1778. 1778 chapter is not convinced Jobs

Jobs can be said to be an ambitious person. He has always tried to get recognition and worship from others. He always wanted to infuse his opinions into others. He often shouted, used technology to change the world, and made real artificial intelligence.

It is a pity that this time he encountered Feng Yu such a BUG, ​​his genius creativity, suddenly become mediocre. The products he wanted to make were first made by the investment company of Feng Yu.

This tablet is indeed an idea that Apple Corporation had long had, but it was forced to shelve because it was technically unsatisfactory.

When Jobs discovered that technology was finally able to meet these requirements, it had already had the L-PAD of the Lenovo Group, creating a new concept for tablets.

The emergence of L-PAD has attracted the attention of all electronics manufacturers. They found that there is such a product that can open up a brand new market.

An emerging market means huge business opportunities, which means huge sales and profits.

All PC manufacturers, even those who have not done a PC before, have begun to research tablet PCs, and even some mobile phone manufacturers feel that they can do it.

You look at this tablet, which is the system of the smartphone itself. It means that it is a super-function mobile phone with a large screen.

Here, Apple Corporation is naturally leading, after all, they have had this idea, and have been studying.

So when other electronics manufacturers have not yet launched a tablet, their Apple Corporation is the first to launch an IPAD.

Unfortunately, the North American media once again put Apple Corporation in the title of the most cattle imitator, of course, behind this is Ralph looking for people to promote.

The media also listed the evidence, and the evidence is ironclad.

Starting from the IPOD of Apple Corporation, it is MP3 that imitates AIWACorporation. Each generation of products is behind AIWA, and the product features are very similar to those of AIWA, but neither sales nor quality can be compared with AIWA.

Then there is the ultra-thin book, which is also the product concept promoted by Apple Corporation, which is more portable and faster. Unfortunately, it was once again led by the Lenovo Group.

Lighter, thinner, faster, and cheaper.

It’s hard to make a mobile phone, and Apple Corporation is still in a backward stage. From the beginning of the constant price cuts, to the current meager profit sales, Apple’s profit margins continue to decline, the imitator’s hat can not be picked up.

Who made the Wind & Rain mobile phone just launched 3G version, Apple Corporation is launching IPHONE-3G?

And Apple Corporation is different from previous life, that is, Jobs was forced by the pressure of Board of Directors to make compromises. For the profit of Corporation, they made electronic paper books, IBOOK.

This product is also sold in general, only those fanatics like Apple Corporation, whether it is cost-effective or software features, are very general, the only advantage is that the switch speed is very fast.

However, other electronic paper book switches are not slow, and this gap is not recognized by consumers at all. Coupled with the gap in the content of e-book content, so that their products are not sold.

Jobs thought that this tablet would be a product of their reincarnation and get rid of the imitator’s hat, but I didn’t expect this product to be made by the Lenovo Group.

And when it comes to the market, it is very popular.

No him, no competitors. Although these products have similar functions, there are no products that can be compared with L-PAD in terms of simplicity, cost performance, etc.

This product has also been labeled as fashionable, and is loved by many young men and women. Although young men and women do not have high incomes, many do not even have income, but for this fashionable electronic product, the price is not particularly expensive, and the consumption power is the strongest.

From high-priced smartphones, high-priced super MP3, etc. are also the most used by these people, it can be perfectly reflected.

Although the Lenovo Group took the lead again, Jobs did not give up. In his view, L-PAD also has shortcomings, and many software designs are better for their Apple Corporation.

As for whether it is better or not, everyone has a different view of this. If you ask Qiu Bojun, he will tell you that Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation is the world’s best software Corporation, software developed by Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation, which is the best of its kind!

The biggest feature of Apple Corporation products is that they run fast on their own products, but they perform very well on other systems.

Simply put, compatibility is poor. But in terms of speed, it does work very well, and often has some very practical designs.

It is a pity that Apple Corporation has not been criticized by other organizations in recent years. The biggest criticism is that their products are very poor in cost performance, and there are many functions that are flashy. Most softwares are charged!

There are even people who say that the electronic products made by Apple Corporation are actually for selling software. Software is more profitable than hardware, which is industry-recognized.

Regardless of how others evaluate it, Apple Corporation’s profits have been good in recent years, at least in the hearts of many fans, they are the best Corporation in the world, the best Corporation, the best combination of products and software.

There are even many people who say that they are the best PCCorporation, Electronics Company in the world.

Of course, these are not recognized by other organizations. The peers are the family, this is the unchanging truth.

Although many of the peers have cooperation, but there is a chance to completely step on the other side and make yourself a Boss, no company will miss it.

Any brand of fans will say that the brand they use is the best, they can list many reasons.

But between the companies, you still have to use the market to speak.

Who has a higher market share, who has higher sales and profits, and who is Boss.

As for the company’s own boast, it is not counted. Those who cheated ~ also said that their own organization is or will be the world’s first, in addition to those who were deceived, who believes?

This time, even though IPAD was launched later, Apple Corporation is still full of confidence. Like their IPHONE-3G, although it was launched later than Wind & Rain S4, it still has good sales and makes them make money.

The latest product smartphones they make can make money, not to mention the tablet.

However, when the product was introduced to the market, the response was still flat. Relying on Apple’s brand and sales channels, it has just sold in North America, but out of North America, it sells very badly.

Asia has not yet been listed, and Europe has already been occupied by the Lenovo Group. The advertisements over there were overwhelming. Many people heard about the tablet. The first reaction was Lenovo’s L-PAD, and they had never heard of the IPAD.

The most annoying thing is that the sales manager in Europe has told Jobs that the market in Europe is saturated.

This is an emerging market, how many units did the Lenovo Group sell? How is it saturated?

The sales person was directly dismissed by him. This time, he had to personally sell the product and reproduce the sales miracle of Apple Corporation that year!


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