1172. Chapter 1172, oh, won again.

“Paul, do you want to gamble again? I bet this game, oh no, I bet this series, or the Wind & Rain team won,” said Kirilenko, who is sitting next to Feng Yu.

This year the Nets once again smashed, the league was second to last, but Kirilenko had no depression on his face. According to the strength of the Nets, the playoffs are somewhat difficult, but not the penultimate.

To put it bluntly, this year’s rookie is said to be good, Kirilenko intends to get another No. 1 pick, last year’s champion is a bit of water, or that the quality of the rookie is not high. This time, the two champions matched Kidd and entered the playoffs properly.

In the past, the knee injury that made Kidd’s athletic ability seriously degraded, this world did not happen. Kidd can also make a very good breakthrough. Because it is smashed, Kidd has even been put into the injury list many times away. Have a vacation.

It can be said that if one or two rookies are selected this year, the Nets will definitely fly to the sky!

Kirilenko also likes basketball, and his team can’t see it, so he supports Feng Yu’s team.

“You bet the Wind & Rain team won? Well, isn’t it better to bet on us this time?” Paul Allen’s confidence, if he can lose, the Blazers’ coach, Manager, and everything should be gone. !

“For $10 million, I bet the Wind & Rain team won.” Kirilenko brushed a check and placed it in front of Paul Allen.

How could Paul Allen make Kirilenko look down, he immediately signed a $10 million check and handed it to Kirilenko because he believed he would win. There is no reason not to give money to someone else.

Feng Yu also signed a $10 million check and handed it to Paul Allen: “Do you dare to pick it up? I lost 20 million dollars at a time, it hurts.”

Paul Allen’s anger, 20 million dollars, is not a small amount for him. Rao is rich in his family, but in his personal account, he has more than 10 million in cash. If he loses, he can only sell stocks. But how can he endure the fall of Feng Yu, his Paul Allen, will worry about 20 million dollars?

“Well, I picked it up. Someone is willing to send money to me. Of course I am very happy.”

The two sides exchanged the check. If they win, they will go directly to the bank to enter the account. If they lose, the check of the other party will naturally be void. With their net worth, they will not rely on the other party for 10 million dollars.

Feng Yu walked back to the Wind & Rain team: “I must win this series. Everyone works hard. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose in the second round. This round wins. Everyone doubles the playoff bonus. I am private!”

Carter and Pierce looked at each other and both of them made up their minds. In this series, they must play the game that Boss is satisfied with. Boss gave them so many advertising contracts, but they did not make them profitable. The team’s future Boss dispute, this time put it down temporarily.

Rodman, Lewis, Billups, Mobley, Alston, Daxie and others have also made up their minds that since this year they lost the chance to win the championship, it is better to make more money. Besides, if you are satisfied with Boss, you will never lose money when you renew your contract.

The opening Carl arranged a small ball tactic, Rodman hit the center, and the jump ball actually won the Blazers’ orthodox center. When the Blazers haven’t reacted, Billups receives the ball and throws it forward. Carter catches the ball and takes a three-step Toma Dunk!

This is the playoffs, even dare to play like this, the Blazers’ coach can’t help but look at George Carl. This old guy is really amazing. It is the best coach last year.

In steals, Pierce ventured to reach out and snatched the beautiful Pippen, then took the ball and took two steps, throwing it forward, and Carter slammed the dunk.

This is the playoffs, are they playing fast? And risk steals, not afraid to be fouled? The Blazers’ coach suddenly had a very bad feeling.

At the end of the first quarter, the Blazers guaranteed the usual offensive power. In the playoffs, the score of 25 points is not good, but it is also qualified. If you don’t look at the dazzling thirty-seven points of the Wind & Rain team. .

Just in the first quarter, he was led by the other side by 12 points, including a three-pointer from Daxie. And that Lewis also scored two three-pointers, so the big man, not going inside, how is it always floating on the outside shot? Who taught this?

Wind & Rain team, how are they wonderful!

Feng Yu chats with Kirilenko with a smile, Kirilenko sighs: “Feng, or your team is successful, you don’t have to pay more taxes, but also won a championship.”

“Don’t worry, you are not hoarding three draft picks this year. If you draw lots, how can you draw a good one? This year’s inside is better. I think it’s better to choose two insiders.”

“Actually, I really like an insider, that is, the big fat man of the Lakers. Damn Bass actually doesn’t sell. I said, except Kidd, he can pick him up and even compensate him for a sum of money in private. He actually still Don’t promise!” Kirilenko said with anger.

I don’t want to sell O’Neill! Feng Yu White Kirilenko glanced: “Then you choose two good insiders to train yourself. O’Neill is very bullish, but wasn’t he lost last year?”

“Yes, Jordan, who was blown into the god of basketball, wasn’t finished at first. Then they formed the All-Star team and won the championship… Good ball!” Kirilenko chatted with Feng Yu. Also looking at the ball.

Feng Yu doesn’t know if Jordan is blowing out. Many people say that Jordan is a scoring machine. Feng Yu agrees very much, but Jordan has a big drawback. It’s not three points, but he… the heat is not good, always It is the tongue!

At the end of the half, the Blazers not only did not narrow the points difference, but also was extended to 18 points. It can be seen that the Wind & Rain team played very aggressive today.

At the end of the first game, the Wind & Rain team beat 21 points. Paul Allen left without saying a word and turned back to the team’s coach. Also said that you can win the Wind & Rain team 20, TM actually lost more than 20!

In the second game, the Wind & Rain team won again, still winning outside. Carter and Pierce were both 30+, Billups, Mobley 15+, Lewis, and Daxie all got more than six. It is rare in the playoffs.

Finally returned to the home of the Blazers, Paul Allen appeared again, he thought, this time can be a shame, so that Paul Allen can not wait to play in person, the Blazers, even swept again!

The reason for losing is exactly the same as before, that is, the Wind & Rain team has blossomed outside, everyone can score, and the Blazers can’t prevent it.

He couldn’t believe it. The pioneer who spent so much money built it was once again in the first round!

Feng Yu walked with Kirilenko to Paul Allen: “Oh, Paul, we won again.”


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