1446. 1446 chapter crazy signing (6/10)

MGM announced that it signed a heavyweight under the direction of Christopher Nolan. And this is a long-term, ten-year, ten-time film, using the basic salary + box office dividend model.

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

What they are most surprised about is who is this Nolan?

At this time, Nolan was an unknown director, or a new director from the camera, screenwriter, and actor. Everyone has an impression of him. There may be only one piece of “Memory Fragments”. This is a film that has a flat at the box office. It is neither a commercial film nor a literary film.

To say that in the near future, Nolan still has some other moves, such as he is the director of the comic film “Batman”, and this film, scheduled for this summer, is the investment of Time Warner Corporation.

It is said that even if MGM signed the new director and bet on his future, he should not give such a generous condition. If you can get a box office dividend, then you have to be a commercial director. Is it Spielberg, Cameron?

And ten movies in ten years, this is too high-production, MGM is not without a director, but there are many successful directors in Hollywood, how did you choose such a person?

Nolan is a director that Feng Yu likes very much. The previous Nolan step by step and gradually climbed to the top of the world’s top director. The most important point is that Nolan’s film is implanted without any traces, but it is very effective.

The film wants to make money, and implanting is an effective way. However, if the implant marks are too serious, it will greatly affect the viewing experience.

And Nolan’s hero movie is very good. Although DC Comics belongs to Warner, the other party is killed and not sold, but Marvel does not necessarily say that it is not necessarily sold, and the Marvel movie at this time is not as popular as Feng Yu before the reborn. Perhaps You can earn Marvel’s income by spending less money.

And Marvel’s income is not only the benefits of adapting movies. Wind & Rain Games, which can be adapted into a game, will certainly have a lot of revenue. The re-publishing of comics, cartoons, cartoon dolls, costumes, etc. can also be developed. These are all money.

Many people think that some movies at the box office will lose money at first sight, but why are they still shooting sequels? It’s not the investor’s stupidity, nor the production of the Corporate Brain, but they earned money through the surrounding.

Maybe the movie has lost tens of millions from the box office, but from the periphery, it can earn a billion. And the sequel has another advantage, that is, it can drive the surrounding area to be more popular, and it can also drive the sales of the CDs of the previous movies and earn another income.

Therefore, when many film companies signed with the actors, they signed the three or four films at a time, so that one person represented a character image, so that they could avoid the actor from leaving, resulting in the sequel not being accepted by the fans, or the actors. The skyrocketing pay rises, affecting their production costs.

Feng Yu gave MGM such a generous treatment to Nolan, that is, she was afraid that Nolan was dug away and was dug by Warner. After all, Nolan’s Batman shot for Warner was about to be released. If the reputation is good after the release, The box office is high, then Warner will inevitably ask Nolan to shoot a sequel.

It is a pity that Warner gave Nolan a fixed salary at this time, which is completely incomparable with MGM. Although the box office dividends are also risky, Nolan can only take net profit, which is three times the cost of the box office. The remaining money is the profit at the box office.

Under this condition, no one gave Nolan this unnamed director.

What’s more, when Nolan signed a contract with MGM, he got a message. Cameron had to fight commercial movies again, and MGM first forgot the olive branch.

In the past few years, Cameron has been shooting documentaries. Many people have invited him to continue to shoot the Terminator. They have all been rejected by Cameron because he has a script in his heart. It is almost ten years old, and no one is willing to invest.

This is the script he wrote before the release of the Titanic. He thought he could get a huge investment with the unbeatable box office of the Titanic.

But those organizations are very dissatisfied with Cameron’s shooting and production speed, because Cameron said that the film he plans to complete in five to eight years will be a masterpiece of the history of film creation again.

In five to eight years, no one is willing to invest, especially Cameron has a cost of three hundred million dollars. How many box office do you need to earn money back? Even if it is calculated according to five years, how much will it cost to make $300 million through inflation? If this $300 million investment in other movies, at least three or five major commercial films can be filmed. How much does it cost?

Therefore, although Cameron is famous, he has become one of the most outstanding top 20 directors in the 21st century. He has a box office record and still can’t get investment.

But this time is different, MGM is not bad, or the Wind & Rain Holding Company group is not bad money, willing to invest, is this not a hit?

In particular, Cameron promised that when he filmed the dream movie “Avatar,” he would shoot another “Terminator” and use the profit of the film to support the filming of “Avatar.”

In particular, Cameron hopes to make “Avatar” into a series, like the Terminator, Star Wars, become a series of movies, which is also endorsed by MGM.

As long as the first part is successful, then becoming a series can make more money and is in the interest of MGM.

In fact, people inside MGM are very opposed, but Ralph follows Feng Yu’s opinion and strongly suppresses the objection. Corporation is the Wind & Rain Holding Company group. We say investment, then invest!

It’s not money, bank loans can’t go, and you can borrow from the Wind & Rain Holding Company group at the bank rate.

This is not only the ability to obtain monetary benefits, but also the use of the film Corporation to culturally influence the country, or anti-invasion.

All along, rice countries use their films and other cultural products to export their values, or the values ​​they want others to follow.

Then why can’t it be reversed and let the culture reversely invade to influence the values ​​of the people of the country?

The so-called commercial film in the country of rice, the focus is on visual effects, the plot should be simple and straightforward, and there is a clear main line. This main line can be love, it can be punishing evil and promoting good, it can be revenge, or it can be righteous and evil.

In any case, the plot should be simple and rude, so that most people can easily understand it. Just like the fantasy novel that Feng Yu used to watch on the Internet, it makes people feel cool.

In this simple cool, it is better to highlight a universal value.

After signing the two directors, Feng Yu intends to personally meet the two to correct some of their misconceptions so that they can make money for the company faster.


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