1169. Chapter 1169 Proud Sanders

A white man with a hair and a beard, but a careless and meticulous white man, sitting in front of Feng Yu, this person’s face has always been filled with confidence, even if it is the world’s second richest Feng Yu It does not seem to affect his mood.

Ralph started talking: “Mr. Sanders, my Boss is very interested in your Corporation. I am not the first time to contact you. We have met many times before. At that time, the value of your Corporation was more than $70 billion. But now, it seems that there are only more than two billion dollars?”

The implication, Jerry Sanders, did you regret it? At the beginning of the price we gave, as long as 50% of the equity, or even reduce some investment, equity can also be. But now, according to the original offer, you can buy the entire Advanced Micro Devices Corporation, and the rest!

Saunders still has a faint smile on his face: “Von, you want to buy our Advanced Micro Devices, I never doubt this. Your name, let me believe, you will give me a very suitable price. But Advanced Micro Devices was created by me. I have deep feelings. Just like the Corporation you created, will you sell it? Although the market value of Corporation is shrinking, the relationship is still profitable?”

This old guy is really bad. That’s right, although the market value of Advanced Micro Devices has shrunk dramatically, it is much more serious than many organizations shrinking, but as Sanders said, Advanced Micro Devices is still making money. Last year’s profit exceeded the One billion dollar. This year, it is more confident than the three One billion dollars. Even if the global economy is not good this year, the development of the computer has entered a high-speed period.

My Corporation is still making money, the stock price is up and down, and I will not sell it. Anyway, I have nothing to lose, and those who lose money are those who invest in stocks. As the stock price rises, I can cash in those non-voting stocks that are rewarded, or keep them. If the price rises, then sell again, or simply wait for the dividend.

Advanced Micro Devices is different from the network Corporation whose stock price has plummeted. They are physical and the business is doing well. Although on the CPU, the market is almost nine minutes away from the suppression of Intel, but then, how can Intel not dare to let the super-deterrage collapse, then form a monopoly, will inevitably face huge penalties, and will Forced to split!

“Saunders, Superwey only started to make profits last year. It used to be a deficit. If it wasn’t a stockmarket bubble, your Corporation would have gone bankrupt. I’m not afraid to tell you that the company’s stock, we have secretly acquired some, though Not yet traded, but the contract has been signed, these stocks are enough to ensure that we are the largest shareholder of the company except you.” Ralph hangs sarcasm.

Corporation is a good company, but you have no money to develop, have received several capital injections, and venture capital, otherwise Advanced Micro Devices has long gone bankrupt.

You are not planning to sell the shares of Corporation, but you cannot stop others from selling. Especially for investment institutions such as banks, the stockmarket bubble, many investment institutions are not a small number of losses, they urgently need to let the funds back, reduce losses.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ralph, under the direction of Feng Yu, signed an agreement with many investment institutions to buy the shares of those companies, according to 1% of the market price of the trading day.

At the time, US Stockmarket recovered, and the stock price of Chaowei also rebounded. Those investment institutions thought it was cheaper. However, during this period, as the WorldCom scandal broke out, An Xinda’s scandal broke out, and more and more companies in the country were involved. As a result, US Stockmarket overall fell, and the stock price of Chaowei fell again.

Even Intel, at this time, the stock price has fallen to the beginning of 30 million US dollars, 99 at the end of the year, they are more than five 100 billion dollars!

Now it seems that those shareholders who thought they had taken advantage of it were losing money. According to the 1% of the current trading day price, it is also 10% lower than their original price!

Unfortunately, the contracts have been signed. At the end of this month, they have to complete the transaction. They want to finish it as soon as possible, but Ralph is not in a hurry. Who wants to have a flexible system when they set the trading date? Then it will be impeached, and anyway, the Wind & Rain Holding Company will make more money.

Only some shareholders, like Sanders, do not sell stocks. Otherwise, if the voting shares in the hands of other shareholders are acquired, there will be 49% of the voting rights, although it is still not as good as Sanders’ 50%. One, but with the name of Feng Yu, enough with the Sanders challenge.

Of course, non-voting stocks, this time Ralph has not eaten in accordance with the agreement with the voting shareholders, the market circulation has been confiscated, TM has been falling again, not for voting rights, now the voting shares of Advanced Micro Devices, Not worth buying!

Ralph thought that he would say that it was already the second largest shareholder of the Corporation, and that Sanders would be a little surprised. But I didn’t expect that Sanders didn’t seem to care at all.

“Oh, what about that? I still hold a majority shareholder of Corporation 50%. Isn’t it? You also said that since last year, our Corporation has turned a profit. When the stock price was so high, I didn’t Sell, now the stock price has fallen, do you say I will sell it? On the contrary, I am also preparing to eat the shares of Corporation at this time. Forgot to tell you, maybe in a few days, my voting rights will be more than 50% It is.”

Ralph complexion changed, it seems that the shareholder he has not been able to publicize has actually been moved by Sanders. But the price he gave is already very good. Can Sanders still give a higher price?

Ralph thought about it. It should have been the acquisition of stocks of other shareholders before, so that the shareholders were alert and even unhappy. After all, those shareholders were all Ralph in disguise, although the cause was their greed.

But if Sanders becomes the controlling shareholder, then it is not easy to deal with. After all, Ralph has just acquired nearly 30% of voting rights.

Feng Yu suddenly smiled: “Saunders, you are old.”

Sanders’s face with a very confident face suddenly changed: “Von, what do you mean? Is this laughing at me?”

“No, I mean, you have lost your initiative. Under the leadership of you, Chaowei can only live in the shadow of Intel. Indeed, the profit of Chaowei this year should be good, your new generation. The processor is still available for sale. But have you ever thought that the gap between you and Intel is still more than ten times? Whether it is in terms of market value, sales, or profit. With 10% of the market, are you satisfied?”

“I just co-operated with Bill Gates video game. Soon, there was a company with a market share of about 10%, called SEGA. I think you may have heard of it. At the end of last month, SEGA announced that it would sell the game business to Nintendo, because they can’t go on. Ten percent share… that’s it!”


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