothschild Family and hoped to reduce this resistance.”

If Feng Yu goes to talk, he also has the confidence to negotiate the price, but it is not easy to get approval from the relevant organizations in the EU and Australia.

This is not a small Corporation, but a multinational group Corporation, or the third-ranked mining group in the world at this time. The impact is huge, and it will be very difficult to make a successful acquisition.

“I know that the Lituo Group has a stake in China Aluminum. You have already done the work here. Is it right? I have a good relationship with a board member of the Lituo Group. I can help you to convince him and let him agree. Sell 鈥嬧€媡he shares to you and try to convince others.”

Li Chaoren take the initiative to help? Feng Yu does not think that his relationship with Li Chaoren is so good. This should be an exchange of interests. Next, Li Chaoren must have conditions.

Sure enough, Li Chaoren went on to say: 鈥淚 plan to make a series of important investments in the UK and I need a strong partner. I hope you can support me.鈥?/p>

To support Feng Yu, this sentence is also very clear, Li Chaoren must be holding, and Feng Yu is at most one share.

He knows that most of Feng Yu’s industries are holding parties, and the shareholders are not without them, but most of them are working with China Government and are not suitable for holding.

He didn’t know the request. Can Feng Yu agree, if Feng Yu doesn’t agree, then he can only go to other partners. Hong Kong still has many wealthy businessmen who are willing to cooperate with Li Chaoren.

It鈥檚 just this cooperation investment, the return period may be longer, some people are not willing, think that the return is too slow. The eyes of those people can’t see the deep meaning of Li Chaoren’s move.

The return period is long, but the victory is stable. He can guarantee that this investment will not be lost. Now that the UK has not slowed down during the economic crisis triggered by the financial crisis, it is urgent to inject foreign capital. At this time, investment can be regarded as bottom-hunting.

Those Corporations will only appreciate in his hands and will not depreciate, so the investment will not be lost. But the amount of investment is relatively high, and many people are hesitant.

“I don’t know what investment you are talking about. If I am interested, cooperation is not impossible, and your holding is no problem.”

“My long river infrastructure is naturally doing some infrastructure investment, such as power supply, water supply, supply of pipeline gas or something. And Huang mainly do port, retail or something, I intend to invest in transportation such as ports, railways and airports. If communication If you can start, I also intend to increase my investment in telecommunications.”

As early as the millennium, Li Chaoren invested in telecommunications in the UK, operating well, and the profits were not high, but they did make money.

Sure enough, Li Chaoren is still ambitious, so many industries want to invest. However, these industries are also done by Li Chaoren, Hong Kong, and other countries in Southeast Asia, which are considered to be experienced.

“Uncle Li, you have to invest in so many industries, the amount of planned investment is not low? So you intend to reduce investment in the mainland, specializing in the UK market?”

“More than that, there are Australian markets and Canadian markets. Investment in Nanyang and Malaysia, I also intend to increase, mainly related to real estate and ports. The investment in the mainland is indeed going to be reduced. I have already passed this. I don鈥檛 expect it in the future. Below 30 billion pounds, I am referring to the money I have on this side.”

Feng Yu is clear, Li Chaoren said that the ditch passed, and that is to say hello to the above.

It鈥檚 inevitable that there will be some concerns, Li Chaoren is Hong Kong, but Li Zeju is a Canadian. And Li Chaoren’s company, registered in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, said to avoid tax, but also let China reduce its influence a lot.

But what many people don’t know is that Li Chaoren’s grandson, Li Zeju’s only son, is Hong Kong. This company, in the end, still has to be passed to the hands of Hong Kong people.

Li Zeju was a dual citizen before Hong Kong returned, but after returning to China, China was not allowed to retain dual citizenship. Li Zeju gave up Hong Kong status in order to do business better.

Under the same rule of the British female ~ Emperor, many of the company’s mergers and acquisitions, investment will be easy to approve a lot. Li Chaoren also made it clear that he is a Chinese, his roots are here, and the refusal of the British female to the emperor’s duke is the best proof.

In fact, Li Chaoren’s investment in the United Kingdom is also related to the above. After all, Li Chaoren is still a Chinese. Such a large-scale economic investment is also a people’s livelihood infrastructure, and its influence on the UK will become very large in the future.

Li Chaoren’s company will invest 30 billion pounds, and if you want to form a consortium with others, then the amount he really plans to invest will definitely be higher. It is Li Chaoren, the richest man, and he can’t afford so much money alone. .

“I don’t know if Uncle Li is letting me buy your company, or is it a joint venture company?” Feng Yu asked in detail, which is about the issue of interests and power. If it is simply an idle shareholder, Feng Yu is definitely not doing it.


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