1448. 1448 chapter Stan Lee (8/10)

“Boss, the two film special effects, we really want to buy it?” Ralph feels that the money is too expensive, the film special effects Corporation, is it worth it?

“You only need to hold a holding, so that they can make special effects for us according to our requirements. These two are the world’s most famous film special effects Corporation. After we are all controlled, we are the world’s number one in terms of film special effects. “”

“Ralph, you have to remember that the movie is also white, and it is seen with the eyes. The wonderful level of the story is very important, but the visual effect is also very important. Even the visual effect can affect the audience’s preferences.”

Now what are the big movies, mainly big scenes, big productions, big stars. But in the future, it is sure to add more cool visual effects and sound effects.

“Okay, then I will talk to them and will get the control interest of the two organizations as quickly as possible. But both George Lucas and Peter Jackson are very proud, we may not be able to get control interest.” ”

“Going to talk to Peter Jackson, I think the Hobbit is very interesting and I plan to invest and let him shoot. As for George Lucas, you told him that Star Wars fans have been waiting for a long time and should launch a new movie!”

“And it’s not necessarily buying stocks from them. We can invest in shares, let them grow their size, and they can take on more special effects in the future.”

The two are businessmen, but they are also big directors. If you invest in them and let them shoot their favorite movies, then they can pull in each other’s good feelings.

Feng Yu, but I plan to shoot comic movies, which is very much in need of film technology, especially special effects technology. But before shooting all this, Feng Yu needed the father of Marvel to create a new hero, a Chinese hero.


Stan Lee, the creator of most of Marvel’s characters, was once the publisher of Marvel’s Chairman and Marvel comics. It was later said that for personal reasons, leaving Marvel was actually forced away, because Marvel’s sales gradually declined at that time, and Board of Directors thought his thoughts were too old to lead Marvel to continue to take off unless he was willing to Start writing.

But Stan Lee’s age is already too big. He doesn’t have enough energy to create new comic characters, or good ideas, has been exhausted.

So he went out and set up the Corporation himself, and the result was unfortunately bankrupt. At that time, his thoughts were very avant-garde. He wanted to do online comics, but no one wanted to invest in him.

After the bankruptcy, he got some help from the people, or got some dividends from Marvel Corporation. He was also the screenwriter of those comic films. He re-created the Power Entertainment Corporation and plans to make a comeback.

The rise of the mountains, the ease said than done, the sales of comics are far less than before.

But the comic-adapted film is very popular now, such as “Spider-Man”. The local box office in the country is more than 400 million US dollars, but he did not get a dividend, according to the agreement between him and Marvel, if he created The comic character was adapted into a movie, and he should have a 10% dividend.

Because of this, he and Marvel went to court, the lawsuit played for three years, and now has reached the Supreme Court.

And when he thought he was winning, a person he couldn’t imagine contacted him.

“Mr. Feng, are you also my comic book fan?” Stan Lee asked with pride. Even in the face of the world’s richest man, he is very proud of his performance. He once thought that no one in the world has ever seen his cartoons. If there is, it must have never been to school.

Feng Yu shook his head: “I’m sorry, I am from China. When I was a child, Marvel’s comics haven’t seen much. We’re watching more of China’s comics, or Hong Kong and Japan’s comics.”

The look of Stan Lee’s face flashed away: “So why did Mr. Feng ask me to come over?”

Although he had guessed the inner heart, Feng Yu was not his fan, so he suspected that he might have guessed wrong.

“Li, although I haven’t read your comics, I still know about the characters you created. I have seen the cartoon of Spider-Man. I have always thought that Marvel is yours, and Ralph told me that You don’t have any position at Marvel at this time, which is hard for me to understand.”

“Perhaps in your opinion, the business is business, you can’t create more value for the company, then you have to leave. But in China, it is totally different. Even if you want to retire, the Corporation will give you some Equity to prove your contribution to your Corporation. It can be said that without you, there is no Marvel today.”

“You actually got into the court with Marvel. I don’t understand this. In my opinion, it’s like father sued his child. Are you feeling good?”

Stan Lee was silent for a long while and said, “Mr. Feng, you are right. It is like Father is suing his children, not giving up children. Those abominable capitalists who invade my children. If possible, I certainly don’t want to leave Marvel, but these are not my decisions.”

“The accusation that they are also helpless, they did not fulfill their contractual obligations, they invaded the part that I deserved.”

Feng Yu asked with a smile: “If you can return to Marvel? Are you willing to give up Marvel?”

“Back to Marvel? No, Mr. Feng, you don’t know the vampire, they won’t agree. Even if I go back, I won’t give me any position, I don’t need their charity!” Stan Lee said this sentence It was very hard.

“If I can get you back to Marvel, be the publisher of Marvel comics, and give you a certain stake, are you willing to give up Marvel?”

“I, the issuer? What does Mr. Feng mean?”

Stan Lee was amazed and he still had the chance to become the publisher of Marvel?

“The Wind & Rain Holding Company Group intends to acquire Marvel Entertainment, including all of its subsidiary Marvel comics, Marvel Pictures, etc. If you are not interested in Marvel comics, Marvel Pictures can also, or Marvel Entertainment can give you a high Tube position and can combine your power to entertain.”

“The premise is that I need you as a lobbyist to help us persuade Marvel’s other shareholders to sell the Corporation to the Wind & Rain Holding Company group. We will create a series of hero films around Marvel’s comic characters, guaranteeing each one. It’s all big! We’ll make Marvel’s character fire all over the world, and once again drive Marvel’s products, this is your dream, isn’t it?”

Stan Lee was tempted, and Feng Yu showed him what he dreamed of.


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