1581. Chapter 1581 goes against the trend (subscription)

The next day, the box office statistics on May 1 came out. The “Crazy Stone” box office was 4.13 million, the champion of the day.

Wang Zhongjun was surprised to learn about this data. It was much better than he thought. He thought that it would be good to have two million today.

However, this data is not particularly high. During the May Day holiday, many units are not seven days off. In Wang Zhongjun’s opinion, the first three days of the box office should be good, then began to dive.

Their publicity costs are gone, of course, they can continue to increase their propaganda, but feel that it is not necessary. After all, adding one million promotional expenses, you must increase the box office by three million to protect the capital, or take a look.

However, this data has already made him very satisfied. According to this data analysis, the box office should be able to break through 25 million in a month or so. If you are lucky, you can get 30 million. This movie is definitely making money!

The tone of the major media has changed. Some media have begun to advocate “Crazy Stone”. The analysis results are similar to Wang Zhongjun, and the box office can exceed 25 million.

Of course, there are still some media who insist that this is the highest box office of “Crazy Stone” in one day, and then there will be a diving landslide. The final box office may allow Chinese brothers and Liu Tianwang to protect themselves.

Wang Zhongjun thought about it, and landed on the movie, the score has already come down, 9.0 points, but the number of comments has exceeded 3,000!

More than 3,000 people can still have such a high score, which proves that most of the audience still like this movie very much. Even if it is the “no thief in the world” that has received rave reviews in the past two years, the score is only 8.1 points.

There are no thieves in the world, but the box office is more than 80 million. It is also a masterpiece of Feng Dao, and even a red-faced silly root.

Seeing this, Wang Zhongjun has more confidence in Crazy Stone.

He called the assistant to come in, let the assistant arrange it, explain it to the good media, and give some positive publicity to “Crazy Stone” to promote the box office.

On May 2nd, “Crazy Stone” won the single-day box office championship, and the box office skyrocketed to 8.37 million!

At this time, the media that sang “Crazy Stone” didn’t feel right. How is the box office higher every day? This is not scientific!

They did not continue to sing, but they did not tout. They think that this is the highest single-day box office, and the return box office will drop rapidly, it will be!

On May 3, the “Crazy Stone” box office made another breakthrough, one day, 13.5 million, once again set a new record!

It鈥檚 only these three days, the 鈥淐razy Stone鈥?investor has made money.

Liu Tianwang specially called the Chinese bride to express his gratitude and was very surprised by the Chinese filming ability of the Chinese brother. According to this, the film’s box office breakthrough of 40 million is a breeze.

It鈥檚 only three and a half days, and it鈥檚 already twenty-seven million box office. 50 million is not impossible.

And whether it is the media or the masses, they are full of praise for the film. Even many people are beginning to imitate the lines in the movie and find it very interesting.

Everyone thought that after the third day, when the box office of the movie should fall back quickly, the box office of the No. 4 movie did fall back, but the data of the fall was not large. The number of one-day days was 11.28 million, still more than 10 million. It is a one-day champion!

Under normal circumstances, the movie box office should be slipping down more seriously, but this May 1st is now the off-season of the movie, and there are not a few movies.

The film that was released in the same period as “Crazy Stone”, the box office is not smashing, so the line of “Crazy Stone” has been increased in the major theaters, and it is increasing every day. By the time of the fourth, the placement rate has exceeded 80%.

Even in the case of individual cinemas, only this movie was released all day, and no other movies were seen.

The high-end box office of the previous movies is not unrelated to the high rate of filming.

Many people go to the cinema and really just watch a movie. What is there, what to see, is for a pastime. Of course, maybe with the sister, there are some other ideas.

Originally, only Taihua Holdings had a high rate of cinemas, and later all the cinemas, the filming rate was extremely high.

Although the box office of No. 5, No. 6 and No. 7 did not break through 10 million, the decline was more serious, but the average was over six million.

In May 17th, counting the previous night, the box office exceeded 56 million!

What are the total box office of all movies in the country in May 17th? Less than 70 million.

“Crazy Stone” box office accounted for more than 80%!

[“Crazy Stone” box office breakthrough 50 million, created the miracle of May Day Golden Week! 銆?/p>

[Who said that there is no star, the box office will not be very high? “Crazy Stone” tells you that without a big star, you can have a high box office.

[“Crazy Stone” became the first box office in China this year, and continuously created a box office record, which is a miracle]

[Director Ning Wei, innocent Asian star director! 銆?/p>


There are many voices to praise, and of course there are some criticisms.

[“Crazy Stone” copied from foreign director Guy? Ricky, Ning Yu is not worthy of being called Asia Emerging Guide]

[“Crazy Stone” has the highest filming rate, and the box office has the suspicion of falsification]

[Not the rise of the film industry, but the Chinese brothers combined with many theaters to make God]


There are a lot of news and topics on the Internet about Crazy Stone. Many people are paying attention to this matter and the discussion is very enthusiastic.

Some people think that this is a rare piece of good film. Some people think that the traces of the city are too heavy, and many of the settings are not particularly reasonable and cannot withstand scrutiny.

But most of the moviegoers say that this movie is really funny. They did not expect that the dialect could be so funny.

It鈥檚 just that the people on the side of the mountain town are not happy. Why do we have a joke in your mouth?

But in any case, “Crazy Stone” succeeded. Not only reached their expectations, but even exceeded a lot.

Feng Yu said that before the box office can exceed 50 million, they do not believe it. But now seven days have passed, they think that Feng Yu is also low on the final box office.

“Crazy Stone”, the box office is expected to reach 70 million, or even 80 million.

However, they carefully calculated that if there is a potential for a box office to break through 100 million, then it is worthwhile for them to continue to increase the cost of publicity. The box office broke 100 million, and the box office of 99 million is a different meaning.

For the release of Corporation, it is an honor for the production of Corporation.

However, it seems that there is no hope for billions of dollars now, so it is not worth adding any more investment, so the total box office is more than 70 million, which is their psychological expectation.

If you can perform better, you should earn more.

But no matter what, many film production and distribution companies have begun to pay attention to this seven-day holiday, and this small holiday is also a good movie schedule.

The competition is small, the filming rate is high, and it is easy to appear at the box office. So some organizations began to adjust the movie schedule, decided to test the water 11!

At this time, the media who once smashed and ridiculed “The Stone of Madness” were banned.


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