Evil Dragon: The baby dragon I picked up always wants to be the empress

Chapter 146 Are you still alive? Didn’t you sacrifice yourself to save us?

Being hit in the face by a large snowball, Amelia couldn't help but let out a slight "hiss" sound. The moment the big snowball shattered, fine snowballs fell into her collar, and she couldn't bear the coldness. Stay in 'Siha' for a while.

Taking off the white glove on her right hand and wiping the fine snowflakes off her face, Amelia locked her eyes on the human man who hit her face with a snowball.

There was anger and confusion in the blue eyes.

Got the wrong person?

The name is the same, the appearance is the same, and the personality seems completely different from her former companion named Lance.

My former companion, Lance, was honest, taciturn, and didn't like to play around.

Usually when a few of them were laughing and chasing each other, he would sit quietly aside and not participate. Occasionally he would watch them laugh.

Most of the time, he likes to stay aside and study and prepare extraordinary potions. He has the lowest sense of presence in the team.

The Viscount Lance of Holy Blue City in front of him is full of energy and his playfulness is crazier than the children of Holy Blue City.

It was different from the companion named Lance in her memory.

Another thing that concerned her was that her companion Lance died in the last battle of the year [Sealing the King and Slaying the Demon].

Even if he hadn't died that year and was lucky to have survived, based on human lifespan, he should have disappeared in the long river of history.

With Lance's strength back then, it would be considered good if he could live to be 300 years old.

Now that thousands of years have passed, there is no way Lance is still alive.

Could it be that the Viscount Lance in front of me is the reincarnation of Lance?

If it weren't for reincarnation, Lance would never be alive now.

Unless Lance faked his death and refined the [Elixir of Immortality] he talked about.

The adventure team they formed back then had their own dreams.

She remembered that when Lance joined the team, his dream declaration was: [Look for the legendary elixir of immortality, or collect the legendary substances of immortality and refine an elixir of immortality. 】

If Lance can really live from a thousand years ago to the present, there is only one explanation. He was lucky enough to survive the battle of [Confessing the King and Slaying the Demon], and then refined the [Elixir of Immortality]. After taking it, From a thousand years ago to now.

Even if he didn't refine the elixir of immortality, he might have had an adventure later and taken a magical elixir that could extend his life.

If the Viscount of Holy Blue is really Lance, then her former companion has changed a lot.

In fact, she had been in Holy Blue for a few days. She had been learning about the Dragon Temple these days. When she accidentally heard the name of the Viscount, Lance, she paid a little attention.

Until today, I met Lance on the first snow day.

Exactly the same, but his temperament has changed, his eyes have changed, and he is completely different from the former Lance who seemed a bit submissive, honest, honest.

Lance could not do something like this directly hitting her face with a snowball.

Amelia squatted down, rubbed a snowball from the ground, chased Lance who was mixed in the crowd, and then ran away after yelling at her?

There is no such thing as a good thing.

After catching up with Lance, she threw the snowball in her hand at Lance's head. She took Lance's hand and dragged him towards the outside of the crowd.

The playful citizens saw their viscount being taken away by a beautiful and noble female elf, but they didn't care. In Holy Blue City, no one could hurt the viscount.

Neither can elves.

The beautiful female elf should know their Lord Viscount.

The young dragon who was about to hit Lance with a snowball saw the evil dragon being pulled away by the tall female elf. He stood there and blinked a few times with his purple-gold vertical eyes.

Does the evil dragon Lance even know elves?

Oh, I seem to recognize the portraits in Longwo's study. There seem to be portraits of elves.

I didn’t see clearly what the female elf who pulled away the dragon looked like.

Forget it, let’s play first.

Anyway, the female elf can't deceive the evil dragon.

It's even less likely that it's the person the evil dragon liked before.

The baby dragon started playing with her friends again.

Pulling Lance out of the crowd, Amelia let go and stared at Lance's face, not blushing?

Back then, if the hand of a girl on the team accidentally touched Lance, Lance's face would turn red instantly.

I even called him Brother Lance.

He could blush for a long time.

"Female Elf, please respect yourself. As I said, you have recognized the wrong person. My name is Lance, but it should not be the Lance you know."

"It is true that you are not the Lance I met more than a thousand years ago. You have changed a lot. If it weren't for the surprise that was inadvertently revealed in those golden-red eyes when you looked at me just now, I might really I thought you were just a human who looked exactly like my former companion and had the same name.

It's really magical. The world is so big. I never thought that one day I would meet my teammates who have been dead for who knows how many years in this remote corner of the world.

[The non-existent potion master]. When we meet again after a thousand years, what you want to say to me is just 'Sorry, you recognized the wrong person'? "

Amelia smiled. She was really happy to meet her former teammates in the human world a thousand years later, not to mention that the teammate in front of her still owed her money.

[Seal the King and Slay the Demon] Before the battle, Lance told them two short stories, [The Last Stand] and [The Last Stand] and [The Last Stand].

The general meaning of the story is that if they want to win the final victory, they have to cut off their retreat and face the final battle with the mentality that if they don't win, they will die.

They listened to Lance's story and were silent for a long time. After that, they felt that Lance's words made sense.

Then they decided to travel light and leave all their useless things to Lance for safekeeping.

As a potion master, Lance only needs to be responsible for preparing enough extraordinary potions for them. Although he can also go to the battlefield, his combat effectiveness is ultimately not as good as theirs.

He probably knows this, so when he usually distributes loot, he only takes away things of little value.

They also gave all their money to Lance for safekeeping.

Lance said that he would lend them the money if they were all alive after the final battle. These valuables they entrusted to him, he would return them intact.

If they are dead, these valuables will be put into their graves as relics.

However, what none of them expected was that in the final battle, when they were about to be defeated, Lance, who was not supposed to appear on the battlefield, suddenly appeared.

He put the valuables they gave him to the ground one by one, in order to save them and defeat the powerful demon king.

Lance sacrificed himself in front of them.

They gained great strength in a short period of time, and then defeated the powerful demon king.

After the battle of [Sealing the King and Slaying the Demon], they gained both fame and fortune. Lance, who chose to sacrifice himself, received a title: [The Non-Existent Potion Master].

Only the members of their team knew how bright and dazzling the light burst out when the [non-existent potion master] showed off his existence to them.

The potion master who had sacrificed herself in front of them had caused her to bleed for a long time afterwards.

Speaking of which, Lance's memorial day will be in a few days.

She didn't know if the other teammates still remembered Lance's memorial day. Anyway, she always remembered Lance's memorial day.

If she was not given a reasonable explanation, she would worship Lance in front of the viscount in front of her in a few days.

"Suddenly it occurred to me that the time you chose to sacrifice yourself seems to be in winter. Your memorial day is coming soon."


Lance feels that his recent luck seems a bit bad. The world is so big, so his former teammates can meet him in a corner of the world and recognize him at a glance.

Amelia, a member of the [Yao Yang] Brave Team, her dream is to become a [Dragon Elf Knight] one day.

She is an elf who just wants to sign a dragon knight contract with an evil dragon. When I met her, she was quirky and foolish. If you follow her out, as long as you are thick-skinned enough, she will pay for food, drinks and fun.

When he was a potion master in the [Yao Yang] Brave Team, he liked to be Amelia's little tail, eating and drinking with Amelia.

When you have no money, you only need to sigh in front of Amelia, and Amelia will take the initiative to run up to him like a silly roe deer and ask him what's wrong.

When he said it was nothing, Amelia would ask more questions. When he hesitated and said that he had no money to buy medicinal materials, Amelia would take the initiative to lend him money and let him buy medicinal materials.

Of course, this has something to do with the [personality] he used back then.

When I joined the [Yao Yang] Brave Team, I relied on being [honest and honest] and not being glib.

As time went by, the members of the team all believed in him. They felt that this honest, honest potion master with little money was so down-to-earth, and they lent him money without fear of him defaulting on the loan.

Sometimes it is proposed to use liquid medicine to pay off debts, and the members of the team will readily agree.

A few days ago, I just thought that a brave man would explode and kill the Demon King, but how long has it been?

Back then, a member of the Brave Team appeared in Holy Blue and captured him, a potion master who had never had any sense of existence.

I really can't bear to talk about it at all.

It seems like I can’t pretend anymore.

Amelia is not as easy to deceive as before. She has become wiser in more than a thousand years.

Lance saw from Amelia what the future dragon cub would look like. The dragon cub a thousand years from now would definitely be as smart as Amelia.

The dragon cub is a young dragon that has eaten the wisdom fruit.

"Amelia, you may have mistaken the wrong person."

"You called me by my name, and you still said I recognized the wrong person?"

The female elf Amelia's delicate and flawless face showed a flush of excitement.

He's such a Lance.

The human in front of them was the potion master Lance who chose to sacrifice himself in front of them.

It was so dreamy. She never thought that today, thousands of years later, she would meet the [honest and honest] potion master from back then! ! !

When she thought of the four words "honest and honest", Amelia's blue eyes showed a look of embarrassment, she had been deceived!

Back then, all of them were deceived by the honest, honest, and blushing potion master in front of them!

"Hey, it seems that my guess is correct. You have become wiser. You are much smarter than a thousand years ago. If it were you a thousand years ago, if I said this, you would bend down and say sorry, and you would not react at all in a moment. Don’t come.”

Lance raised his hand, smiled and plucked off the snowflakes that fell on Amelia's head.

"Long time no see, Amelia."

"Long time no see, liar Lance!"

Amelia took two steps forward and hugged Lance.

Lance's body stiffened for a moment, then he patted Amelia's back a few times with his hand and pushed Amelia away.

Reunited after a long absence, the child Amelia vented her excitement with a hug.

For the sake of eating and drinking with you a thousand years ago, I won’t give you a slap on the shoulder.

"When you grow up, you can't hug me casually in the future. This is just this time, there will be no next time."

Lance smiled and rubbed Amelia's head with his hand, no matter how big it was, it was not as big as his.

He is more than two thousand years older than Amelia.

no the same.

It's really different.

Lance the Liar is really not the same as he was a thousand years ago.

The action of rubbing a girl's head was something Lance couldn't do a thousand years ago.

Now it feels so natural and casual.

The tone and tone of his speech have also changed. When Lance spoke a thousand years ago, he always felt submissive and unconfident.

Now he has a charm that is hard to resist in every move he makes.

Just standing next to him gave her a comfortable and easy-going feeling

Amelia noticed that her mentality seemed to have changed.

When she handed the big snowball to Lance with a smile, she had a somewhat arrogant attitude, waiting for Lance to take the initiative to greet her.

As a result, Lance threw the big snowball directly into her face without even thinking.

It's not her fault, I really can't blame her.

Every member of the Yaoyang team has a sense of superiority when facing Lance.

Even before Lance chose to sacrifice himself, the members of the Yaoyang Team might still have the mentality that they were the ones leading Lan Si to fly.

It's an honor for Lance to be able to team up with them.

Therefore, when usually dividing the spoils, when Lance takes something worthless, they all think it is natural.

After all, the potion master is assisting them in fighting and has little combat power.

Is the liar Lance really incompetent?

Lance, the Viscount of Holy Blue City, is not only good at mixing potions, he seems to be a beast master as well.



The way Lance behaved when he got along with them was just an act. He had been pretending for several years.

Facing the current Lance, she had no sense of superiority at all.

Even when she looked at Lance, she felt ashamed for a moment.

She is much stronger a thousand years later than she was a thousand years ago.

He is also better than himself a thousand years ago.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't feel this way.

Is it possible that Lance in a thousand years will be better than her in a thousand years?


A thousand years ago, she would have been the one touching his head.

She touched Lance's head, which made Lance feel happy.

But just now, when Lance touched her head, she felt it was natural and even happy.

So weird.

The source of this strangeness comes from Lance a thousand years later.

"Can you stop treating me like a child? The way you spoke just now clearly means you treat me like a child. Don't think I can't hear it."

"I didn't treat you like a child, I treated you like an adult."

"Then you still talk to me in that tone?"

"I think of myself as an old man. That's the way an old man talks to a child who has just grown up."


Where did the honest and honest Lance from a thousand years ago go?

"You wouldn't have been able to say such a thing a thousand years ago."

"Because I am honest and honest."


Amelia and Lance's eyes met in the air, and seeing Lance's eyes, her mind subconsciously recalled the way Lance looked at them a thousand years ago.

At that time, she only thought that Lance and their eyes looked strange sometimes.

Now she understands, that is not the way she looks at her peers, but the way she looks at children.

Especially when their team went out on a mission and accidentally provoked some powerful creatures, Lance would occasionally look at them with a hint of helplessness.

Speaking of which, when their team went out on missions and occasionally encountered terrifyingly powerful monsters, they were always able to safely evacuate inexplicably in the end.

Could it also be related to Lance?

"Why did you appear in Holy Blue City?"

"I heard that there were evil dragons in the Red Maple Kingdom, so I came to the Red Maple Kingdom. I also heard that the lord of Holy Blue built a dragon temple approved by the Dragon God. I was a little curious, so I came over to take a look. I didn't expect that it would be there. Holy Blue meets you.”

Amelia adjusted her mentality. She was an adult and could not let the liar Lance continue to treat her like a child.

"Liar, how do you live until now? We clearly watched you sacrifice yourself back then. Why did you come back from the dead?"

"You should ask who I sacrificed myself to then."

"To whom did you sacrifice yourself?"

"A sacrifice to myself."


Sacrificing yourself to yourself?

Is this the honest and honest potion master from back then?

"No, what you said is wrong. If you sacrifice yourself to yourself, how do you explain the increase in our combat power?"

"You are stimulated by my death. I have heard a legend before that if you want the brave to become stronger during battle, you must randomly sacrifice a teammate in the brave team.

With the mentality of giving it a try, I sacrificed myself, but I didn’t expect that you and the brave guys would explode as soon as I sacrificed myself.

The key is that you really disabled the Demon King."

Although when he sacrificed himself, he secretly threw a dragon spell on them that could enhance combat power and enhance defense.

Amelia didn't believe what Lance said.

She didn't believe that Lance would sacrifice himself just because of a mythical legend.

Before the battle of [Sealing the King and Slaying the Demons] began, the honest and honest potion master Lance must have thought about his ending.

A thousand years ago, she felt that the honest and honest potion master was the person with the simplest identity and background in the team.

She thought so until they met again.

However, just a few minutes after their reunion, she realized how wrong she was.

Lance the Liar is hiding so much.

Fortunately, the liar Lance never harmed them. She is an elf and can intuitively feel the good and bad of a person.

She chose to join the [Yao Yang] team because the members of the [Yao Yang] team made her feel at ease.

Amelia thought about some of the strange behaviors she subconsciously displayed back then.

For example, when she encounters danger, she doesn't subconsciously look for the strongest hero in the team.

Instead, he subconsciously moved closer to the honest and honest Lance.

She had noticed this behavior of hers before, and she concluded that the honest potion master was too weak. She subconsciously moved closer to Lance because she wanted to protect him.

Seeing Lance now, another thought suddenly came to her mind. Could it be that her past self told her subconsciously that the honest and honest Lance was more reliable than the strongest warrior in the team?

Then he subconsciously moved closer to Lance.

This subconscious behavior is not because she wants to protect Lance

Rather, she subconsciously felt that the honest and honest potion master Lance could protect her.

The more I think about Amelia, the more likely this is.

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