1122. Chapter 1122, oh, wrong (10/10)

“The next lot is a self-portrait of Van Gogh, Van Gogh is… the starting price is $50 million… Start!”

The auctioneer just finished, Bill Gates just had to raise his hand, and suddenly there was a voice in the field: “60 million dollars.”


Everyone is watching, who is so fierce, and will increase the price by 10 million US dollars. This is a must!

Bill? Gates just wanted to lift the brand, and there is no need to compete with Feng Yu, but some people don’t think so, like Paul Allen.

“$61 million.”

Paul Allen’s voice just fell, the auctioneer had not had time to repeat it, and Feng Yu shouted and said: “70 million dollars. Paul, do you like this picture too?”

Seeing Feng Yu’s expression of laughter and laughter, Paul Allen endured forbearance and didn’t dare to increase the price. I was afraid that Feng Yu deliberately pitted him. Feng Yu just said that it is very clear, that is, buy back to pretend, he must not be fooled.

After the auctioneer shouted three times, the self-portrait of Van Gogh fell into the hands of Feng Yu. Seventy million dollars is higher than those of art collectors, but there is a premium for art every year. This is why many people say that it is difficult to buy love. Those who are not bad money, really encounter something they like, the premium is not too much, can accept.

The audience was applauded for the highest price of today’s auction. Feng Yu sat on his legs and had a faint smile on his face. It seemed to be a multi-million dollar premium.

In fact, Feng Yu inner heart has been sneaking up on Paul Allen, otherwise his $60 million will put a lot of pressure on others, and then as long as he immediately shouts $65 million, he will have a good chance to win. Unfortunately, it can scare the price of others, not to scare Paul Allen, so that Feng Yu does not shout more than five million dollars.

“The next picture is Rubens’s “The Slaughter of the Innocent”…”

Just after the auctioneer finished, Paul Allen, who was interested in the painting, shouted: “$45 million.”

This price can not scare other people, someone immediately followed up, the price slowly rose to 53.2 million US dollars, seeing no one to increase the price, it will fall into Paul Allen pocket, Feng Yu here The placard: “60 million dollars!”

It’s the voice again. Someone even wants to stand up and see who is sitting in the first row. How dare you compete with Paul Allen, and the fare increase is so embarrassing!

Paul Allen glared at Feng Yu. Sure enough, this Feng Yu came out and spoiled him, but he completely forgot that he had deliberately raised the price.

“63 million.”

“65 million.”

“Seventy million.”

“You won.” Feng Yu shrugged and said suddenly.

Paul Allen sighed blood on his chest and his face turned red. He thought that Feng Yu would continue to increase the price, and then he quit, but now he was put in. This painting, he spends at least a million dollars!

Although he also has a tens of billions of dollars in net worth, most of them are stocks, more than 10 million US dollars, for him, it is not a small amount.

Especially the sentence you won, let him be the most angry, I won? It seems that I am losing money!

When the applause sounded around, he felt so harsh, as if he was satirizing him, and he was ironic that he was a big man.

Then there was another auction of ordinary art, and then I went to the intermission.

“Hey, Paul, unfortunately this year’s transaction price record is mine. Although you are juxtaposed, it can only be behind me.” Feng Yu said deliberately.

“That’s not necessarily.” Paul Allen gritted his teeth and glared at Feng Yu.

“那就走着瞧吧。”Feng Yu 耸耸肩,一副赢定了的样子,更是让Paul Allen 火大。

他发誓,他本身虽然不是什么特别有气度的人,但也不是什么事儿都能让他气成这样。可偏偏让他遇上了Feng Yu ,那一个动作,一个表情,在他眼中都是一种挑衅。

我Paul Allen ,岂能在这种事上输给你!

下半场开始后,又是以书籍手稿开始,Bill ?盖茨take action ,拿下了两份,也有其他人拿下了几份。

当出现一副油画的时候,Feng Yu 再一次叫价了:“五千万。”

Paul Allen 跟着就加价:“六千万。”

Feng Yu 喊道:“七千万。”

Paul Allen 还想喊呢,却被Bill ?盖茨拦了一下。

Bill ?盖茨冲他摇摇头:“Paul ,没必要跟他争,那已经超出了那副《静物》的价值,你再加价,他肯定不跟,吃亏的还是你。”

Paul Allen 深吸两口气,狠狠的瞪了Feng Yu 一眼,然后不吭声了。

Feng Yu 耸耸肩,当拍卖师宣布他拍中后,他嘴里轻轻吐出一个单词:“穷鬼!”


Paul Allen 差点就炸了。他什么时候,被人这么嘲讽过。

不就是一幅画么,今天他就要跟Feng Yu 斗下去了,看看最后谁吃亏!

台上的拍卖师脸上都快笑出花了,今天真是太意外了。本来以为Bill ?盖茨和Paul Allen 来了,他们会成为大赢家。但现在看起来,好像大赢家是那个China 人啊。虽然他不认识Feng Yu ,但他也能猜出来,如此不把钱当钱的人,好像还跟Paul Allen 不对付,肯定就是那个亚洲首富Feng Yu 了。

靠着这几幅油画,或许今天的拍卖,会是今年最好的一次,有可能超出预计的成交价总额XNUMX% 以上!


拍卖师刚说完,Feng Yu 就举牌:“七千万!”




Paul Allen 看到Feng Yu 跟Ralph 有说有笑的,他好像听见了,说Feng Yu 要买下来这幅画,挂在卧室里。




Paul Allen 挑衅似的看着Feng Yu ,加价啊,你再加价啊,你只要加价,我就不跟了,这幅画,怎么也要让你多出一两千万!

哪知道Feng Yu 居然根本没有再次出价的意思,任凭拍卖师喊破喉咙,没有任何人加价。

Paul Allen 这时候急了,毕加索的画虽然有名,但也不值八千万美元啊。尤其最近的艺术品市场,并不是特别好。

当所有人鼓掌祝贺Paul Allen 成为今天拍卖会最高出价者后,Paul Allen 听见Feng Yu 那边的话了。

“这幅画这么丑啊,刚才喊错了,还想问问能不能后悔呢,幸好Paul 仗义,做了接盘侠。好悬,好悬啊。”

Paul Allen 一脸的难以置信,Feng Yu 刚才说什么,他喊错了?他怎么可以喊错?怎么可以喊错!



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