Evolve from cloning

Chapter 341 Unexpected Discovery

Western Continent, Dawn Refuge.

Coming back here again, it looked much more lively than when Suze came last time.

Naturally, hundreds of human settlements, large and small, in the Western Continent were not immune to this large beast tide.

When the beast tide came, the people in the small settlements were powerless to resist, so they could only run to the powerful large settlements.

In the end, the two largest shelters in the Western Continent, Dawn Shelter and Dawn Shelter, were overcrowded.

Fortunately for Su Ze, the Shuguang Sanctuary was not destroyed by the attack of the beast tide, and the clues he finally found would be broken.

After this wave of beasts, more than 90% of the small settlements in the Western Continent were wiped out, but not all of them died at the mouth of strange beasts, and many of them went to the two shelters. It can be foreseen that in order to accommodate the increased population, The two shelters must be expanded.

The increase in population has made the two refuges more prosperous than ever. If the two can be merged and developed for a few years, maybe the fourth continent on Blue Star will be born.

Chenhui Street is the busiest business district in Shuguang Refuge.

Su Ze walked on the crowded street without any disguise.

In Lin Huazhou, he is well-known, but here, no one knows him.

Moreover, the refuge is full of unfamiliar faces who escaped in, and no one pays attention to him.

At every intersection on the street, there are young girls standing in twos and threes, with bold clothes and provocative eyes, searching for potential customers among the passing crowd.

When someone meets their eyes, they will stick out their tongues to lick their lips and make a gesture of beckoning.

Regardless of whether they stop at a man or a woman, they treat them equally, and they are not so rigid about the gender of the customer.

If someone stops because of this, they will post it immediately, so that customers who are still hesitating can feel the sincerity in their chests, and whisper in the customer's ear.

Even the cold bargaining session is completed between ears and temples.

Once the price is negotiated, the girls take the client to their studio in an alley.

I have long heard that the people in the Western Continent are open, and today I saw that it is indeed the case... Su Ze looked around with a little freshness, comparing the looks and figures of several young ladies.

A royal sister-type girl wearing a low-cut red skirt, black stockings and red high-heeled shoes noticed Su Ze's gaze, beckoned to Su Ze, and licked her lips:

"Brother, do you want my sister to smoke your 'extract'? Only three hundred dawn coins."

Su Ze smiled: "Can the student ID be half-price?"

"Okay, three hundred, twice."

Do you increase the price?

Su Ze casually picked up a bottle of evolutionary medicine of unknown effect from the storage props, threw it to the girl in the red dress, and said, "I don't have the dawn coins, but you can sell this bottle of medicine for more than three hundred, and you don't need to buy it." Do anything else, as long as you give me a half-day tour guide."

The girl in the red dress took a look at the medicine bottle. The words on it were in a foreign language she didn't know. She was skeptical, but when she heard that Su Ze only asked her to be a tour guide for half a day, she agreed after thinking about it.

Following Su Ze, she took a few glances at Su Ze, and suddenly felt that this young man who was too young was exuding some dignity, which made her unconsciously put away her frivolous demeanor, and asked after deliberation:

"This... sir, you should be a foreigner, right?"

She changed her address and stopped calling her "brother".

"Isn't this obvious? I have a foreign accent, and my skin color is different from yours." Su Ze shrugged and asked, "Do you know which is the largest evolutionary item store in Dawn Refuge? "

"That must be the Stu Chamber of Commerce. I heard that they are also the leading Chamber of Commerce in the Dawn Refuge." The girl in red said without thinking.

"Oh? What's the history of this Stu Chamber of Commerce?"

This is obviously not something that a street girl can know. She searched the memories in her mind and said, "I heard that the Stu Chamber of Commerce was first established by foreigners."

Su Ze didn't embarrass her, didn't ask any more questions, and said, "You lead the way, take me to Stu Chamber of Commerce."


In the store of the Stu Chamber of Commerce, a young boy from a foreign country brought a street girl in scantily clad clothes. This strange combination caught the attention of the clerk.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" The clerk in a white shirt and black trousers stepped forward and asked politely.

"I have a business to discuss with your boss face to face."

"This..." The clerk was stunned, "Just a moment."

After leaving for a while, the clerk went back and forth, saying, "Sir, please follow me."

He took Su Ze all the way to the door of an office and said, "Sir, please come in."

Su Ze said to the girl in red: "You wait for me outside."

After speaking, he opened the door and walked in.

Seeing the office door close, the girl in red quickly took out the bottle of medicine that Su Ze gave her, and asked the clerk in a low voice, "Please help me see how much this is worth."

The clerk took the medicine bottle, looked it over carefully, and said, "If it's true, it should be worth two or three million."

"Two to three million dawn coins?" The girl in red was stunned.

How many customers would she have to take to make that much money?

The clerk nodded and asked casually, "Do you want to sell it to us? If you are interested in selling it, we need to identify this bottle of medicine first."

The purchasing power of Shuguang Coin is similar to that of Lin Huazhou's Lin Coin. Two to three million yuan is not a big deal among evolutionary items, but for many ordinary people, it is wealth that cannot be earned in a lifetime.

This bottle of finished evolution medicine is already the lowest-level and cheapest evolution item that can be found in Su Ze's storage props.

The girl in red suddenly became anxious about her gains and losses. On the one hand, she was stunned by such a good thing that fell from the sky, and on the other hand, her reason told her that such a good thing was often accompanied by traps.

She very much suspected that the bottle of medicine was fake.

But what if it is true?

She was worried about handing over something worth millions to others for identification, so she quickly grabbed the medicine bottle and said, "Let me think about it."

The clerk didn't care either. As a salesman of the Stu Chamber of Commerce, he had handled many big businesses with a turnover of hundreds of millions, and he didn't pay much attention to businesses worth several million.


In the office, a middle-aged man with a hooked nose was taken aback when he saw the young Su Ze, and asked, "Sir, what do you want?"

Su Ze glanced at the middle-aged man's badge. It turned out that he was just a manager. He lost interest in the conversation, and casually took out two tubes of fifth-order extract from the storage props and patted them on the table: "Call your boss over here."

The middle-aged man with a hooked nose immediately straightened his eyes. Two tubes of fifth-stage extracts are definitely a big deal!

After all, the strongest evolutionary in the entire Western Continent is the supreme level.

He didn't say any more nonsense, and immediately contacted his boss.

A moment later, a hale and hearty old man strode out of the office door, and the clerk who was guarding outside hurriedly said respectfully: "Mr. Stu!"

"Are the guests still in there?" asked Mr. Stu.

"Here I am."

Mr. Stu didn't say much, he opened the door and walked in.

"Mr. Stu? Could it be that he is..." the red-haired girl guessed.

"That's right." The clerk nodded, "He is our boss."

It seems that the young foreign gentleman is really not an ordinary person, and he was able to alert the boss of the Stu Chamber of Commerce to come to see him in person... The red-haired girl was secretly delighted. The more extraordinary Su Ze behaved, the more likely the medicine in her hand was real.

After a while, a middle-aged man with a hooked nose came out, leaving only the boss of the Stu Chamber of Commerce and Su Ze talking in the office.

"Hello, I'm Frank Stu, what's my name?" Frank Stu politely held out his hand.

"Lin Luo." Su Ze reached out to shake his hand and gave him a pseudonym.

Surname Lin?

Mr. Stu's eyes moved slightly, and then he said with a smile: "What price does Mr. Lin plan to sell these two tubes of fifth-order extracts? How do you trade them?"

"I don't plan to sell these two tubes of extracts directly to your Chamber of Commerce, but hope to cooperate with your Chamber of Commerce to sell these two tubes of extracts in the form of auction." Su Ze said bluntly.

Frank Stu wasn't surprised, he just said: "You mean you want to use the influence of the Stu Chamber of Commerce to hold an auction?

"We have no plans to hold an auction in the near future, but for these two tubes of fifth-order extracts, it is not impossible to hold one, but we will charge a commission, 10% of the transaction amount, what do you think?"

Su Ze doesn't care about money, but he doesn't like being taken advantage of, he said: "No matter where the fifth-order extract is, it is a scarce resource. I believe there are many chambers of commerce outside who are willing to auction it for me for free, and even give me money , this is a good opportunity for the chamber of commerce to enhance its influence."

"You're right, so why did you come to the Western Continent to sell these two tubes of fifth-order extracts at the Dawn Refuge? If I didn't have old eyesight, you shouldn't be from the Western Continent, right? In your hometown, these two tubes of extracts It should be easier to fetch a high price." Stu pointed out.

He suspected that the two tubes of extracts came from wrong sources!

It may be stolen goods in Lin Huazhou.

That's why this young man who called himself Lin Luo had to travel thousands of miles to the Western Continent to sell his stolen goods.

Of course, Stu didn't care if the things came from the right way or not. Lin Huazhou's stolen goods were not stolen goods in the Shuguang Refuge, he was just using it to make a profit.

Frank Stu continued: "Although only two tubes of fifth-order extracts are precious, they cannot support an entire auction, so we need a lot of resources from the Stu Chamber of Commerce."

"Don't worry about this." Su Ze said casually, "I still have a lot of good things here, high-grade materials, natural medicines, and the value is not much lower than the fifth-order extract."

Frank Stu's pupils shrank slightly, he pondered for two seconds, and said: "If this is the case, we can reduce the commission rate appropriately, how about 8%?

"Believe me, this is definitely worth the money. I believe that the reason why you choose our Stu Chamber of Commerce is also because of our deep influence in the Western Continent. Not only the Dawn Sanctuary, but also the Dawn Sanctuary. There are many customer resources, and even senior evolutionists in the entire Western Continent have had business dealings with us.

"This is something no other Chamber of Commerce can do. Only our Stu Chamber of Commerce can help you bid the highest price!"

Su Ze shook his head with a smile, and poured out something from his storage props.

There are fifth-order materials, precious natural medicines, and fourth-order wonders...

The treasures that Su Ze took out are of high or low value, but the lowest is the fourth rank!

And a piece of the puzzle is also mixed in.

This piece of puzzle is the number one puzzle left by Lin Hua's legend.

Su Ze planned to use this puzzle piece to fish out the holder of the No. 4 puzzle piece.

But what he didn't expect was that when he took out the puzzle piece, Frank Stu's face suddenly changed.

Although he quickly covered up the past and his face returned to normal, Su Ze, who had been using the "Eye of Reality" skill, still caught this change.

Did Frank Stu know or have seen this puzzle?

Things seem to be developing in a direction he didn't expect.

Su Ze remained calm and continued to take out some treasures to participate in the auction.

There are really a lot of "stolen goods" among them, some of which he got from killing the strong alien party.

In the end, Su Ze took out a total of 18 advanced evolutionary items, and Puzzle No. 1 was not conspicuous among them.

He glanced at Frank Stu and said: "For me, your Stu Chamber of Commerce is not my only choice, but for a client like me, I'm afraid you will never meet another one, I can auction it off for you 5% commission, but I have a request...

"That's to spread the word as much as you can!

"I want you to hold an unprecedented large-scale auction. Not only must the evolutionists of Dawn Refuge and Dawn Refuge receive the news, but also the promotion area will cover every human settlement in the Western Continent!"

Frank Stu, who had been biting the profit all the time, glanced at puzzle number one secretly, and this time he didn't bargain any more, and nodded in agreement.

There are 18 high-level evolutionary items, and the total transaction volume auctioned is absolutely sky-high. The 5% commission is already making money lying down. It is impossible for him to refuse this business.

Of course, the No. 1 puzzle also played a big role...

"Don't worry, our Stu Chamber of Commerce has business dealings with almost all the surrounding settlements. I will send a merchant team to spread the news." Frank Stu promised.

Next, the two discussed the information and pricing of each item, and based on Su Ze's psychological price, combined with the market price, set the starting price.

The two started with two tubes of fifth-order extracts, discussed and discussed each piece, and soon it was Puzzle No. 1's turn.

Frank Stu picked up the No. 1 jigsaw puzzle and weighed it, pretending to be puzzled: "Mr. Lin, excuse me for my stupidity, what is this?"

Su Ze spread his hands: "I don't know, I only know that it is very hard, even the legendary powerhouse can't destroy it, it is definitely a top-level material! I want to set its base price at the same price as the two tubes of fifth-order extracts, you What do you think?"

Frank Stu smiled wryly and said, "Mr. Lin, you don't even know what he is, and you want to sell it as a fifth-order extract. I'm afraid no one will buy it."

"However, this is a treasure that can withstand the attacks of the legendary powerhouse. It is definitely a sixth-level material! If you promote it like this, there will always be some fools who like to hunt for novelties and will pay for it."

"This...how about you revealing the origin of this thing, so that we can gain some credibility when we promote it." Frank Stu said pretending to be helpless.

"Who knows its origin, I just got it from other people's storage items...but its previous owner is indeed a character."

"Can you tell me who it is conveniently? If it is a famous person, it can add some legendary color to this treasure, and it will be better sold at that time."

Su Ze waved his hand: "Forget it, don't mention this, anyway, just do the promotion as I said, what if someone is interested in it? If it can't be done, set the starting price lower, and use the fifth-order ordinary material Let's set the price."

Frank Stu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Why don't you make it cheaper, and I'll pay for it personally, and just keep it as a collection."

Su Ze glanced at him and joked, "Mr. Stu, you don't know what this thing does, do you?"

Frank Stu's face froze, but when he saw Su Ze's narrow smile, he immediately shook his head and smiled, "To tell you the truth, I'm the kind of fool you say who likes to hunt for novelties, and I like to collect weird and useless things. "

"Mr. Stu, if you are really interested, you can participate in the auction at that time, and the price will be reduced." Su Ze refused.

Seeing what Su Ze said, Frank Stu didn't mention buying the puzzle again in order not to make Su Ze suspicious.

But Su Ze is 100% sure that Frank Stu must know something and understand the puzzle.

Maybe he even knows about the mysterious inheritance.

This is an unexpected clue.

The prices of the 18 lots were all negotiated, and Su Ze signed a contract with the Stu Chamber of Commerce.

When he signed the contract, he didn't even look at it. Firstly, it was not signed with his own name, and secondly, it was just a formality, just a piece of paper.

He wants to break the contract, but this piece of paper cannot restrain him.

He could tell at a glance that Frank Stu should be a supreme-level evolutionary, but it didn't matter, with his current combat power, he could completely walk sideways in the Western Continent, and no one could do anything to him.

The two parties agreed that the auction will be held in two weeks.

It will take two weeks for the Stu Chamber of Commerce to warm up the publicity.

"Mr. Lin, since we have already negotiated, please temporarily store the eighteen auction items in the warehouse of our chamber of commerce." Frank Stu demanded.

Su Ze shook his head: "Mr. Stu, for the safety of my property, I don't want them out of my sight."

In fact, he didn't care about storing these things in the Stu Chamber of Commerce. He was not afraid that someone would rob him of his things.

But now Frank Stu clearly knows something. If the puzzle is left in the Stu Chamber of Commerce, maybe this guy will take the puzzle to No. 4 inheritance point during this time.

If Frank Stu himself is the holder of the No. 4 puzzle, it doesn't matter. I'm afraid he is not, and it will disrupt Su Ze's plan.

"But Mr. Lin, it's not that we don't trust you. If we invest a lot of resources in publicity and you fail to deliver the eighteen auction items as agreed, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of our chamber of commerce. I hope you can understand." Frank Stu argued.

Su Ze said: "In this case, I'm not an unreasonable person. I will take these two tubes of fifth-order extracts as my sincerity and bet on your chamber of commerce. I won't take two tubes of fifth-order extracts to joke with you. Even if I I missed the appointment, and I believe that the value of these two tubes of extracts is enough to make up for your loss of reputation."

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