1525. 1525 chapter is a powerful mobile phone

Under pressure, the connectivity company is also researching. It is also convenient for users like the Migration Corporation. Otherwise, their users will be reduced. Compared with it, it seems that it is more humanized.

And many people said that although the registration of the real name of the company has long queued, all the staff members have been polite and have a very good attitude. Even if they need to wait in line, they are not. I feel that something is wrong.

And some large outlets have also introduced the numbering machine produced by Wind & Rain Appliances Corporation. As long as you take the number, you can handle the business in the order of numbers, and there is no need to wait in the back.

The staff whispered and patiently explained that almost every clause was explained in detail, without any omissions, and people were very reassured.

As a result, the real-name system was strongly promoted this time. Not only did the number of users of the Migration Corporation decrease, but it increased. The reduction is naturally connected to the other side.

The network construction that was originally connected is not as good as that of moving east. In many places, the signal is not good for moving east.

And there is still a problem with connectivity, which makes many people criticize, that is, the billing confusion, often do not know why, consumption has increased a lot.

Someone else was inexplicably, and he was put on some packages, but he never handled it. You call to complain, the receipt time there is also very long, although most things can be resolved after the complaint, but most of you need to go to the business hall to handle it personally, the important thing is that the deducted call charges can not come back.

And many people think that the connected customer service attitude is not good, the staff of the business outlets have a bad attitude, and how to look is not as good as moving east.

The Executive of the Corporation is very embarrassing, and the accusations and curses on this network are endless. And those accusations seem to be true, so they can’t argue.

It is hard to beat the iron itself. They have a problem with themselves. They can only recognize bad luck and quickly find a way to remedy it.

However, many connected staff members have complained about the Migration Corporation. They were all good and safe. Are state-owned enterprises, who are not earning money to the state?

Of course, they just talk about it, earn more, and the treatment of these employees is different. Not just wages, but also bonuses and other benefits?

Look at the salary of the official employees of the Corporation. Many people have a monthly salary of tens of thousands. The average is less than two thousand a few years ago!

Finally, the salary of the employees connected to them has also risen. As a result, if you move east, you will do things. Do you have to push forward the real name system and give such a clear deadline? Can you say that the mobile phone card that is not real-name system can’t be used?

To check the real name system of these mobile numbers, do you know how much work you need to increase? We have to work overtime every day, not all of you are troubled!

With emotional work, can the service attitude be good? Especially when it comes to those who are tempered, they are even more impatient. Just listening to the noisy voice in the hall, they are fed up!

At this time, the East of the Corporation, and thrown a killer – charge, send a mobile phone!

There was this rumor before, and everyone was not surprised. They thought that the mobile phone that was sent was a few hundred pieces, perhaps a poor quality machine produced by a small domestic factory.

The above said to send Wind & Rain Brand or Aihua card, then do not ask, it is definitely the value of Wind & Rain Brand 399 yuan, a good phone, how can it be given to you?

However, when they saw the billboards placed outside the moving east business hall, they were stared wide-eyed one by one. Even the latest Wind & Rain phones have them? And Wind & Rain S2 and Aihua A2 smartphones?

Isn’t that a few thousand pieces, is this also sent?

They have not seen the activities of sending high-end mobile phones before. For example, Song River car has been carrying out such activities for a while, buying a car and sending a mobile phone, and sending Aihua A2.

How much can a car be? At that time, the models that sent mobile phones were more than 300,000. The thousands of mobile phones were not too expensive gifts.

This is a different charge for sending a mobile phone. Can you still charge more than 300,000 calls?

Many people have seen it in the past and found that this S2 and A2 mobile phone can be recharged with 9999! But isn’t the price of this phone now also 4999?

And what to say above, the recharged one is called prepaid phone bill, and will be returned to your mobile phone, isn’t it your own?

After the pre-existence, you will have to pay for the phone every month.

Wait, how do you still have 8 thousand A2 phones in advance? What is going on?

Many people can’t help it either, take a leaflet and look at it carefully, or simply go directly to the business hall to consult.

They understand that the original package is different, and the limited packages are different. Although it is 8,000 yuan to give a mobile phone worth 5,000 yuan, but you are required to limit your monthly phone bill to more than one thousand, this one, so that most people can not reach.

Of course, this is not absolute, and there are still some people who can achieve it.

In fact, some of these activities are to attract attention. For example, this month’s consumption guarantee is one thousand. Because the normal call charge is one thousand, it must be a constant phone call. Usually, the income of such a person is not low, not necessarily Need to take advantage of this.

The bottom of the guarantee is one thousand, thirty months, that is the sale of 30,000 guaranteed floor charges.

There are other mobile phones in other files, and some other restrictions, but the staff explained very clearly, let people choose to meet their own package mobile phone, which can save a mobile phone, more cost-effective.

The leader who is connected to the other side is also studying the mobile phone activity of charging and charging. How do they count, it is also a loss.

Although it is bound to long-term users, but you also choose some cheap mobile phones, you choose these good mobile phones, can the price be cheaper?

This will indeed increase the number of users of the East Corporation, but the profit margin will be reduced, and even the overall profit may be reduced.

Shidong Corporation This decision, some brain damage? These customers are ours in the morning and evening. Why do you need to do this? Reducing profits and grabbing customers, can the leader of the leader not reprimand you?

When Young Yu gave them the amount of the activity, Young Master Lu didn’t understand it, because he counted it and lost money.

He relied on this brush to make a good performance, but he couldn’t say that he increased the customer, and the profit was reduced.

Feng Yu smiled at Young Master Lu and only asked Young Master Lu a sentence. Do you think that the bank will help you keep the money and give you interest? Is it a loss?

Young Master Lu thinks carefully, understands how the bank will do the loss business, and there are smart people there.

The most important thing about this event is the cash for prepaid phone bills!


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