Evolve from cloning

Chapter 413 Return to Blue Star

The memory screen ended, and Su Ze also successfully accepted the inheritance of the ancestral god-level skill "Dream Making".

He kept repeating in his mind the last few coordinates that Senior Ao Zun left for him, which were all coordinates of the human planet.

There are countless planets similar to Blue Star hidden in the universe. Of course, they are Blue Stars before awakening to the power of evolution. There are a large number of unevolved humans living on these planets.

They don't know the existence of all races in the universe, or even that there are other human races in the universe.

The reason why the human race has been able to survive so far despite being hunted down by many major races is because the human race is scattered throughout the universe and has no contact with each other and does not even know the existence of each other.

In this way, even if a human planet happens to be discovered by a foreign race, other human planets will not be implicated.

After Senior Ao Zun became the leader of the human race, because of the special ability given by his status as a leader, he could sense his fellow humans within a certain range.

These coordinates were all human planets that he accidentally discovered, but he did not bother the humans on these planets.

And now that he has conveyed the coordinates to Su Ze, he does not necessarily want Su Ze to do something. He just hopes that Su Ze can take care of him or pass these coordinates on to the next leader of the human race in the future.

Ao Zun doesn't know who will receive his inheritance, nor does he know what achievements the next leader of the human race will have. He may just be an inconspicuous leader among the previous generations of human race.

He just hopes that if one day humans no longer have to hide and can devote themselves to the universe openly, these humans will not be forgotten.

Su Ze had some ideas at this time.

The surface area of ​​Zexing is too large, but the population is too small!

Even if the people on Blue Star were brought over, the number would still not be enough. After all, Blue Star was much smaller than Ze Star, and after years of evolutionary battles, the population was already small, and most of the area was occupied by alien beasts.

By then, more than 90% of the area in Zexing will be vacant, with vast land and sparsely populated areas, and a large amount of resources will not be developed or utilized.

Now Zexing does not lack resources, but what it lacks is people, the number of strong people.

Only by increasing the population base will more geniuses and strong men emerge.

Relying on natural growth takes too much time. Su Ze just wants to save some time and develop Zexing as soon as possible.

Therefore, it may be the fastest option to directly immigrate humans from other human planets to Zexing.

But this matter must be postponed until he comes back from Blue Star.

Su Ze suddenly heard sounds like bursting bubbles coming from outside. He swept away his mental energy and found that the entire base space was constantly collapsing.

The "golden heart" that maintained the operation of the base had dimmed at this time, and all the energy was absorbed by Su Ze.

Su Ze stretched out his hand and touched the golden heart, mobilizing the "dream creation" skill he had just mastered and injecting dream energy.

The next moment, the collapsing dream space suddenly stabilized, and returned to its previous state after a while.

Su Ze closed his eyes and realized the ancestral skill he had just obtained.

Dreammaking (ancestral skill): Use the energy of dreams to weave dreams.

It is so simple and simple, but as a skill master, only Su Ze knows how powerful this skill has potential.

It can be said that this skill has unlimited potential.

The first is dream energy. After he masters the "dream making" skill, he can transform the power of evolution in his body into this special energy.

This energy is different from any energy known to Su Ze. It is somewhere between reality and reality. It is said to be real, but it cannot be touched or felt. It is said to be false, but it is transformed from real energy. of.

The upper limit of this skill is very high, but it requires proficiency and evolution level.

At present, Su Ze has just mastered this skill, and it goes without saying that his proficiency is very average. The Sun God level evolution level cannot fully bring out the magic of the "dream creation" skill.

You must know that even the ancestral god-level beasts created by the Dream Butterfly cannot perfectly exert the power of the "dream creation" skill.

This is definitely a high-end skill.

The power of the "Dream Making" skill lies in breaking down the barriers between dreams and reality.

This is a watershed. If the barrier cannot be broken, then this is just an ordinary "illusion" skill.

But once the barrier is broken, a qualitative change will occur, connecting dreams to reality. Many things that can only be done in dreams can be achieved in reality.

For example, creating a space, such as manipulating time.

But even when the dream butterfly was alive, he could only create space through dreams, but could not truly control the power of time.

Regarding the power of time, we have only scratched the surface.

Not to mention Su Ze today.

Now he can't even control the power of space through dreams, let alone time.

But this is at least an illusion skill that can easily affect the sun god. If he practices and becomes proficient, he is expected to master the power of space.

As for the power of time... he has to wait until he becomes the Ancestral God before he can hope to touch it.

Moreover, dreams have countless variations and possibilities. Space and time are just the two most high-end application directions. He does not have to aim too high and can try to develop some other uses first.

Su Ze planned to practice more "dream-making" skills in his free time later.

Learning about the race leaders from Senior Ao Zun made Su Ze feel more anxious. He didn't know if those overlord races were secretly cultivating strong human beings. He could only try his best to become the ancestor god as soon as possible and become the Human leader.

Accepting the inheritance of ancestral divine skills directly saturated Su Ze's body with evolutionary substances, which he had to digest as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the output of chlorophyll capsules still cannot meet Su Ze's needs.

It is estimated that it will take at least several months to produce enough chlorophyll capsules for Su Ze to digest all the evolutionary substances at once.

Su Ze couldn't wait any longer. For the next period of time, while practicing his "dream-making" skills, he would wander around the surrounding public planets from time to time, looking for high-level materials that suited him.

After becoming a sun god, visiting ordinary public planets will feel completely different.

As soon as he stepped onto the public planet, he felt that someone was paying attention to him, but it was not the ancestor god, but the sun god who was sitting on the public planet.

And those who received him were extremely respectful to him.

On the whole, they were both respectful and wary of him, but no official from the public planet jumped out to contact him.

No matter where he went to buy or sell things, the stores would treat him with great care. There was no one who dared to trick him or play tricks on him.

From this, we can see the lofty status of the Apollo warriors in the universe, especially on such an ordinary small public planet, the Apollo warriors are the top combat power.

When the Moon God appears here, no one pays much attention to it, but as a Sun God, he attracts attention wherever he goes.

This is not a good thing for Su Ze. He doesn't want to be noticed, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Su Ze needs quite a lot of materials now.

After becoming a sun god, his skills need to be upgraded, so various upgrade materials are naturally needed.

He currently has several eighth-level skills. If he wants to upgrade them to ninth level, he can only find ninth-level materials.

This kind of high-grade material is already scarce on small public planets, and it can only be said that it is very difficult to find one that suits you.

In addition, the "skill expansion" ability that Su Zexin has mastered also requires a large amount of materials to expand the skills.

Su Ze came to visit these small public planets mainly to find suitable "expansion materials".

The materials required for skill expansion are different from the skills upgrade materials. There are not many requirements for the material level. The main thing is that it must be suitable.

But the quantity required is also exaggerated. To expand a skill to the point where it can be "integrated and mastered", the number of materials required must be at least dozens.

Moreover, absorbing these skill expansion materials will not significantly improve the skill level. It is difficult to upgrade a skill through skill expansion.

Unless a skill is completely expanded and completely integrated...then it may become an ancestral skill.

Fortunately, skill expansion materials can also be sensed by "evolutionary induction", so it is very easy for Su Ze to search for them. After visiting several public planets, he also collected more than a dozen items.

He also found ten stars and a hundred planets outside, all of which were compressed and stored in the body using the "Meteor Impact" skill.

At this time, the ammunition depot of the "Meteor Impact" skill was also filled up.

It took almost two months to complete this round of shopping. Su Ze returned to Zexing and began to try to absorb these skill expansion materials.

As a result, after absorbing more than a dozen pieces of materials, I felt like I had absorbed a loneliness.

It just caused some insignificant changes in the effects of some of his skills.

For example, absorbing a piece of fire essence ore only increases the fire resistance in the part of "Knowledge is Power" that strengthens elemental resistance.

Every time the gene is strengthened, Su Ze's resistance to all elements will be strengthened, but more emphasis will be placed on lightning resistance.

After the expansion, fire resistance has become equal to lightning resistance.

Just for this small effect, if you want to achieve a comprehensive understanding, you must increase the elemental resistance of all other attributes to be on par with the lightning and fire resistance.

If you want to do this, you don't know how much material you have to absorb to achieve it.

Su Ze feels that there is a long way to go before all the "hodgepodge skills" can be expanded to the point where they are comprehensively integrated.

Only by visiting resource-rich places like public star fields can this process be accelerated.

I want to upgrade my skills and expand them, but I am limited by materials. I want to digest evolutionary substances, but I don’t have enough chlorophyll capsules.

Apart from practicing his "dream making" skills every day, Su Ze had nothing else to do.

He is already considering going to Blue Star in advance. He feels that his current strength is unstoppable even if the ancestor gods don't show up.

Su Ze has no specific understanding of his current combat power. He only knows that he is very strong now, but he is not sure how strong he is.

Compared with the ancestor god, he didn't know how big the gap was.

In recent times, his strength has increased so much. He has completed his ninth evolution, absorbed a large amount of original genes, and obtained ancestral skills... leaving him with no idea of ​​his own strength.

"Just find someone to fight with and you will know..."

Just when Su Ze was about to go directly to Blue Star, Liu Wenyin suddenly came to him.

The Pope and Mage also followed. The three of them looked at him with joy on their faces, but they hesitated to speak.

"Good news or bad news?" Su Ze asked.

"Good news!" Mag said quickly, "We have made a huge breakthrough in the combination of witch eggs and mutant seeds. To be precise, we have basically succeeded!"

"Oh? Are you looking for me then?"

Finally, Liu Wenyin said: "There is something you need to make a decision. The witch eggs are not yet mature and are still in the early stages of incubation. The mutant seeds have also not fully developed their potential and can absorb a large amount of energy. Although we can now use the two However, the potential of the species eventually cultivated may be equivalent to that of second- and third-rate races.”

Su Ze nodded. He could understand that the two were equivalent to being stunted. Combining two stunted guys into one, they could be equal to the second- and third-rate races. They were already quite powerful. This was also thanks to the witch eggs and The mutant seeds have a good foundation.

But this obviously did not meet Su Ze's expectations. To cultivate a species with the potential of a second- or third-rate race, it would have to be cultivated from an early age. It felt like it would be more convenient to directly catch a second-rate race of sun gods to parasitize it.

"Then what do you want to discuss with me?" Su Ze asked calmly.

He knew that these three people came to him together and must have thought of a solution.

The Pope stepped forward and said: "Witch eggs and mutant seeds are both lacking energy now, and both are very suitable for absorbing the energy of super stars. If...if the energy of super stars can be released and supplied to them, they will be able to combine. The potential of the future has increased by several levels! It is truly comparable to the overlord race, and even surpasses the general overlord race!"

After saying that, the three of them looked at Su Ze eagerly.

They know the importance of super stars, and also know that from a rational point of view, priority should be given to preserving super stars and giving up further cultivation of witch eggs and mutant seeds.

But in order to satisfy their own research desires, they hoped that Su Ze would agree to let them give it a try and cultivate the strongest combination.

Su Ze frowned. The mutated seeds might be okay, but the ability of the witch eggs to absorb is not a small amount. It will directly cause the premature aging of the super star and shorten its service life.

"How much energy is needed?" Su Ze asked, "After the supply is exhausted, how many years can the super star be used?"

The Pope said: "According to our estimates, it is necessary to absorb more than half of the energy of a super star. The lifespan of a super star is generally about one trillion years. Our super star has already experienced premature aging before, and its lifespan is estimated to be 800 billion years. years, after the supply is exhausted, it is estimated that it can still be used for about 200 billion years."

so long?

Su Ze was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Let's do it!"

Two hundred billion years?

What a joke!

What else is there to consider? Two hundred billion years later, he will either die or have completely grown up and become as strong as Senior Ao Zun, even stronger than Ao Zun.

If it were the former situation, he would be dead, so why should we care so much about him?

If it is the latter situation, by then he will be so powerful that he may not need a super star, or it will not be difficult to find a new super star.

Seeing that Su Ze agreed so readily, Mag and the others were all excited and hurriedly left and continued their research.

Su Ze was really prepared and planned to go to Blue Star in advance.

This time, he does not plan to take anyone else with him, but will go alone.

If he encounters any danger, he can easily run away alone and come back with a replacement technique.

But if you bring someone with you, it will become a drag.

What Su Ze was struggling with was whether he should fly over in a spaceship or directly use the substitution technique to return to Blue Star instantly.

There is still Plamon who is parasitized by him on the Blue Star. Su Ze can directly swap places with Plamon and return to the Blue Star in seconds.

But that would have certain risks.

He only knew that Plamon was alive, but not his current condition.

Maybe Plamon has been controlled by the Nian tribe, and he may directly replace Plamon and fall into the trap himself.

Even if Plamon is fine, if he replaces it, his substitution technique will enter a cooldown, and he will not be able to use this skill again during the ten-day cooldown period.

If he encountered danger during this period, he would not be able to use the substitution technique to escape.

Su Ze thought for a moment and finally decided to fly over in the spaceship.

Although it will take a little more time, it is also safer. It is still a bit wasteful to use life-saving skills on the road just to save a few months.

In addition, Su Ze can also buy skill expansion materials from public planets along the way. The amount of materials he needs to upgrade and expand his skills is quite exaggerated, so he can only collect them when he has the chance.

Before leaving, Su Ze summoned a group of senior officials and assigned tasks to everyone.

The main thing is to let them expand the size of the city and prepare for the arrival of the Blue Star compatriots.

Everyone was excited when they heard that Su Ze was going back to Blue Star. They were all looking forward to this day, but they didn't expect it to come so quickly!

It had only been a few years since they left Blue Star, and Su Ze was about to fight back?

Li Fayi hesitated for a moment, then persuaded: "Su Ze, why don't you take this matter a step further?"

Of course he hoped that Su Ze could rescue the humans on Blue Star as soon as possible, but his reason also told him that Su Ze's safety was more important than the people on Blue Star.

He didn't want Su Ze to take risks.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure about." Su Ze comforted him with a smile.

He refused Lin Hua and others' request to go with him, and left Zexing alone on the Rubik's Cube.

On the way, he spread out the star map and planned the route. He would stop at the public planets along the way.

After determining the route, Su Ze directly let the Rubik's Cube drive automatically according to the planned route, move forward at full speed, and enter the space jump state of super-light flight.

He himself is focused on practicing his "dream-making" skills.

After a long period of practice, he has become more and more proficient in weaving dreams, and can now occasionally break the barriers between reality and dreams.

After he is thoroughly familiar with this skill, even if he cannot create space through dreams, he can still exert a very powerful effect.

Every time it arrives at a public planet it passes by, the Rubik's Cube will remind you in advance. Su Ze will get off the spacecraft as quickly as possible and go for a walk around the public planet. If he senses suitable materials, he will take them directly. If there are no suitable materials, he will take them. Leave quickly.

However, this shopping trip also affected his speed on the road. The trip that originally took less than a month actually took him a month and a half to arrive.

Seeing Blue Star approaching, Su Ze felt a different kind of emotion in his heart.

He has only lived on this planet for more than a year, which is not as long as the time he experienced on Zexing, but this is the starting point of his life.

There are too many familiar people and things on this planet, so he also has different feelings.


Su Ze controlled the Rubik's Cube to enter the invisible state and slowly landed towards the Blue Star.

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