1683. 1683 Chapter Iron Man Released

In the domestic case, Feng Yu paid a little attention. When he saw that Zhang Ruiqiang had even served as the leader of the board of supervisors, he was also speechless.

Lao Zhang’s knowledge can also be the top leader? But think about it, maybe others don’t understand it, Lao Zhang knows at least that consultation, which seems to be appropriate.

And just for a while, after a while, there will definitely be new candidates.

However, I will hand over such an important post to Lao Zhang. It seems that this time, Zhang will definitely take a step forward.

Feng Yu had planned to return to China, but Elena came to the country, and Feng Yu did not leave.

Elena came to the country this time to cooperate with the promotion of the film. In fact, she is a guest, but also sang the theme song, so it also promoted along with the starring, etc., but also increased exposure.

In fact, at the end of last year, Elena was a guest actor, and it was a great sight. At that time, the promotion was 007: Royal Gambling, and the first film released by Wind & Rain Holding Company Group after the acquisition of MGM.

The 007 series was originally the signboard of MGM, but the worse it turned out, the lower the word of mouth. This time, I made a meticulous production, and the actors I chose were very suitable, especially the story was very exciting.

The global box office has been counted, breaking through 600 million US dollars, including North American box office, more than 1.7 billion US dollars, Europe and Asia are also very popular.

A lot of people praised, 007 is back!

The production of this film, together with the cost of publicity and distribution, is less than 1.5 billion US dollars. Just at the box office, MGM made a fortune.

The most important point is the sales of the entire MGM 007 series of movie discs, as well as some other peripheral derivatives.

It is conservatively estimated that these years alone can bring more than 500 million US dollars of profits to MGM, which is profit, not revenue. And just this year, next year will definitely continue to have profits.

The media also claimed that 007 was reborn.

Of course, naturally, Feng Yu is also inevitably mentioned. Ralph even publicly declared in front of the media that Boss is to save 007. He did it.

The success of this film has also made the Hollywood film community feel threatened. It seems that MGM is really a newcomer under the Wind & Rain Holding Company group.

The most hated of them is Sony. If it is not Feng Yu, MGM should enter Sony’s, and these glory should be Sony’s talent.

But it’s useless, and now MGM is owned by Wind & Rain Holding Company and is a direct competitor to their Sony Pictures.

Next, Sony and other film companies are more concerned about the upcoming Marvel movie – Iron Man.

If the film is successful, Marvel’s value will increase a lot. If the film was failed, it would prove that the acquisition of Marvel by Wind & Rain Holding Company was a failure.

And for this, it also acquired a majority stake in Lucasfilm, which is simply not worth the candle.

There is also Kirilenko, who actually bought Weta Digital to support Feng Yu, which is too funny. They will suffer losses and will suffer big losses!

Iron Man’s premiere was very lively, with many big star support, including movie stars like Xiao Lizi and Schwarzenegger, as well as major directors such as George Lucas and James Cameron. There are also big singers like Elena, some sports stars in the sports circle, etc., starlight 熠熠.

But what many people didn’t expect was that even some business celebrities came to participate, including CEORalph of Wind & Rain Holding Company Group, Donald of New York Real Estate, Sergey of Google Corporation, and Little Zack of Facebook. …and many others.

This is not what Feng Yu asked them to come in, but Ralph knows that many people are waiting to see Boss’ jokes and must make this Iron Man a success, at least to get a global box office of more than $500 million!

He came to the premiere and then called someone else. As long as he was on the side of the country, he came.

Everyone just needs to say that I like Iron Man very much. This is enough to make Iron Man the focus of the whole of North America and even the whole world, which is higher than the Oscar awards.

When Oscar, please don’t come to these richest people.

Almost all of the media in the ranks of the country have come. Not only those entertainment media, including the economic media, have come, but it is rare to see these big people come together.

When the red movie star, the popular director, the popular movie Corporation, the famous businessman, etc., they wanted to shoot a person before, it was difficult to shoot a person this time, the flash did not stop.

It’s just that the protagonist of Iron Man, Robert Downey, Jr., seems to have no fame.

It is also a veteran actor, but unfortunately there is no masterpiece, but it is the villain, but still some fame, even the guest of the Russian actress Elena, just a guest, is more gimmick than him?

Although the media is very uncomfortable, but as the starring Robert Downey, Jr., still stands in the middle of the stage. He constantly cheered on himself, thinking about Mr. Feng’s emphasis on him. He wanted to change his life, change his family’s life, and change people’s impression of him.

“Donnie, may you be selected as the actor of this movie, is it because this film does not require acting, more is to see special effects?”

“Donnie, it is rumored that you signed a long-term contract with MGM for ten movies, and even the average payout has reached tens of millions. Is it your own hype?”

“Donnie, will this film also shoot a sequel? If the next one is changed, what do you do?”

The reporter’s question, one more than one, is obvious, this is what someone has instructed. Needless to ask, it must be other film Corporation, everyone is a competitor, this is normal.

Robert Downey, Jr. took a deep breath, with a confident smile on his face: “I starred in this Iron Man because I am suitable for this role, and this movie is not all special effects.”

“I did sign a long-term contract for ten movies, and the pay is really good. That is because Mr. Feng thinks that I will get better and better. I am very grateful to Mr. Feng for his appreciation.”

“This movie will definitely shoot a sequel, and Marvel will gradually move to the big screen. This will not change. As for whether the next one will be replaced, it depends on the opinions of the audience. I am confident that the audience will like me. Performing this Iron Man!”

Feng Yu looked at the confident Robert Downey, Jr. on the TV, and nodded with satisfaction. This time Ralph made the scene so big that it could never be failed.

After the film is released, let the audience’s word of mouth explain everything.


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