Evolution Eye

Chapter 235

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Bai Xiaowen understood, nodded.

He finally understood why the purity of Sun Hecheng’s pharmaceutical steps was so low, only 67%.

The medicinal ingredients purified by the furnace contain a certain amount of impurities, which will not be discussed for the time being.

And Bai Xiaowen completely reproduced and applied Sun Hecheng’s pharmaceutical steps, even the ingredients of medicine ingredients used are exactly the same, seemingly accurate 10000 without loss, in fact, the effective ingredient particles contained in the recycled medicine ingredients, and the original medicine ingredients used by Sun Hecheng The number of active ingredient particles must be different.

In the end, there is no pharmaceutical failure, it is already very good. Only 67% purity is not uncommon.

“As long as you can accurately measure the active ingredients in medicine ingredients, can you make a perfect quality medicine?” Bai Xiaowen asked.

“It’s true, but you know, not at all tools that accurately measure the ingredients of Spiritual Energy medicine ingredients, it depends on the experience of Potion Master. From the appearance of medicine ingredients, it is roughly estimated that medicine ingredients contain particles of active ingredients. How many…”

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: “I understand… The manager, Master Sun, I want to try to remake a bottle of ruby ​​power potion, can you borrow the workbench here?”

“You?” Sun Hecheng froze slightly.

Zhang Jing said with a laugh: “Of course it is no problem if you want to practice your hands… However, the store has store rules and the consumed medicine ingredients are deducted from your monthly purchases.”

“No problem.” Bai Xiaowen said cheerfully.

Bai Xiaowen’s Earth currency income, every month will be divided into a part of the super divine medicine drug store account, take the super divine medicine drug store channel, buy medicine ingredients, his own pharmaceutical use.

The purchase of Spirit Energy medicine ingredients by Super Divine Medicine is a bulk purchase. There is no discount on the price, and the quality is relatively safe.

At the moment, Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi followed Sun Hecheng into the pharmaceutical department.

Sun Hecheng opened the door of his exclusive production room and patted Bai Xiaowen’s shoulder: “There should be no pressure, just practice. Now a few hundred thousand dollars of medicine ingredients are consumed, it is just a drizzle for you…”

Bai Xiaowen nodded with a smile: “Thank you Master Sun, I understand.”

In a few moments, the strengthening medicament: the medicine ingredients for the power of ruby ​​were sent over for a total of 3 servings. It seems that Sun Hecheng doesn’t quite believe in Bai Xiaowen level, and spares 2 more medicine ingredients.

After Bai Xiaowen failed 2 times in a row, you should be able to realize that it is not easy to make advanced enhanced potions. When the time comes, Sun Hecheng won’t let Bai Xiaowen go away with disappointment. He thinks about going out in person, using the third medicine ingredients to make Bai Xiaowen a bottle of ruby ​​power strengthening potion.

Perhaps the purity cannot reach the Perfect level, but more than 85% can still be guaranteed. 87% and 88% are possible for good luck, and it is better than most ruby ​​potions on the market.

Bai Xiaowen can probably guess Sun Hecheng’s idea, he is familiar with the character of the good man Sun Hecheng.

However, Bai Xiaowen didn’t talk much and started to process medicine ingredients directly. Rather than prove yourself with words, it is better to use actions to be more convincing.

Sun Hecheng guided on the side.

“The Ruby Power Elixir is synthesized from 4 medicine ingredients, such as maidenhair vine, langur pollen, Moon Wheel leaf and terrain dragon’s blood crystal powder,” Sun Hecheng opened a thick book, “the most perfect formula ratio is here, You can take a look at yourself and weigh the medicine ingredients.”

Bai Xiaowen nodded, first put the first medicine ingredients ——iron wire vine on the end of the balance and start weighing.

When Sun Hecheng did not find out, Bai Xiaowen turned on the Insight ability to detect this small section of iron wire vine.

【Iron wire vine】

[Grade: 1]

[Year: 2 years and 3 months]

[Ingredients: energy components (life particles) 9.97%, plant fibers 86.12%, impurities (phosphorus, bast tissue, moisture, etc.) 3.91%]

Bai Xiaowen knew in his heart and silently calculated:

[Among the ingredients, the “energy ingredient” should be the active ingredient, only 9.97%. It seems that the age of this part of the vine is a bit low. According to the ratio of perfect formula, the proportion of the active ingredients of Adiantum in 100 grams of total medicinal liquid should be 2.85%. If converted, I should need about 28.59 grams of Avenida medicine ingredients…]

Bai Xiaowen has some emotions in his heart, this is the correct way to open Insight innate talent.

Bai Xiaowen stared at the scale of the balance, took out the knife, and began to cut the iron wire vine. He cut faster at first, then slowed down at the back, almost removing the extra parts in units of XNUMX grams, just like grinding diamonds.

Sun Hecheng slightly frowns, he does not quite understand Bai Xiaowen’s intention to do so. Under normal circumstances, it is estimated that the weight of medicinal ingredients of Adiantum is 27~30 grams. The experienced Potion Master will take a value in this interval based on the feeling (medicine ingredients themselves), not like Bai Xiaowen, The details are too complicated.

“hu ……”

Bai Xiaowen sighed gently, put the tray of 28.59 grams of iron wire vine, and covered it with a glass cover. For insurance, he used Insight again to ensure that the ingredients were accurate.

Bai Xiaowen spent a lot of time on the processing of Langkawi pollen, Moon Wheel leaves and earth’s dragon’s blood crystal powder, using Insight many times, and spent a total of several hundred Spiritual Energy points before and after.

Although Insight medicine ingredients consume few Spirit Energy points in a single pass, they can’t hold up too many times.

Although Sun Hecheng is a bit puzzled about Bai Xiaowen’s tediousness, as a senior Potion Master, the patience is still very good, and did not disturb Bai Xiaowen out loud, waiting for Bai Xiaowen to finish it.

“are you ready?”


Bai Xiaowen rubbed his hands, and under the guidance of Sun Hecheng, the preparation began.

“1st Step is to prepare the bottom solution, to strip the active ingredients in the vines and Moon Wheel leaves by distillation, and to conduct preliminary mixing… The standard time for mixing is 15 seconds, the next step is to add purified water. This standard time is just for reference Yes, in actual operation, the deviation of the effective ingredients of medicine ingredients will lead to advance or delay of a few tenths of a second. This requires empirical judgment…”

After Bai Xiaowen’s heating and distillation were completed, the mixing was performed directly, and at the same time, a test tube of purified water was picked up.

Accurate time, when the stopwatch just jumped to 15 seconds, Bai Xiaowen regardless of the actual situation, pour pure water directly.

Sun Hecheng’s lips moved, and he didn’t speak. He was somewhat surprised to find that Bai Xiaowen did not have the opportunity to pour water in advance, but did not advance or delay it. According to experience, it is also the most suitable time.

“What a coincidence?” Sun Hecheng murmured.

However, the following steps surprised Sun Hecheng more and more.

At every step, Bai Xiaowen did exactly the same as the standard procedure, even with 0.1 seconds of change! The process seems to be rigid and there is no discretion, but each step is all right, just right!

Until the end, he sprinkled Langka pollen and carried out the last process, and Sun Hecheng didn’t give any guidance.

“This… is definitely not a coincidence.”

After more than ten minutes, a tube exuded a rich red luster, standing quietly on the test tube rack. Bai Xiaowen’s Potion Master proficiency has been improved again, from the level 2 full proficiency progress bar to Level 3 Potion Master.

The medicine on the test tube rack, crystal clear and near-transparent, without any sediment or impurities, is like a flawless ruby ​​under the mirror, which is fascinating.

“This purity…” Sun Hecheng stuck his card, and then increased his tone, and said with certainty, “Absolutely perfect quality, it is likely to be above 95% purity… I can’t really see how much it is.”

Sun Hecheng was a little excited and shocked. He pulled an apprentice: “Go and call the manager… hurry.”

The apprentice widened his eyes in surprise, as if asking with his eyes. Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t we take the initiative to meet? Is it appropriate to call the boss?

“Hurry up!” Sun Hecheng almost kicked him, and the apprentice was convinced that he slipped away.

Sun Hecheng turned around and stared at Bai Xiaowen: “How did you… do it?”

Bai Xiaowen felt guilty in his heart, rubbed his face, and squeezed a smile: “This… Master Sun, don’t you watch it all the way, just follow your instructions and the perfect recipe in the book. what.”

“Don’t bullshit, I personally went off the court, and I couldn’t make a potion of this purity once in ten times,” Sun Hecheng recalled the production process of Bai Xiaowen just now, “Is the material special?”

Sun Hecheng spoke, picked up the remaining 2 medicine ingredients and looked closely, but found nothing.

It didn’t take long for the old manager Zhang Jing to rush over.

“What happened?”

Sun Hecheng talked about the situation, and the old store manager was also interested. He picked up the bottle of newly made potion and carefully recognized it in the light.

“The purity is 96%, and it is also a rare product in the perfect level of pharmacy.”

The old store manager Zhang Jing gave the evaluation, “Hecheng, when the pharmacy reaches this purity, it has little to do with the raw materials.”

Sun Hecheng put down a few pieces of medicine ingredients, nodded, and Zhang Jing looked towards Bai Xiaowen at the same time: “Indeed, the reason should be the preparation process. Xiaobai, how did you do this? This high-purity Perfect level agent, is it What is the trick to make a low-level Potion Master in large quantities?”

Bai Xiaowen was slightly hairy when viewed by 2 people, and simply spoke frankly: “This, I have an Innate Ability called Insight, you all know it.”

“Know that it is a combat-assisted ability. You can see other people’s attributes. What does this have to do with pharmaceuticals?” Sun Hecheng wondered.

“Actually, Insight innate talent can be used not only on people, but also on any other items containing Spiritual Energy Particle, such as medicine ingredients,” Bai Xiaowen explained. “And when I use Insight on medicine ingredients, You can clearly see the proportion of active ingredients in medicine ingredients…”

This sentence is enough.

Sun Hecheng’s eyes widened: “See the ratio of active ingredients clearly? Then can you accurately measure…”

“Yes, I can accurately determine how much of each medicine ingredient should be used, accurate to 1% gram,” Bai Xiaowen said. “If the raw materials reach this precision, as long as the perfect formula derived from the book is prepared It’s just a step by step process.”

“This… if this is the case, can it be prepared on a large scale with a machine? And the products produced are all Perfect level pharmacy?” Sun Hecheng thought quickly, “The Potion Master industry… I am afraid it will be fatally impacted. “

The old manager Zhang Jing suddenly asked: “How long does it take for you to measure the amount of a medicine ingredient?”

“Four kinds of medicine ingredients took a total of nearly 4 hours.” Bai Xiaowen secretly admired the old manager Zhang Jing’s thoughts, which quickly turned to the crux of the problem.

“In this case, if you work 8 hours a day, you will be able to make 4 copies of medicine ingredients. Counting the preparation time, the output will not exceed 3 bottles.”

The old manager Zhang Jing said, “For the general Potion Master, having the ability to make 3 bottles of Perfect level potions in a day is enough to make a reputation in the potion world of 10000, and even become a Grandmaster Rank. But… For the heroic profession, Xiaobai’s time itself is an invaluable wealth. He estimates that he will not spend all his time on this…”

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: “I need to spend Spirit Energy points when I start Insight innate talent. Just to determine the effective ingredients of these medicine ingredients, it took me several 100 Spiritual Energy points… so many Spirit Energy points, It’s hard to say that it’s worth noting a bottle of 2 3,000,000 fortified medicaments. Therefore, it is really difficult to achieve large-scale machine production.”

Sun Hecheng shook his head and said: “The price of Perfect level pharmacy is completely different from that of high-quality products. Your bottle of pharmacy can be sold at auction for a price of 10000000… Of course, for you, there is no shortage of Earth currency. , Consume Spiritual Energy points to earn 10000000 Earth currency, which is the inversion.”

Since there is such a high Spirit Energy point cost and time cost, it’s definitely impossible to produce by machine. Sun Hecheng thought so, but inexplicably relaxed.

Zhang Jing was in deep contemplation, slowly said: “However, Xiaobai’s innate talent can help us solve a big problem in the pharmacy…”

Sun Hecheng’s expression on his face moved: “Teacher, you mean…competition with giant divine medicine? Xiaobai probably doesn’t have that many time. It is estimated that he can make several bottles of pharmacy in a month. This pharmacy is the limit. For the shop, it is an utterly inadequate measure.”

Zhang Jing smiled and shook his head: “Do not use your brain! How can you sell Perfect level pharmacy with a purity of more than 96% in the front room and sell it in the normal way? We can limit purchases! We sell one or two bottles a week, and get a spot auction, using some media resources to stir up the name of “genius pharmacy master”, isn’t our super divine medicine drugstore’s fame also caught fire?”

Sun Hecheng was a little ignorant.

Zhang Jing turned to Bai Xiaowen: “Xiao Bai… You heard that before, I didn’t want to tell you about the competition of the giant divine medicine drugstore. The situation is really serious. The branch has been opened to Chihuo Square, and it is clear that it is here to grab the site. Moreover, they have a group of excellent Potion Masters that have been cultivated for many years. The supply is sufficient and the variety is complete. We can’t compare, we can only think of other ways. Can you do me a favor?”

Bai Xiaowen said happily: “How do I do it? How many bottles of medicament need to be made every month, you say the number, I try to take the time to complete.”

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