1514. Chapter 1514 Chapter Li Chaoren’s Business

“Where is it?” Feng Yu asked in detail.

If you can get involved in Li Family’s port business, then there is also a great benefit to Feng Yu, which is the world’s most important mode of international transportation.

The success of Li Family’s retail, etc., is also inseparable from this. They have the lowest transportation costs and even the lowest storage costs.

“Mainland has, there are there in Australia, Europe and North America, see if you are interested.”

Li Zekai was sitting on the side without a word, as if it had nothing to do with him.

In fact, this matter has little to do with Li Zekai, because these businesses must belong to Hutchison, and the future business of Hutchison will be completely handed over to Li Zeju, who will receive some cash and run his own business. Business.

Li Zekai fully agrees with this point. He knows that once Father’s assets are split into two, Li Family’s voice in the Corporation is no longer so high.

Once the Corporation loses control, Li Family’s detached status has nowhere to exist.

The total market value of Corporation now has more than 800 billion Hong Kong dollars. It can’t be said that it is a giant, but the power it possesses is absolutely not small. The company’s business is spread all over the world, and the most important is port control.

Originally, Li Zekai also had little interest in inheriting the Corporation. He was interested in creating a foundation in his own hands. Feng Yu was able to become the world’s richest man in such a short period of time with bare hands. Fu Guangzheng was able to create a tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars in such a short time. Why is Li Zekai not working?

Li Zekai never thought that he was worse than others, even he thought he should be better, and Li Chaoren is a big backer.

Li Chaoren gave the company to Li Zeju, but he also had a lot of cash in his hands. In the past few years, Li Chaoren’s company’s after-tax profits can be nearly two 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. Industry makes their Corporation market value not so high, but the profitability is absolutely not bad, and more stable.

The company gave Li Zeju, then Li Chaoren’s cash for these years, or other personal industries invested in it, is left to him, and this asset will not be much less than the assets inherited by Li Zeju.

This is Li Chaoren talking to their brothers, they are all their own flesh and blood, how can he be so thick?

Now that Li Zekai has a relationship with Feng Yu, he doesn’t think it is enough. Li Zeju should also be associated with Feng Yu.

At the beginning, Li Chaoren’s Company was more cooperative with peers. One was to raise more funds, have more network channels, and also reduce risks, and also avoid competition and consumption.

Li Zhaoji, the richest man in Hong Kong, was one of Li Chaoren’s earliest partners. And Zheng Family Boss, the helm of Chow Tai Fook, is a good friend of Li Chaoren.

At that time, even the assets of the family were also above Li Chaoren.

However, their respective links are not close, and it can be said that they are fighting each other. Li Chaoren has connections with these families, and the ultimate Hong Kong richest man becomes Li Chaoren. For a time, Li Chaoren was the richest man in Asia, the richest man in the world, and so on.

Of course, now that these titles are on the head of Feng Yu, Li Chaoren has one richest man in Hong Kong.

“Uncle Li, don’t you know if I will cooperate with you to invest in those ports, or give me a chance to invest in Changshi or Huang?”

This Feng Yu wants to ask, one is that Feng Yu has a certain stake in those small ports, the other is a certain shareholding in the parent company, and the right to speak is completely different.

“All right.”

Can you? !

So, Li Chaoren is going to cooperate fully with me?

Feng Yu looked at Li Zekai, Li Zekai still bowed his head and silence, Feng Yu couldn’t see anything.

“Okay, then I decided to invest in Changshi. I don’t know Master Li, how many shares will you sell me?”

Li Chaoren only has a 40% stake in Changshi, which means that Li Chaoren is not the controlling party of Cheung Kong, but it is the helm of everyone, and he also holds the most voting stocks.

Even if it is a general meeting of shareholders, who has the prestige, can surpass Li Chaoren?

And Huang’s 49.9 percent stake belongs to Cheung Kong, and Li Chaoren’s own foundation also has some shares, so the control of Hutchison’s established firm is also in the hands of Li Chaoren.

There are other businesses that have been split up, and Li Chaoren has the final say. Of course, Li Chaoren’s management and management capabilities are also convinced by other shareholders.

This time Li Chaoren wanted to pull Feng Yu into the stock market and did not discuss it with other shareholders in advance, but Li Chaoren believes that as long as he speaks, other shareholders will not disagree.

Not only is Li Chaoren’s face in it, Feng Yu is a gold-plated signboard, how many people want to cooperate.

“We don’t want cash, we want the shares of Taihua Holding Group, we cross-share. Of course, the Wind & Rain Holding Company group is also OK, we are very willing.”


This is not new, but Feng Yu wants to make it clear to Li Chaoren that the Taihua Holding Group and the Wind & Rain Holding Company group have some unlisted assets, so the stock valuation will be very high.

Changshi is listed on the Corporation, the stock is the market price, there is nothing to say, only high, not low.

“Uncle Li, many of our assets under the Taihua Holding Group are not yet available. Once listed, the assets will increase again, so our stock price may be first year.”

“Understand, since you agree, then we will talk about it later?”

“Yes.” Feng Yu nodded, and Taihua Holding Group had to value it. This time, we must study it carefully. Feng Yu did not intend to take advantage of it, but it could not suffer. The interests of other shareholders were also guaranteed.

Ten billion dollars have been drowned, Feng Yu can not wrinkle his brow, but other shareholders can’t do this.

Seeing that Feng Yu was so happy, Li Chaoren was very happy. Many industries under Taihua Holdings have complementary areas with Changshi’s industry. When everyone unites, the strength will definitely take it to the next level.

As for Wind & Rain Holding Company, Li Chaoren is not worried. If he is united with this, it is equivalent to joining with it. It is Feng Yu’s industry.

Li Chaoren pursues a diversified investment strategy. His organization involves energy, real estate, infrastructure, logistics, retail, communications, daily chemicals and related industries. This complex investment approach also makes his Corporation highly resistant to risks.

And a lot of business can be complementary, so that the operating cost of his Corporation can be reduced.

Diversification, joint investment, is Li Chaoren’s business, relying on this business, has his status today.

This time, he has a close relationship with Feng Yu. He is very happy and may be able to retire early.


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