Everyone’s Job Change: Halo Master, I Am A Forbidden Area

Chapter 509: But If You Want To Conquer This World, You May Have Made The Wrong Calculation.

"What kind of creature is that? The power contained in its body is so powerful.

The Holy Demon Lord and the High Priest both looked at the terrifying creature at the same time.

Feeling deeply frightened by the power displayed in the opponent's body.

At this moment, the Lord of the Earth has gradually merged with that force as Gangcha advanced.

It is almost possible to fully use the power of the three Great World Marks to fight.

Therefore, its strength has been further improved, which is of course extraordinary.

At this time, An Yang finally arrived here with the flaming black dragon.

As it galloped all the way, the blazing flames on the flame black dragon's body were almost emitting black smoke.

This loss is really huge~.

The flame black dragon suddenly gasped, and a large amount of black smoke spurted out, even making him cough.

"Ah, I have been sleeping for such a long time, and I have just woken up, and I need such a huge amount of activity."

"How can I, an old dragon, bear this?"

His actions naturally immediately attracted the attention of the Earth Lord not far away.

At this moment, the Lord of the Earth has not reached the vicinity of the altar.

He turned around and immediately spotted the flaming black dragon not far away.

Naturally, this familiar figure immediately awakened his dusty memory.

In ancient times, the flame black dragon also represented the origin of the world's flame power.

He is also a primitive creature like the Lord of the Earth, so he is naturally quite familiar with it.

Although the two sides were once enemies.

But now, after a long period of time, under the vicissitudes of life, the situation has undergone new changes.

There is still some sympathy between the two parties.

After all, there are not many ancient creatures left that once lived on this land.

It's the Flame Black Dragon. I didn't expect that this old guy like you is still alive.

The Lord of the Earth was not in a hurry to go to the World Altar immediately to seize the power of the world.

Instead, he looked at the flame black dragon with interest, as if he wanted to reminisce about the past.

The Flame Black Dragon also looked at the Lord of the Earth and shook his head with a smile.

"You have changed a lot."

"I have to say that your powers seem to have grown stronger after your slumber."

The Flame Black Dragon also noticed some changes in the Lord of the Earth at this time. ....****...........

The increase in the strength of the Lord of the Earth was not due to obtaining those three world marks.

Instead, he was buried deep in the ground during a long sleep, constantly absorbing the new power of the earth and the power of some ancient metal and stone.

Making his power become stronger as time passes.

This is not comparable to the flame black dragon or the origin of the flame power crystal.


The Lord of the Earth did not care about the words of the Flame Black Dragon.

After reminiscing about old times, his eyes finally fell on An Yang and others.

Especially An Yang, he immediately felt a huge pressure.

At the same time, because there are three world marks in the body.

He also discovered that the remaining four world marks were indeed on An Yang's body.

"You must be An Yang, I didn't expect your life breath to be so young.

"You are not even a fraction of my age, yet you are able to possess such terrifying strength."

"But if you want to conquer this world, I'm afraid you made the wrong calculation."

"I advise you to give up now, lest our war becomes unstoppable."

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