1397. Chapter 1397 new system is going to succeed

“Boss, the lawsuit against Microsoft’s monopoly, has already begun. But what Microsoft lawyers mean is to drag on. We now have two options. The first is to accept an out-of-court settlement to avoid harming Microsoft’s brand. Get a compensation. The second is not to accept the settlement, ask the court to decide, so the penalty may be less, but it can hit Microsoft.”

The first is that both parties are profitable. Although Microsoft may have to pay more, the brand reputation is saved and there is no loss. The second is that China has less money, but it makes Microsoft lose more, which is equivalent to hurting each other in disguise.

“Wilson, I said, you must convince the government that you will not accept the out-of-court settlement.” Feng Yu said earnestly.

“Understood, Boss, this lawsuit, we will definitely win, I will do everything possible, let us get more fines. I also invited two law firms that have participated in the EU accusation of Microsoft to join, which will make us win big. increase!”

“Well, it’s doing very well. It’s time to give you a lawyer’s fee, not a fraction.”

The look of Wilson’s face, the generosity of Boss, he is clear. As long as things are done to make Boss happy, Boss will definitely give him the money he is satisfied with.

Now Wilson’s law firm is also famous. But basically he has no case, he only works for Boss, and other things are handed over to other lawyers in the law firm.

“Right, Boss, my partner told me a message that Microsoft found evidence of a violation of Microsoft’s intellectual property rights in the country when it was settled outside the XX country. With this as a key point, Microsoft did not pay much when it was settled. what money.”

Feng Yu raised an eyebrow and he knew what was going on.

In the past, Microsoft once gotten in China and seized some of the state-owned and government agencies using pirated Microsoft systems and software, which made China a frustrated international reputation.

But this world is different, Feng Yu originally let Lenovo Group sell Microsoft Windows system, the price is very low, and it also hit a few piracy, so that most state-owned enterprises and institutions in China have chosen to install genuine.

Later, Microsoft took back the sales rights, their own China branch offices sales, the price is much lower than foreign countries, and in order to stimulate sales, the system they installed for the company is relatively cheap, because of the large amount.

However, over time, the price of software such as Microsoft’s systems began to rise slowly, and it is now approaching the price level of foreign developed countries.

Microsoft’s system has also been cracked by some “masters”. Many individuals have chosen to install pirated copies. Anyway, they feel the same can be used. There is no difference.

But at least for now, compared to the previous generation, piracy is much less. If you continue to do so, piracy will definitely spread further.

Fortunately, Feng Yu has been urging the window system developed by Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation to be made soon.

At this time, Microsoft is also developing a new, epoch-making system, VISTA, which is the system that made Microsoft suffer from Waterloo.

This system is not bad to sell, and word of mouth is also a one-sided bad review, mainly because of hardware and software compatibility issues.

Later, Microsoft took a tougher approach and stopped the upgrade of the XP system to force the user to enter the VISTA system. The result was finally failed. It was forced to launch WIN7 in advance. The result also experienced a period of pain. About three years later, Only replaced XP.

The tens of billions of dollars spent on the so-called epoch-making products that have been researched over the past five years have resulted in a fiasco, which has brought a big blow to Microsoft at the time.

Feng Yu is going to take advantage of this time to launch the Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation system, and dare not say that it will quickly replace Microsoft’s system, but it is certainly no problem to get a market.

Feng Yu’s requirement for Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation is that the system is small, simple, and compatible. This will allow Microsoft users to slowly replace Microsoft by trying to love the system on Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation.

Unfortunately, Feng Yu asked them to make a system similar to the WIN7 he used in his previous life, but it was impossible, because the hardware configuration was insufficient and could not be taken.

However, according to Feng Yu’s request, they made a system suitable for the server, and also reached the final test stage, and planned to be introduced to the market by the end of this year.

Fortunately, they have the experience of developing HOS, know how to simplify the system, but after all, HOS is just a system applied to smart phones, and the gap with the real PC system is still very large.

In order to make this PC system, the main income of Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation in the past few years has basically been invested, and now the loan is being done.

Fortunately, Qiu Bojun is also very confident about this. Once China’s computer operating system was developed by itself, what happened to Microsoft at that time.

However, after the original batch of people quit, the sea of ​​the sea, and the original leader did not know how to continue to invest in development, so that China’s system was gradually replaced by Microsoft’s system.

Qiu Bojun is one of the members of the Chinese operating system, or one of the representatives. He also always wanted to re-create a system that is suitable for China’s system. If it can be used outside the country and used by people in more countries, it would be even better.

When I first started working on a smartphone system, many people opposed it. After the finished product came out, although there were some problems, but the praise was still a lot, Wind & Rain Brand’s S1 and S2, sales are not bad, at least to a certain extent, suppressed the development of the game, but also forced Microsoft to increase R & D The investment is also a success.

Since the HOS can succeed, why can’t the PC system succeed?

They are all based on the Linux system, the system that publishes the source code for free, or the open source system, which is researched by almost all software organizations in the world, which is Microsoft’s most hated system. Qiu Bojun, Lei Dajun and others are convinced that they will be able to make a battle with Microsoft, and even in turn suppress Microsoft’s system.

Most importantly, Feng Yu is very supportive of this matter. If they have concerns before, they will not develop half of them, and the capital chain will be broken, but now they are not worried about it.

Chief Feng is not saying, if you are worried about funds, you can separate this project, set up a sub-Corporation, and then Feng Yu will invest all the funds.

With this sentence, other shareholders have strengthened their confidence and they are very supportive of Qiu Bojun. It is said that Minsheng Bank’s loan, or Liu Chuanzhi’s personal help to run down, and the Lenovo Group as a guarantee, can lend so much money.

Now that their products have entered the final commissioning phase, it will be popular if they are introduced to the market.


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