1489. 1489 chapter Lao Zhang’s cooperation

[China Business Department’s Zhang Ruiqiang visited Taihua Crystalline Silicon Corporation and said that there are many problems]

[Zhang Ruiqiang pointed out that some silicon mines of Taihua Crystalline Silicon may have potential safety hazards and must be shut down for inspection before they can be re-exploited]

[Zhang Ruiqiang believes that China’s crystalline silicon exports are too much, and China can’t embark on the old road of using resources for GDP, so he will follow the advice and limit the export of crystalline silicon.]

[Feng Yu went to the office of Zhang Ruiqiang, but could not see the Lord]

[Taihua Crystalline Silicon is in trouble, this year crystal silicon is likely to reduce production significantly]


A piece of news broke out, and the companies that needed crystalline silicon all panicked. If the Taihua Crystalline Silicon is discontinued, the world’s crystalline silicon production will be cut in half.

If this incident spreads to other crystal silicon companies in China, then the crystal silicon that the world can buy this year may be less than 40% last year!

They immediately contacted Taihua Crystalline Silicon and wanted to hurry up to order a batch of goods. The policy of China has not yet come out, and the goods are also cost-effective.

If you want to produce electronic components, crystal silicon is gone, then they still play a fart.

At this time, the global electronics industry is rising rapidly, and it is precisely when they are most profitable that new electronic factories appear almost every day.

At this time, if the raw materials are out of stock, it will be a heavy blow to the industry.

Especially for those emerging small companies, the biggest hit.

They themselves rely on low labor costs to create profits. Once the price of raw materials rises, their prices will inevitably need to be upgraded, and they will not be competitive.

No brand value added, no better technology, no good design, how to make money?

And those other crystalline silicon companies are broken.

Good opportunity, great opportunity!

All along, they want to take advantage of the rapid development of the electronics industry, let their crystal silicon also increase prices, and get better profits.

However, there have always been China’s Company, especially Taihua Crystalline Silicon, where no one dares to raise prices.

There is no price increase in China. If they raise prices, then they will definitely drop orders.

But now Taihua Crystalline Silicon has gone wrong and was investigated by their own country. In particular, this incident is likely to affect all of China’s crystalline silicon company, that is to say, their market has more than doubled, and crystalline silicon will enter a state of insufficiency!

The simplest relationship between supply and demand, when the product is in short supply, it should increase the price.

So Dongzhi Corporation first announced that their crystalline silicon prices have risen by 30% per ton!

Other crystalline silicon companies are beginning to follow suit, rising more than 30%.

At this time, there is no price increase, what are you waiting for? And their price increases are reasonable, and will not be subject to any illegal investigations. This is determined by the normal supply and demand relationship in the market. See how many companies are waiting to sign contracts with them.

The raw materials have suddenly decreased by half, and their prices have been increased by 100%. It is already kind enough. Now it has risen by 30%. Is there anything wrong with it?

Look at the company in Europe and America, and increase 30% five!

Due to the rising price of crystalline silicon, the major electronics manufacturers on the day announced that their product prices need to be adjusted because their costs have risen.

Many consumers have found that the products that sold eighty pieces yesterday have risen to one hundred today. And yesterday, selling three thousand products, today suddenly announced that the goods are out of stock.

However, many of them were ordered before, and they paid the deposit. They were glad that they had paid the deposit. Otherwise, they would spend a lot of money on this price increase.

Not only PC products, including MP3, U disk, mobile phones and other almost all electronic products, all of which have risen in price, but the price of PCs has risen the most, because the prices of these products are high.

At this time, their netbooks were sold so cheaply, but they lost money, so they thought about it. Anyway, the Lenovo Group was the most affected. Who made them China’s Company?

When the price goes up, the Lenovo Group can only watch it, because China’s Silicon Silicon Company is hit, China’s electronic company will be the most affected.

Japanese companies such as Sony are even cheering, they are not able to enter the China market, is this not a chance to come?

The price of China’s products will inevitably rise sharply, so it will lose its price advantage and may even be out of stock.

As a result, there will be a big gap in the market, which is a good opportunity for them to enter into it.

Not only PC products, but also other electronic products, they can enter China, the market they are most looking forward to.

Not just the Lenovo Group, what companies like Taihua Electronics, Aihua Electronics, Aihua Little Overlord, etc., will all be seriously affected.

It is said that China does not allow any super-rich people. Before Feng Yu, they thought that the wind has changed, but now it seems that China Government is going to start with Feng Yu!

Feng Yu, Feng Yu, you have it today!


“Chief Feng, can we take action?” Liu Chuanzhi asked Hehe.

For a week, the prices of those electronics manufacturers have been adjusted, especially the netbook price that the Lenovo Group hates most, and it has returned to around 3,000 RMB.

Feng Yu sat on the sofa, his fingers kept beating on the armrests of the sofa, and he looked very good: “What is the urgency, what are the companies that can’t buy crystal silicon know?”

“We have all investigated, and now it is the electronic company that has a good relationship with the crystalline silicon company to get the goods. Even if the price rises more than 30% on average, it is still in short supply, and many want to buy it and can’t buy it.”

Liu Chuanzhi They certainly did the investigation, these are the customers of Taihua Crystalline Silicon.

And this time China’s other crystalline silicon company, also played together, of course, they did not lose money, Liu Chuanzhi introduced some electronic company to these crystalline silicon Company, Taihua Crystalline Silicon’s next goal is to export!

“Well, according to our plan, we contact these companies and sign a long-term supply contract with them at a price lower than that of Dongzhi and other companies. Dongzhi they are not willing to sign, we are willing.”

The price has just risen, it is impossible to reduce it immediately. If they just raised the price and immediately cut the price, then it is really manipulating the market price. The crystal silicon company such as Dongzhi will also be investigated and receive a huge fine.

The Silicon Silicon Company in other countries around the world is very happy, and Dongzhi and other companies announced that they are preparing to expand their investment in the crystalline silicon industry. Zhang Ruiqiang has announced another news and once again made headlines in the world’s multinational media!


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