1435. The 1435 chapter is broken and big business

“Boss, got it, the technology you want has already been purchased.”

鈥淰ery good, you contact Old Zong and inform him to send someone to choose a location to build a factory.鈥?/p>

Ten minutes later, Feng Yu was running on a treadmill, and the phone on the desk rang the familiar melody of the Wind & Rain phone.

“Old Zong, Kanda called you?” Feng Yu walked in the room while wiping his sweat. He couldn’t sit down and sit down after running.

鈥淐hief Feng, Kameido Masao just told me that in Japan, a garbage disposal company was acquired and sold to Taihua Holding Group, let us build a factory in China?鈥?Zong Qingxian’s tone is unbelievable.


鈥淐hief Feng, is this your idea?鈥?Zong Qingxian confirmed again.

“Yes, what happened?”

鈥淐hief Feng, we Taihua Holding Group, when did the investment start to break?鈥?/p>

Keke cough~~~

Feng Yu was almost not killed by his own saliva. What is the investment? That is called waste recycling!

“Old Zong, we are not investing in the waste, but investing in the electronic waste recycling process! It is to recycle and dismantle the discarded electrical and electronic equipment, and extract the useful products. The products are mainly minerals, such as copper, gold, lead, iron, tin, etc., and the separated plastics can also be dissolved and reused, and the most can be incinerated.”

鈥淚 told you that the minerals extracted from e-waste are much lower than the cost of mining from natural deposits, and the precious metals are ten times or even dozens of times more than natural minerals. Low. This is a bad business in your eyes, but big business.”

“Otherwise, do you think that developed countries such as the United States, Japan, France, Germany, etc. are so active in recycling these things? Don’t you know how much such waste is transported by us from Japan every year? If you don’t make money, you really Are they philanthropists who come to help us?”

When the Japanese merchants transported these e-wastes from China, they didn鈥檛 have to spend a penny, the tolls for the trip, China鈥檚 reimbursement, and some hardships for others. After all, people help to deal with 鈥済arbage鈥?

These electronic wastes contain a variety of toxic minerals. If they are buried on the spot, they will pollute the water and soil environment and incinerate the pollution that cannot be avoided. It can be said that at that time, China rarely studied waste disposal in this area, and some people would be willing to take it away. The local government would not be happy.

What’s more, the local area only has a little “cost” and hard work.

However, some people later found out that this was not the right thing. When China was in a tense relationship with Japan, the Japanese people would not hate China people. Is this “selfless” help to China people? Even the garbage is helping?

Later, some companies found that China’s China slag can extract some rare precious metals, which made the Japanese people’s conspiracy.

Then these slags were not treated by the 鈥済ood intentions鈥?of the Japanese people. They tried to refine them. The things extracted from the slag were even more precious than the metals they originally extracted. They originally lost the watermelon and sesame seeds!

Through this incident, some companies have also discovered that since this slag is a good thing, this e-waste is definitely a good thing, otherwise, what can the Japanese people do for you?

Is Japan a junkyard? Are Japanese people a philanthropist?


Considering the savvy of the Japanese people, some people began to pay attention to and study the separation technology of minerals in these electronic wastes, among which the best development in South Guangdong Province was originally invested by Hong Kong businessmen.

Later, it gradually became the China Electronic Waste Treatment Center, where a large amount of electronic waste was transported to handle it every year.

However, the technology on the Chinese side is too rough, especially for the control of pollution.

Because it is an emerging industry, and at that time, the industry has just emerged, so all standards are much looser than the international ones. It also represents the sewage disposal of the electronic waste treatment plant in China, and the pollution is very serious.

“Chief Feng, you said this, I know. There are not many such factories in the South Guangdong Province, and there is a city that can be called a factory everywhere. But how serious is this pollution? You should also be aware that people working in factories there are too many skin diseases, respiratory diseases, nervous system diseases, digestive diseases, etc.”

“I know that we are the big country in the world of e-waste, not comparable to the country of rice, but it is also ranked in the top ten in the world. But you invest in this, polluting the environment, is this not a reputation that affects our Taihua holdings?” Zong Qingxian persuaded .

This e-waste is sold to the foreign companies. It is not good. You can build the factory in Russia. Anyway, it is very sparse.

鈥淥ld Zong, you don鈥檛 know how advanced this technology is, how advanced it is. Kameido Masao assured me that this is definitely the leading technology in the world, which can be controlled by equipment to reasonable emission standards without pollution. “”

Feng Yu is very annoying to environmental pollution. How can he ignore environmental pollution for profit?

Isn’t it necessary to have some sewage disposal equipment at a high price? These Feng Yus are of course taken into consideration. However, this investment will definitely not make money in a short period of time, but in the long run, it is still very cost-effective.

China’s future e-waste will be more and more. As a global manufacturing plant, coupled with China’s large population, electronic and electrical scrap will definitely be more.

In the future, it may not be more than the country of rice, but it will become the top three in the world. That is certain.

Instead of letting the domestic unqualified small factories deal with it, or selling it to the Japanese to make money, it is better to deal with it. It can also separate a lot of mineral raw materials for recycling and form a real ecological industry circle.

鈥淚t will not cause pollution. Whether it is chemical treatment or incineration, it will cause pollution, especially the emission of harmful gases, which is more difficult to treat than sewage.鈥?Zong Qingxian insisted.

鈥淏ut this is treated by mechanical separation and microbial leaching. It also includes many other treatments. This is the most advanced treatment in the world, and pollution is the lowest. Think about it, Japan is so big, If it is heavy pollution, Japan鈥檚 e-waste is scaled up, and it鈥檚 taken away from us so much. Isn鈥檛 the environment in Japan not finished?鈥?/p>

“You can rest assured, Old Zong. I will not look at the company polluting the environment. If it is really polluted, then I will stop production immediately, and the costs incurred will be borne by me!”

“Chief Feng, I don’t mean that. If you really think about it, then I believe and will support you. This matter is handed over to me. I will definitely build the factory as fast as possible. Let us also let us The country鈥檚 e-waste can be disposed of properly at an early date!”


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