1444. 1444 chapter Sony is too stingy (4/10)

The next day, Ralph got really bad news. MGM told him that Sony also raised the purchase price, which is also five One billion dollars.

And MGM’s shareholders, I really prefer Sony.

Ralph immediately rushed over and started a new round of negotiations with MGM shareholders.

This time he threw out the conditions that Feng Yu said, that is, MGM shareholders can continue to serve as MGM’s board members and executives, but Chairman is definitely appointed by the Wind & Rain Holding Company.

The shareholders were still hesitating, and Ralph immediately asked them: “Many people say that our Wind & Rain Holding Company has a lot of investment, but every time we invest, we make money, and we all let shareholders make money, and let The Founders of the Corporation also made money and made a lot of money!”

“Frankly speaking, if it is me, the investment nature of MGM is not high, but our Boss liked to watch MGM movies, 007 series, he thinks should not be buried, should continue to develop.”

“Everyone who thinks that our Boss is an impulsive investment will eventually regret it. The impulse in your eyes, I don’t know if our Boss has been thoughtful. Sony is good, it seems that after the merger, there will be better development. But you guys Don’t forget, where is the market with the greatest potential in the future, it is China!”

“Our Boss nod, MGM’s movie, can be sold in China. We Boss shake your head, even if you merge with Sony, but your future movies, I also want to have good results in China.”

“Taihua Holding Group has established a cinema company, we are investing in more cinemas, and the box office potential of the future China market will make everyone shocked.”

Ralph talked about it, showing the strength of the Corporation and portraying a bright future for MGM’s shareholders.

But at this time, a shareholder of MGM spoke: “Ralph, but you don’t have experience in film industry. How do I know that you can develop MGM? No one in the world can make 100% investment to make money, Feng must also What investment is not making money, but it has not been reported.”

“We need MGM to continue to provide better movies for people all over the world. We need the MGM brand to continue to resound in the world. These are not done with some screens. Maybe not waiting for the Chinese film market, MGM It is already bankrupt.”

Ralph sneered at the shareholder: “MGM bankruptcy? In your hands, it is possible in Sony’s hands, but in the hands of our Wind & Rain Holding Company, it is absolutely impossible! Although MGM owes a lot of money, but that money, we Boss can settle the account by himself.”

“You’re welcome, let Corporation go bankrupt to evade debt, and choose to pay off your debts. We will definitely choose the second one. Amazon and Google have just been listed for a short time, and the stock is still rising. After three years. And our Boss can cash in a little bit and pay off the debts of MGM. Do you need to let it go bankrupt?”

“Our partners have the most advanced disc production technology, and we will let MGM’s movies reappear in front of people in the form of high-definition discs. We will make MGM’s movie IP re-glow. We will also let MGM, Stepping on other film companies to become the world’s number one!”

Ralph’s language is very provocative. He gave these shareholders a big pie, a pie that made these shareholders drool.

This pie can satisfy both their spiritual needs and their material needs.

“Don’t forget, Sony Corporation has no money in itself, and we have enough cash. We will buy your stock in cash instead of paying like high-risk bonds like Sony. If you are welcome, Sony is not an acquisition at all. It is clearly to use your own stock loan to buy the Corporation that belongs to you!”

“Even if you think that we don’t understand MGM, it may not be well managed, but isn’t there you? If you still love MGM and want him to really resound the world, then selling MGM to us is the right choice. “”

The words Ralph touched some people. There are people who are dissatisfied with Sony’s plan for the acquisition of financial leverage. Although it may bring high returns, it also means high risk.

Some people are still unwilling to gamble. They want to hold the money, and Ann is retired and pensioned. Maybe you can invest in some other stable stocks, but you won’t invest in these high-risk products.

“Mr. Ralph, we still need to discuss it. Frankly speaking, your conditions are very moving, but if you are not sure, will Sony still have higher conditions?”

Ralph has some anger, these cunning, greedy guys, they definitely don’t think that Sony will open higher conditions, they want the Wind & Rain Holding Company group to open higher conditions!

“Then, let’s think about it. In fact, there are some equally high-quality film companies, which are also within our scope of investigation. Think about the company that we are rivals with, even if it is Microsoft, it has suffered a big loss!”

The words before Ralph left, let MGM’s shareholders face each other.

They remember, and it was rumored that Microsoft would sweep Feng Yu out of the house. As a result, Microsoft’s share price began to plummet and a network bubble broke out. The initiator of this was Wind & Rain Holding Company, which was the scandal of the network Corporation. Initiating a network bubble.

It was also their first time to sell Microsoft’s stock, causing a stock panic selling, which plummeted.

But they are ultimately for the benefit. If Sony can bring them more benefits, then they will choose to work with Sony.


Kojima knows that Ralph is coming to MGM again. After Ralph left, he didn’t go directly to the door. He had to wait for MGM to come to him so that he could take the initiative.

Sure enough, the CEO of MGM took the initiative to call him.

“Meo, are you thinking about it, are you ready to accept our Sony acquisition? After joining us, MGM will definitely bring you more benefits.”

“Mr. Kojima, I am just here to inform you of one thing, two billion dollars, you add another two hundred million dollars, we will agree to sell MGM to you Sony.” Mayo said.

“No, five One billion dollars is already the highest price, don’t forget, you MGM has a huge debt, which we have to bear.”

“With an increase of 200 million U.S. dollars, you don’t have to pay much. Aren’t all investment institutions such as banks pay?”

“That doesn’t work either. That’s the benefit of our Sony. You MGM, it’s worth the price.”

Mayo was mad at this sentence: “Small island, then our cooperation is absolutely impossible. The reason why we can’t cooperate this time is because your Sony is too small, so we choose to be more atmospheric Wind & Rain Holding Company, goodbye!”


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