1745. Chapter 1745 was preempted

“What I am holding now is the fourth-generation smartphone that I am looking forward to. Not only has the hardware been upgraded, but the system has also been upgraded…”

Many mobile phone representatives in the audience can’t help but secretly, TM Xu Lihua, what do you mean by this, what is the expectation? We don’t have a smartphone, it seems that consumers only like you. If your share is high, but you haven’t reached the point of monopoly?

What else is the fourth-generation smartphone that can be prefixed with Wind & Rain Brand or Aihua’s fourth-generation smartphone. Our smartphones have been out for five or six generations. Together with your meaning, are our generations not standard enough?

At other people’s product launches, they are not interrupted. This is the default rule for everyone. I will give you a question later, and I must ask Xu Lihua at that time.

“Like everyone thinks, we are an 3G mobile phone that supports three 3G standard communication modes, namely TD-SCDMA, WCDMA, and CDMA2000.”

“Some people may ask, the 3G standard is not just three, so what about other standard models? My answer is, we don’t produce 3G phones that support other standards, the kind of niche communication standards, let them produce them themselves. Perhaps they can also customize with other mobile phone manufacturers, and our Wind & Rain Brand and Aihua cards do not accept customized services.”

Representatives of other mobile phone manufacturers in the audience are pouting, what is not accepting customized services, that is, no one has asked you to customize before, because those operators do not recognize your technical strength.

Many of their mobile phone manufacturers are participants in the development of these 3G standard chips. It can be said that the maturity of mobile phone chip technology is inseparable from their contributions.

Even many mobile phone manufacturers simply look down on this TD-SCDMA technology standard. How easy is the standard developed by China? Actually, there are operators other than China who are doing it. India and other Southeast Asian countries have accepted this standard, so they have to study this standard 3G mobile phone chip. Otherwise, the market here has nothing to do with them. .

“The 3G phones we produce are also divided into three versions, which require users to choose the right version depending on the carrier.”

Many people in the past have bought mobile phones, and there will be any moving versions, connected versions, and battery versions, which means that different frequency bands are supported.

If you use a mobile phone card that is not suitable, then I am sorry, it does not achieve the theoretical effect, even if you are 4G card with 4G mobile phone, you can only have 2G network experience, and sometimes even do not recognize.

Why do you want to promote your own standards? There is also a problem with the development of mobile phone chips, and mobile phone chips are also very profitable.

“Our fourth-generation smartphone allows you to make video calls anytime, anywhere. Even if you are on a business trip, you can also make video calls with your family. You can report with Boss videos, or even negotiate with video. You don’t have to look for a place with WIFI. Even you can hide in the toilet and video with people.”

There was a good laugh from the audience. They could imagine the video of the video with the people in the toilet. It was so funny.

“Because of the speed of the network, not just video calls, we can use many good apps. For example, the mobile version of the OQ chat software, or use your mobile phone to log in to your blog, Twitter, use your mobile phone to read novels online, watch videos. , uploading or downloading files, the speed is not so slow.”

Previous network speeds, uploads and downloads were always less satisfying. Do you want to use these features in places where WIFI is available? But generally in places where there is WIFI, they have computers around them.

This time, with 3G, it will really bring convenience.

As early as in the year of 04 in Europe, it was the beginning of the trial operation of 3G by operators, then the other side of the country, followed by the promotion of two standards.

In Asia and the world’s largest China market, it was only started trial operation last year, and this year it was officially announced to enter the 3G era.

After the International Telecommunication Union has established the 3G standard, 3G’s network development speed is also faster, and network construction continues to increase investment.

The most important point is that the 3G mobile phone in Europe and America can only accept customization and paste the carrier’s brand. But now they can produce their own brand of 3G phones, which will allow them to make more money with their brand value added.

Before, like top mobile phone manufacturers like Nokia and Motorola, why are they willing to take over the customization of operators?

This can improve their technology, which is equivalent to the cost of the operator to develop new mobile phones. Although they can’t make money temporarily, once the market is open, they can always produce and maintain the leading edge of technology.

Mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia know the 3G network that China tried to operate last year. They are also worried that the 3G mobile phone order will be won by both Wind & Rain and Aihua phones.

I know that these two brands, even the bid did not participate!

They are all overjoyed. So, in terms of the technology of 3G phones, Wind & Rain Brand and Aihua cards should be far behind.

But they did not expect that, after the 3G standard was just announced, and the market was released, they have not yet produced their own brand of 3G mobile phones. Wind & Rain Brand and Aihua brand 3G mobile phones have already been introduced to the market!

When did they study the technology, when did it prepare, how could it start production so quickly, so many of these products were designed long ago?

When they started to see the XMPXG version of the Super MP3 and Second Generation electronic paper books, they had this suspicion, and now it seems that their concerns have become a reality.

Representatives of the Apple Corporation under the audience grew up at this time, and they really did 3G phones. Apple Corporation is also about to launch the IPHONE3G version, and the results are still in the final design, the people Wind & Rain Brand and Aihua brand are ready to be introduced to the market.

In this way, isn’t it that Apple’s mobile phone will fall into the turmoil of following the trend?

Before their IPHONE mobile phone price cuts, they were squandered and countless. Last month they just upgraded their product memory, transitioning from 4G and 8G to 16G memory. The previous two versions have been discontinued and sold out. The new version is priced at 199.

Don’t forget, they just launched IPHONE in the first half of last year, and 8G sells 599 dollars. In less than a year, they have doubled their memory, but the price is less than half of the original, showing how artificially their profits were.

Apple Corporation’s products have always been advertised as a technological sense and humanity, but the price/performance ratio has always been relatively low. This IPHONE is one of the most representative products.

They also found that many of their product features previously performed very poorly due to network speed limitations. This time there is an 3G network, and they will also usher in a rise.

But I didn’t expect it to be taken over by others.


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