Evil Dragon: The baby dragon I picked up always wants to be the empress

Chapter 166 Is this fair boy the old man Lance from more than two thousand years ago? !

Like young old Mr. Lance?

Annie lowered her head and glanced at her sketch. She didn't feel anything when she was drawing it. Now that she looked at it carefully, she saw that the person on the drawing paper really looked a bit like Mr. Lance in Saint Blue.

It's strange, what she drew was obviously the corrupt official from more than two thousand years ago, so why did Mr. Lance appear on her drawing paper?

Anne was puzzled.

Maybe I was shocked by the appearance of Mr. Lance when he was young. When I was painting, I subconsciously drew Mr. Lance?

It's possible.

In addition to this possibility, there is another possibility, that is, the corrupt official from more than two thousand years ago looked very much like Mr. Lance in his youth.

"Destroy this painting quickly. If Mr. Lance sees you slandering and slandering him like this, he may ask you for mental damages, lost time, reputation damage and other expenses.

The old man is now the Earl of Holy Blue, and he cannot afford to pay for lost work and reputational damage alone. "

"Old man Lance is a bit stingy, but he is not greedy. When he goes out on missions, he sometimes encounters treasures from heaven and earth, but he doesn't take them. When he encounters treasure chests full of gold, silver and jewels, he doesn't even look at them. "

Anne nodded in agreement. When the old man taught her sketching, he verbally said that he would charge tuition. When she used the bounty she earned to pay the old man's tuition, the old man only charged one gold coin.

Occasionally, Mr. Lance would be used as a guinea pig to test drugs.

While learning sketching from Mr. Lance, she transformed into many strange creatures, and once even grew a beard.

But it frightened her.

A wisp of fire lit up at her fingertips, and Annie burned the drawing paper. Mr. Lance said, try not to leave your own portrait in an unfamiliar area.

If you are unlucky, you may attract unclean or evil creatures.

It's not a good place to get lost in the Ancient Realm. It's better to burn the drawing paper.

"Be careful. If we go further, we may encounter piranha, vampire vines, and beast weeds. The breath of dragon dung may not be useful to these plant monsters."


The stone carvings of corrupt officials were just a small episode. The members of the Bronze Bounty Guild continued to go deeper. Several members were attacked by blood-sucking canes on the way. The members of the Bronze Guild released fireballs and used fireballs to bombard the blood-sucking canes. Afterwards, A guild member also took out a spray bottle and sprayed some herbicide liquid around the vampire rattan.

Mr. Lance said: Cut the grass and root out the roots.

Some nearby blood-sucking vines that were about to attack the bronze guild members sensed the fate of their companions. The vines with black and red barbs became entangled in a ball, hiding in the bushes and shivering.

They are not afraid of being burned by fire. As long as the roots are still there, what does it matter if some vines are burned by fire?

Spraying is too much. This stuff penetrates directly into the soil and poisons their companions to death.

"For plant-type monsters, it has to be Mr. Lance. The old man frightened many plant-type monsters with his sentence "eliminate the roots". As time went by, almost all the plant-type monsters in our kingdom knew that there was a white-haired man. The old man likes to carry a medicine pot and communicate with plant monsters.

There is still little knowledge about these plant monsters in the Lost Ancient Realm. "

Matthews, who was strong and strong, grinned widely, took out the green medicine pot from the storage space ring, arranged the strap, and carried it behind his back, preparing to let the plant monsters in the Lost Ancient Realm appreciate Mr. Lance. Spray can style.

The spray can behind him was secretly obtained from Mr. Lance.

The plant-type monsters in the Lost Ancient Realm don’t know how powerful this spraying can is. In their kingdom, if you carry this spraying can on your back and walk in the deep mountains and old forests, you don’t have to worry about being attacked by plant-type monsters.

"Matthews, the spray can on your back looks familiar. Isn't this the spray can that Mr. Lance was looking for before he left the Bronze Guild? No wonder the old man couldn't find it, and his feelings were taken away by others. "

"What do you know? A person like the old man can't find a spray bottle? You obviously know that I took him away. Didn't you see that the old man has been asking me to test the medicine for a while?"

"Is that so?"

"Otherwise you think the old man is really stupid."

"Then I'm relieved."

Bald Lecent grinned and took out an ax as tall as half a man.

"Brother, this ax looks familiar to you. Uncle, isn't this the ax that Mr. Lance used to chop wood? You beast, you don't even let go of the ax that Mr. Lance used to chop wood and trees? "

"Didn't you notice that I was often called to test medicine by Mr. Lance? Once I drank Mr. Lance's medicine and I grew black rabbit ears and tail. I sacrificed too much for this axe.

But it’s worth it. The ax of Mr. Lance has a deterrent effect on plant monsters. When tree people see this ax, they will be frightened and rise up from the ground, or shout, ‘Little friend, please tell me something.’ "

"Give me this axe, and I'll ask you to wash your feet a hundred times when you get back."

"Get lost."

"I said that I had been wondering about the ax and spray can for a long time. My relationship was taken away by you two. When I wanted to buy something, I couldn't find the right one. , in the end I could only take away the shovel that Mr. Lance left at the entrance of the courtyard."


Matthews and Recent saw a black and red shovel in the hand of guild member Jerome. This shovel is also a good thing. It is very easy to dig roots, dig holes, bury people, transplant and shoot people.

This shovel is also something they want to take away.

"You beast, you didn't even let go of Mr. Lance's shovel. No wonder the old man used his hands to dig up the soil for a while."

"What do you know? If I hadn't taken this shovel from Mr. Lance, he would have used this shovel to dig a hole and bury you."


The other members of the Bronze Bounty Guild were amused by the three companions from their own guild.

He's so courageous, he dares to accept everything Mr. Lance wants.

Just go with it.

Look at what they take with them.

Spray can.

An ax used for chopping wood and trees.


"Come on, let the three of me clear the way for you, so that the monsters in the Lost Ancient Realm can see how powerful Mr. Lance is."

Recent waved the ax in his hand to clear the way.

Oddly enough, in this area that previously seemed to be filled with branches, vines, and strange grasses, after Recent walked around waving his ax, the members of the Bronze Guild suddenly felt that this area became much clearer.

"Old man Lance said that all things have animism. I have a spray bottle with two nozzles. One nozzle sprays poison. The other nozzle sprays nectar. It doesn't matter if you don't know what nectar is. I will spray it for you now. Click, let you have a taste."

Matthews, who was carrying a spray can, sprayed nectar on the flowers, plants and trees in the misty ancient realm. The old man said that this nectar could help the flowers, plants and trees cure diseases and make them thrive.

"The old man said that being kind to others means being kind to yourself. If you don't embarrass us, we won't target you.

The old man also said that when you do things, leave a hint so that you can meet each other easily in the future. If you are spiritual, don’t always think about turning us into fertilizer, otherwise if I am cruel, you will all become the old man’s medicinal materials.”

Matthews suddenly thought that the old man would sometimes talk to himself like this, regardless of whether the flowers, plants and trees could understand it. Anyway, he would shout first. After shouting, if there are still plant monsters attacking him, then he would kill them and eradicate them.

Just imitate the old man without any brain, and that's it. The old man is a man of great wisdom.

I'll give you a benefit first. After accepting the benefit, if you still dare to carry out a sneak attack, then eradicate it.

After traveling some distance deeper into the misty ancient realm, the members of the Bronze Bounty Guild were attacked by piranha flowers.

Matthews sprayed poison, Recent took an ax to chop the stems, and Jerome took a shovel to shovel the roots of the piranha.

After the three of them cooperated to kill more than a dozen piranha flowers in succession, the nearly four to five meter wide piranha flowers no longer attacked the members of the Bronze Guild.

Too cruel.

After destroying the flower with a ruthless hand, the root of the problem is eradicated.

When an elderly tree man saw this scene, he hurriedly and secretly warned the others in the area not to attack the passing humans.

To avoid having to dig out the roots after being cut down

Don't die too badly.

The old tree man who has lived for thousands of years said that this is the first time he has seen such a cruel and bottom-line human being.

The [Old Man] in the mouth of these young humans must be the strongest among the strong.

"We are almost at the location marked on the employer's map. There is a passage to the underground world at this location, which is the entrance to the [Golden City]. After entering here, in addition to monsters appearing underground, you may also encounter some special ones at any time. Condition.

For example, entering into a fantasy that seems to be real, or seeming to be an ancient person from more than 2,000 years ago.

According to the employer, after entering the fantasy, depending on your identity, you may need to choose a camp or something.

Here’s the key point, if you choose the wrong camp, you may disappear directly. According to the employer's speculation, the missing members may have become golden puppet soldiers in the golden city.

When we enter the underground entrance, we try not to scatter. If a member accidentally enters the illusion, don't panic, and don't rush to take the medicine given to us by Mr. Lance. We will only take it when we choose the wrong camp and encounter life-threatening danger.

If we want to come out alive, we cannot let Mr. Lance eat at our table, let alone give us gifts.

If we want to give a gift, we should give a gift to the old man. "

Meredith, the bunny-eared girl, began to explain the precautions and brought out Mr. Lance to liven up the atmosphere.

They are all still young, and presumably no one wants to see Mr. Lance eating at his own table.

"You don't want to see Mr. Lance calling us trash while eating, right?"

"Don't tell me, Mr. Lance is really likely to do such a thing."

"I can't let Mr. Lance give the white-haired man a gift to the black-haired man. I have saved up money to give him a gift."

"Even if it is to save money for Mr. Lance, we have to return to Holy Blue alive."

The members of the Bronze Bounty Guild have a good mentality. From the moment they choose to become bounty hunters, they are prepared to die in the mission one day.

Bounty tasks cannot all be tasks with a relatively low risk factor.

As extraordinary beings, they have little interest in tasks with less risk.

A [Golden City] with a rich bounty like this can greatly arouse their interest, even if they know that the bounty mission has a relatively high risk factor.

They accepted it anyway.

Fear of death, but don’t lose the courage to move forward and explore adventure just because you are afraid of death.

Mr. Lance is so afraid of death, why doesn't he often take on missions with a relatively high risk factor?


What appeared in front of the Bronze Guild members was a square with ruined walls. Although it was occupied by various ancient trees, vines, and weeds, it was still vaguely possible to tell that this was a square.

"One of the underground passages is in this area. We have found it. The thick willow tree in front is a teleportation point. If we walk within five meters of the big willow tree, we will be teleported to the underground entrance.

Check the equipment on your body again, confirm the number of members, and start the registration. I will go first, Meredith, the bronze public receptionist, race: bunny tribe. "

"Louis, Bronze Guild Member, Race: Human"

"Bronze guild member Bazel, race: human"

"The Bronze Guild."

Mr. Lance once said that when guild members go out to perform missions, they should count the number of people and register their teammates before entering the mission location to prevent weird things from being mixed in.

In the past, the members of the Bronze Guild felt that Mr. Lance was making such a fuss, but later suffered a big loss from this incident. After that, when the members of the Bronze Guild went out to perform tasks, it became an iron rule to count the number of people and sign up.

A little trouble is better than being careless and being taken advantage of by some terrible creatures.

"The number of people is 27, correct. That's it. Prepare to enter the underground through the willow tree's teleportation array. It's best to prepare for battle."

To explain again, Meredith, the bunny-eared girl, took the lead to walk towards the willow tree. Louis, Bazelle, and Dalton were behind the team. The strength of the three of them was second only to Meredith. If they stayed behind, If there is danger, they can respond immediately.

The members of the Bronze Bounty Guild collectively came to the willow tree without any extra movement. The branches of the willow tree emitted crystal light. The next moment, the blue light of the magic circle rose into the sky.

When the light dissipated, the members of the Bronze Bounty Guild disappeared.

At the same time, Black Dragon Island.

The young dragon, which had returned to its original size, was lying on the ground basking in the sun, looking at the four projections suspended in the air.

The four projection light screens went black at the same time, and her purple-gold vertical pupils showed a worried look.

The members of the Bronze Bounty Guild were transported to the underground world. Wouldn't they encounter those legendary dark monsters as soon as they appeared in the underground world?

For example, monsters such as ghouls, gargoyles, and human-faced ghost spiders.

Speaking of which, the members of the Bronze Guild are really naughty and dare to obey the evil dragon.

Spray can.



Should he tell the evil dragon that all the things he lost belong to the three uncles of the Bronze Guild?

She glanced at the dragon Lance.

The evil dragon Lance didn't know what he was talking to the squid girl on the beach. No, to be precise, it was the squid girl who had been talking to the evil dragon.

The evil dragon said that if members of the Bronze Bounty Guild are in danger, they should call him.

The members of the Bronze Bounty Guild are missing from the projection light screen. Do you want to call the evil dragon?

Wait a little longer

Let's wait until the figures of the Bronze Guild members appear on the light screen before deciding whether to call the evil dragon or not.

There are really a lot of good things in the evil dragon, and he can see scenes from who knows how many miles away. The four source power props he gave to the bronze guild members must be legendary level source power props.


After a burst of electric current emitted from the four projection screens, there was a picture.


Where is this?

"Where is this?"

When the members of the Bronze Bounty Guild saw the environment they were in, they also had the same question in their hearts.

The moment there was light in front of them, they immediately took an offensive stance. Some members even took out all the upgraded version of Mr. Lance's [Three-Minute God of War] liquid.

As a result, what they saw was not at all a dark underground world with roaring monsters, rampant ghouls, and haunted undead.

But a city with light, wind, water, buildings, and people coming and going?

Their strange behavior seemed to scare some children playing around them, and the children burst into tears.

Pedestrians in strange clothes also pointed at them and looked at them curiously.

"Meredith. Where is this? Could it be that there was a problem with the teleportation array, teleporting us to a strange kingdom city far away from the Lost Ancient Realm?"

If there is a problem with the teleportation array, it is very likely that this will happen.

"I don't know. Get out of your fighting stance and stay vigilant. I'll find someone to ask where this is."

Meredith, the rabbit-eared girl, was temporarily confused about the situation in front of her. She put away her sword, with a sweet smile on her face, and walked towards the passers-by not far away.

Let’s figure out where this is first.

"Hello, uncle, where is this place?"

"##$ # R%%\u0026*"


I have never heard of the language. Could it be that there was really a problem with the teleportation array and they were teleported to an unknown kingdom city on the mainland?

If you don't understand the language of the people in this city, it will be difficult to figure out where they are now.

"Uncle, can you understand what I say?"

Meredith kept gesticulating, and the middle-aged man standing opposite her shook his head and kept talking.

Can't get information about this place due to language barrier?


Meredith saw writing on the building not far away, and that writing... she had seen it before!

It was the script used by the corrupt official’s kingdom more than two thousand years ago!

This, this, this, could be a certain city in that kingdom more than two thousand years ago.

At this time, several other members of the Bounty Guild also discovered this.

How could they appear more than two thousand years ago?

"This is the Eternal City, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Ande. Outsiders, if you want to make a living here, you'd better find a teacher and learn the language of the Kingdom of Ande."

A young boy wearing a white-gold robe with red lips and white teeth appeared in front of Meredith.

The boy smiled. When Meredith saw the boy's smile, she raised her hand to cover her eyes.

The young man's smile was a little dazzling.

Like the sun. Clean, bright and clear

Her black hair was tied into a bun, with two ribbons floating behind her head, and her golden-red eyes looked very much like the eyes of Mr. Lance.

He also looks a lot like Lance in his youth. Old man?

What does it look like!

The young man in front of me is clearly the old man Lance. His hair style has changed and his face has become much tenderer, but the fair and tender young man in front of him is clearly the young man! ! !

"Old man, why are you here? Ahhh, old man. You are so tender. Can I pinch your face?"

"Do you want to be made into a braised rabbit by me?"


The young old man is so cruel!

ps: Pigeons, please give me some monthly tickets, I still owe the leader an update. I strive to return the leader's bonus as soon as possible.

PS2: Introduction to the book: Lin Chuan traveled to the Pokémon world and became a farmer in the Fengyuan area, and obtained the ability to purchase

Buy a variety of magical seeds for your Rotom phone.

Here are the seeds he bought and planted:

Green Onion Seeds: Green Onion Duck’s favorite, with a 10% chance of evolving into the Galar region form

Evolution Waterfall Seed: Water Pokémon's evolution probability increases by 10% after crossing the waterfall.

Dragon Meteor Shower Seed: The probability of Pokémon understanding the skill of Meteor Swarm increases by 10%...


In the battle between the two gods, Groudon and Kyogre frantically sucked the life of their controller, and the wanton battle vented the anger that had been dormant for many years.

People knelt down and prayed for a miracle and for the end of the war.

Lin Chuan sat on the back of the little elephant and came through the air. Breaking through the dark clouds and the scorching sun, he looked down at the two gods at his feet. He raised the green stone slab in his hand and said lightly: "Little elephant, sanction the light gravel!"

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