1504. 1504 behind the high man (2/10)

“Brother, you talk in detail, how do you have the idea of ​​forming your own Cargo Airlines Corporation?” Feng Yu asked seriously after arriving home.

In fact, Feng Yu himself has always wanted to do aviation Corporation. The simplest point is his own private jet. You don’t have to hang it under Air China. It will be much easier to travel.

The second is that every time the executives of Taihua Holding Group travel, especially when doing business negotiations, they are all a team charter. With that money, it is better to manage business aviation than their own company. The Wind & Rain Holding Company Group bought it in the country. A small aviation organization, mainly for the convenience of travel inside the Corporation.

The main mode of transportation in the country is the plane and the car. As for the train, the train of the country can be understood as our domestic green leather train, which is the local train.

Until Feng Yu was born again, there was no high-speed rail in the country. Their good roads and numerous aviation organizations make the high-speed rails have no living space at all.

For example, if China has 1.2 billion people, then the train will not be so crowded. China If there are so many mature aviation organizations, the train does not need to speed up.

In fact, investing in the construction of railways is much more expensive than investing in the construction of aviation organizations. However, it is undeniable that the railways carry far more than the aviation Corporation. With so many people in China, the aviation Corporation is really busy.

Li Shiqiang bounced off the ash, started talking: “I am not reading the news, is our country’s first private aviation Corporation put into operation, they have spent 300 million RMB, the aviation Corporation can be operated, I count Well, my money here is almost enough.”

“Shunfeng Logistics has been better than the postal business in the south since it was airlifted. We are only able to fight against the post in the north. If we have air transport, then we can unify the north and then the Central Plains and the South. The market also grabbed it!”

The former Li Shiqiang still can’t earn three hundred yuan a month, and now he is not looking at the three hundred million RMB.

When he first separated from Feng Yu, he wanted this logistics company, and now he is also a famous Boss. Although he knows that he may not be able to surpass this Brother-In-law in his lifetime, it is his wish to be the first in the industry.

Can’t compete with Feng Yu, can you fight for others? If you lose to the post, you can forget it, but how can he be willing to lose to another private logistics company? Clearly their Wind & Rain Logistics, opened earlier.

Isn’t it just air, you can play, I can play, and I have to play better than you!

“Sister, I remind you. If you have money, you can afford to operate the air by buying an airplane. First of all, you must have a good and experienced pilot.”

An airline company, it is very important to have financial strength, but Feng Yu thinks that the most important one is the pilot who is directly responsible for aviation safety. Just like the bus driver, how many years of driving experience are required.

The pilot of Aviation Corporation is not so well trained. If it is not good, it needs to be dug from Air China.

Of course, the co-driver can be cultivated by himself.

Cargo planes, two or three people on a plane are enough. But the captain must have experience, and this money can never be saved.

“I know, aren’t there a few coaches at Bingfei Factory? The big aircraft business here has disappeared, mainly small airplanes and helicopters. Some coaches are now idle, and they have not yet retired. Age. Many of them have experience in large and medium-sized aircraft. It’s absolutely no problem to be a captain.”

Feng Yu was a little surprised. It seems that my brother-in-law is not a whim, but has been thinking for a long time.

“You don’t just contact Bingfei Factory?” Feng Yu asked with a smile.

“Of course, I have contacted people in several aviation organizations, and we can go to the university to recruit, let them come to us as a co-driver. After ten years, they are a good captain!”

Li Shiqiang is very excited, he has considered it for a long time and feels that it is feasible. And they are taking the freight, so they don’t worry about no passengers. Their orders with the railway department are due to expire next year. At that time, they can be less, not afraid of no freight.

Feng Yu asked in detail: “Brother, how many experienced drivers can you dig up?”

“Ah? We have seven or eight trucks now? Initially, we are buying six to eight freighters. If the channel in the south is opened, the number of aircraft can be doubled.” Li Shiqiang looked at Feng Yu with some doubts. Does this require a lot of people? Does the first officer not say that you can use new people or people with less experience?

“No, brother-in-law, I mean, how many people can you dig up? I mean the most, sure.”

“At most, I found someone to contact several aviation organizations, as well as the coaches at Bingfei Factory. I can dig up to fifteen or six. What’s wrong, do you need two experienced players on each plane? Pilot? Didn’t the old prince say this to me?”

“Old Hou? Which old Hou?” Feng Yu was keenly aware that it seems that there is a high man behind Li Shiqiang.

“Ah, that’s the director before Bingfei Factory. You don’t know it. He retired in March this year.”

Hou Haitao ? This is his trick behind the scenes? It is no wonder that the brother-in-law can contact so many pilots, I am afraid it is the relationship of the old Hou.

Lao Hou retired, and this Feng Yu really didn’t know. It seems like the last time I called, or the New Year.

“He, if there is him to help you, then I will see it much easier. Right, is Laohou in Bing City?” Feng Yu thought, and hadn’t talked to Laohou for a long time.

“Well, I called him out and had a meal together?”

“Yes, just talk to him.” Feng Yu has some ideas, but also consult this professional.

“Danying, I didn’t eat at home with Xiao Yu at night, and talked about the old Hou.” Li Shiqiang called and told his wife.

“Xiao Yu just came back, you took him out to drink, you both drink less.” Feng Danying warned repeatedly.

“Sister, don’t worry, I must look at my brother-in-law.” Feng Yu shouted at the phone.

My younger brother doesn’t like drinking too much, and Feng Danying is very clear. She talked to Li Shiqiang a few more times and the phone hangs up.

“You old sister, go to the hospital every day to work, but fortunately under my persuasion, no matter what is the matter.” Li Shiqiang said this sentence, the expression is full of love.

Even if the hospital is very busy, the wife will go home every day to cook, wash, clean up the house, and take care of the family. It seems to be a person who can’t live without it.

But he always felt that his wife was too tired, please have a babysitter, and his wife did not do it, saying that there are outsiders who are not used to it. This kind of life is actually quite good.

“Brother, what do you want?” Feng Yu shook hands in front of Li Shiqiang’s eyes.

“Nothing, wait for me to call the old man for a time.”


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