1196. Chapter 1196 is divided into camps (request for a ticket)

“The president of Dahe, the president of His Majesty, Nakamura, came to say that there are important things and I want to discuss with you,” said Norio Ohga’s new assistant.

The president of Nakamura, who is under the command of his Majesty, is a rare visitor. Although Sony has cooperated with his Majesty, most of the time, he is still in a competitive position. After all, it is Dongzhi who is more closely cooperating with Sony.

“Mr. Nakamura, how come I have time here?” Nakamura was the president of last year, and he was younger. Norio Ohga always felt that his qualifications were older and his tone was somewhat proud.

When I heard Norio Ohga’s arrogant tone, Nakamura had no unpleasant expressions.

“Dahe President, some of the cooperation on our two companies, I want to talk to you in detail.”

“Oh? Why didn’t I see it, what do we need to cooperate with?”

music player? It’s not as good as their Sony, digital camera, everyone, mobile phone, everyone is similar, video game, Sony is leading, and DVD, and Sony is a little ahead. As for other household appliances like razors, it’s a leader. However, Sony is also not interested in developing new razors with his Majesty.

“Dahe President, don’t say it is so full. I know that Sony is better than us in many ways, but this year our sales are also very good. It is conservatively estimated that our sales this year can exceed five. One billion dollars, and even hope to reach 60 billion US dollars.”

This number is higher than Sony’s.

“Hey, are you coming to show off?” Norio Ohga said displeasedly.

“No, no, I am looking for Sony to talk about cooperation. I don’t know if Sony is interested in the cooperation on TV.” Nakamura asked with a smile.

TV set? Norio Ohga was a little surprised. On the TV side, His Majesty is Japan’s Boss, which is also famous throughout the world.

Although Sony also has a TV set, it is much less influential than its Majesty. But somehow, who would look for a partnership with a weaker organization?

Besides, isn’t your Majesty’s strategic alliance with Xianfeng and Hitachi? When Sony and Dongzhi wanted to join, they still refused.

What is wrong with this, they actually took the initiative to find the door?

“How to cooperate, President Nakamura can talk about it.”

Nakamura’s husband smiled and knew that this condition, Sony could not refuse.

“Now the traditional fluorescent display TV has become more and more unpopular, everyone is more inclined to flat-panel TV. So, the future flat-panel TV will definitely replace the fluorescent display TV of the big head. I say, do you agree? ”

Norio Ohga nodded. From a space-saving point of view, flat-panel TVs are also more advantageous, and can be placed on TV cabinets or hung directly on the wall.

“Now plasma TV is the highest-end TV. Do you admit it?” After winning the approval of Norio Ohga, Nakamura continued: “I remember that your Corporation and Dongzhi Corporation want to join our plasma TV alliance. You have not agreed to the conditions we have proposed.”

“Yes, your conditions are too harsh. It is impossible for all the technologies that have been researched to belong to you, and you have too much money. You have already profited from above. There is no reason for all research and development expenses. Bear.” Norio Ohga said this, his face is not very good-looking.

“Dahe President, these are past tense. Now, on behalf of the Plasma TV Alliance, I invite Sony Corporation to join us and work on plasma TV technology!”

Norio Ohga was not too happy, but asked calmly: “So, what are your conditions? I will make it clear first, if it is still the condition, then there is no need to talk about it. We and Sony, will slowly catch up with you. Steps and complete beyond!”

“Hahaha, of course, is not such a harsh condition. After all, you are also the company of Japan. Compared to outsiders, we are our own people.”

Ok? Norio Ohga Eyebrows, what does it mean to outsiders?

“Tom Sun Corporation announced that it will increase its investment in research and development of plasma TVs this year, and it will be combined with China’s TCLCorporation. Then South Korea’s Four Star Group and LG also announced that they will increase investment in research and development of plasma TVs this year. Some of Taiwan’s Corporations also announced that they will increase their investment. The market is so big that it is not occupied by outsiders, and it is not as good as our Japanese people.”

It sounds a bit plausible, but Norio Ohga feels that there must be something wrong with it.

“Wind & Rain Electronics, Philips, Changhong, etc.? They are also very good on the tablet.” Norio Ohga asked at once.

“Dahe president is not the president of Dahe, did you find out? Yes, those Corporations have announced an increase in research and development investment in liquid crystal technology, and intend to introduce a larger screen LCD TV. So, flat-panel TV Competition, to become hot, we need more allies.” Nakamura star sighs.

Norio Ohga is a little bit better, still want to lie to me? I have experienced more things than you.

“So, you want us to join Sony in the plasma TV camp and give up the LCD TV?”

“Yes, the profit of plasma TV is higher? Isn’t it the profit of LCD TVs? There is no way to compare with plasma TVs. And in terms of clarity, power consumption, screen size, etc., plasma has an advantage. And, first Peak Corporation, has already invited Dongzhi.”

Norio Ohga said, you mean, if I don’t agree, then in Japan, we Sony is helpless, right? This is forcing us to tie our Sony to the chariot.

Of course, if Dongzhi and Sony don’t agree, then the camp to join the LCD TV is no problem.

However, the LCD TV camp, with the Feng Yu’s Corporation, makes Norio Ohga very cozy. The plasma TV defeated the LCD TV, and Sony defeated Feng Yu, which seemed to make him more happy.

“I can’t give you a reply at the moment, I need to discuss it at the Board of Directors. You can also make your terms clear, so as not to misunderstand.” Norio Ohga indifferently said.

“Of course. This document is the condition for your Sony and Dongzhi to join the Plasma TV Alliance. In the future, we will monopolize the plasma TV technology standard in the hands of our Japan Corporation. After reading the message, President Dahe, I think you will agree. “”

Mr. Nakamura dropped a document and got up and left the office of Norio Ohga. His face is confident and seems to think that this condition, Sony can not refuse.

Norio Ohga flipped through the document after the Nakamura star left. Putting down the documents, he called the president of Dongzhi again… After hang up, Norio Ohga had a decision.


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