Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 243: : 18 palms of the dragon! Du Bian saves his mother (important)

At this time, Du Bian quickly entered the meditation world to summon the dream system.

The weird light and shadow lit up again: "I am."

Du Bian said: "How much has my physique attribute increased?"

Weird Guangying said: "Fifty-nine!"

Du Bian was stunned, how could there be nothing but perfection, and the cleansing of the blood of the dragon's blood shouldn't have such a little power, it only permanently increased the physique by 19 points.

Of course, this number is already very, very alarming, but Du Bian thinks that the blood of the dragon should be more than a little bit of power.

Weird Guangying said: "The blood of the dragon is indeed more than these powers, but with your cultivation base at that time, you can only withstand this level of marrow cutting and vein cutting. If you are a higher level, your whole body's veins will burst and die. "

No wonder, in the end, a large part of the golden energy of the dragon's blood entered Du Bian's dantian.

Du Bian said: "The faceless old man Jiang has given enlightenment to my future life, correct?"

Weird Light and Shadow said: "It is also correct and not correct. Because you will not follow our plan for many things in the future, but will follow your own choices. But if you choose every time you make a trial with the mental illusion If you follow your own inner will, then this life enlightenment is quite correct. But you will grow, and the choices you make now may not necessarily be made in the future, right?

Du Bian admits this.

Weird Guangying said: "So my suggestion is that you can recall this life revelation at a critical moment. But most of the time, you should forget it."

Du Bian agrees with this point very much. Don't be bound to you by anything, even the so-called future. The only constant in life is constant change.

Du Bian carefully hid the two alien beast eggs in the box. This would be his most precious thing.

Then he began to search the entire stone room.

He saw a box, and when he opened it, it was a crystal clear bead.

"What is this?" Du Bian asked.

"Evil-shielding beads." The dream system said: "I got it from a powerful alien beast. This orb can release a special energy field, remove most of the poisonous gas, and protect the safety of the wearer."

Du Bian couldn't help but stunned: "So amazing?"

The dream system said: "Because this alien beast lives in a crypt full of miasma and poisonous gas, it condenses and evolves in the body over time such a precious orb, which can protect its body from poisonous gas. This thing is also true. After being fortune-telled by the Faceless Man, he tried a way to kill the strange beast and cut out the evil spirit bead."

Du Bian said: "This thing is extremely valuable."

Weird Guangying said: "Yes, it is of great value. With it, you can go to many crypts to explore deep, and when the enemy uses poison gas to attack, you can still be safe."

The Faceless Man said that everything in Tianji Island belongs to Dubian, so this evil spirit warding pearl is no exception.

Next, Du Bian found a thick secret book again, and when he picked it up, he saw four words written on it: Huanyang Dafa.

He couldn't help being stunned. This martial arts secret book seemed to restore a man's glory?

I couldn't help but open it, and it really was the man who restored his glory.

Weird Guangying said: "Because Elder Jiang, the faceless man, has repeatedly obtained things that do not belong to him through divination, God punished him by first letting him lose the ability to be a man, and his two eggs gradually shrank and disappeared. He had many beautiful wives and concubines at the time, but he lost the ability of a man, so he didn't want to live. So he exhausted more than ten years, trying to write "The Law of Returning the Yang", in order to restore the man's ability. But then God has been punishing him, It made him lose his sense of taste, his eyesight, and finally even his face. In comparison, the loss of a man's glory became insignificant for him. Moreover, his wife and concubine had already left him and betrayed him, So this "The Law of Huanyang" is gone."

Du Bian turned to the back, and it turned out that half of it was blank, and he did not finish writing.

Next, Du Bian picked up another thin booklet, opened it, and was suddenly shocked.

Because there is a map in this booklet that is so simple that you can't tell where it is, and it says the tomb of the Golden Emperor.

Golden Emperor Temujin!

That's right, there was also a Temujin in this world, but it was different from the history of another earth.

On another earth, he only lived 65 years old, but in this world he lived 80 years old.

On another earth, tens of millions of square kilometers were unified, and it was his descendants who established the Mongol Empire. When Temujin was in power, at least he didn't even defeat the Southern Song Dynasty.

However, in this world, Temujin alone captured most of Europe and most of Asia.

When he was eighty years old, he died unexpectedly. In the following decades, the Tatar Empire he established was also torn apart, and the glory of the Golden Empire was wiped out.

Du Bian said: "This golden emperor Temujin, was you fostered?"

Weird Light and Shadow was silent for a moment, and nodded: "Yes, he is the native of this world. It is our greatest achievement in supporting natives. But it is also our biggest failure. Although he is heroic and heroic, he almost swept through nearly a third of the world at that time. But his gaze is rather cramped, and he wants to treat the whole world as his pasture. There is no concept of upgrading civilization at all, and he can't complete his mission at all. Instead, it is a huge obstacle."

Du Bian said: "So, he was obliterated by you?"

Weird Guangying said: "In fact, he found some of the most powerful spiritual shamans in the world, completely shielding us from his spiritual connection."

Du Bian said: "It's like I'm here with the Kennel Master, here with the Faceless Man?"

Weird Guangying said: "Something similar, but here in Faceless Man, although you can't contact us, we can still obliterate your spirit and soul. The golden emperor Temujin found the most powerful in the world. The spiritual shaman has constructed an extremely powerful spiritual position, so that if we want to obliterate it, we will have to pay an extremely high price."

Damn, really awesome.

Du Bian said: "But he died in the end."

Weird Guangying said: "Yes, it's still dead. Killed by an assassin in the Western world."

"Western world?" Du Bian was shocked.

The weird light and shadow said in silence for a moment: "I don't know if I should tell you now that we are supporting you. And there is a powerful force supporting a certain emperor and a certain civilization in the West. They are rapidly becoming stronger, and they will become you. This is the largest place in the world. So you have to grow up quickly and become the number one power in the Daning Empire within ten years."

"This is a battle of civilizations?" Du Bian asked.

Weird Guangying said: "No, this is a battle of era, a battle of destruction, greater and more terrifying than the battle of civilization."

Du Bian continued to read the pamphlet of Elder Jiang, the Faceless Man, with a few words written on it: The legendary secret book "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Falling" may be in the tomb of the Golden Emperor.

Du Bian stunned "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon"? What the **** is this?

Weird Light and Shadow remained silent for a long time and said, "This is also a martial arts in another world. It was not originally called by this name. It was called "Dragon Slaying Technique". The first person to learn from him felt that "Dragon Slaying Technique" was not powerful enough, so he changed it to " "Falling Dragon Eighteen Palms"."

Du Bian said: "The first one to learn from him is also your host? Is it also a traverser?"

Weird Guangying said: "Yes, it happened more than a thousand years ago."

Du Bian said: "Then is this legendary martial arts secret "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" powerful?"

Weird Light and Shadow remained silent for a while and said, "Is your "Six Vein Excalibur" powerful?"

Du Bian said: "It's a bug against the sky."

Weird Guangying said: "Then this "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" is even more against the sky, more powerful, and can make you a **** on the battlefield."

Du Bian suddenly took a breath, didn't he?

"Six Vessels Excalibur" has already gone against the sky to this point. Is "Dragon Eighteen Palms" even more powerful? So, what's the point?

Weird Light and Shadow said: ""The Eighteen Palms of the Falling Dragon" is also the "Dragon Slaying Art."

Du Bian suddenly stopped making a sound! The whole body was paralyzed by the shock.

"Six Meridian Sword" is against the sky, but it only relies on one's own internal strength and profound energy. And this "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Dropping" actually condenses the vitality of the heaven and earth within a radius of tens of miles into the shape of a dragon and detonates?

This is no longer martial arts, but a weapon of mass destruction.

"Yes, once the "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Falling" is cast on the battlefield, it will be powerful and kill countless people. Everyone will be regarded as a heavenly person." Weird Guangying said: "This technique requires very, very high bloodline requirements for the learner. It just so happens that Tiemu is really a golden blood, and he is the only person who has been able to learn this set of legendary martial arts for hundreds of years. We struggled for a long time and argued fiercely for a long time, and finally passed down the secrets of "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" Give it to him. That’s why the legend of his invincible golden emperor has long been established, which allowed him to sweep nearly a third of the world's territory and establish an unprecedented golden empire in history."

Du Bian said: "But in the end he let you down?"

"Yes." Weird Guangying said: "He was caught in the intoxication of great accomplishments and couldn't extricate himself, completely ignored our mission, and even found the world's most powerful shaman to build a spiritual world, isolate us, and expel us."

Du Biandao: "So, this legendary "Dragon Eighteen Palms" is almost your most powerful martial arts cheat? The martial arts cheat that can almost change the world?"

Weird Guangying said: "Yes, but with your blood and cultivation base, you can't learn it yet, it's still a long way away."

Du Bian said: "Where is this set of legendary cheats against the sky?"

Weird Guangying said: "Hidden by the golden emperor Temujin, we...don't know where.. But this is a cheat sheet that must be taken back. Its wife is too powerful. No matter whether you can learn it, take it back. "Eighteen Palms of Falling Dragon" is also the secret book of "Dragon Slaying Technique", and it is also one of your biggest tasks."

Du Bian said: "Elder Jiang, the faceless man, can't capture this set of cheats against the sky. It is very likely that it is in the tomb of the golden emperor Temuzhen."

Weird Guangying said: "He really opened the eyes of the sky, so his divination is very meaningful."

Du Bian said: "In other words, this set of "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" is in the tomb of the golden emperor Temuzhen?"

Weird Guangying said: "Yes, the possibility is very high."

Du Bian carefully studied this extremely crude map, and really couldn't tell where it was at all.

Weird Guangying said: "Although the Faceless Man is an extremely powerful fortuneteller, the Golden Emperor Temujin also has powerful fortunetellers and spiritual shamans. When they build the tomb, they can resist the calculations and calculations of the fortunetellers. Divination. That's why the map of the tomb of the Golden Emperor is so simple and vague to this point."

Then, the weird light and shadow said: "But, it's yours, it's yours! When the opportunity comes in the future, the vague information on this map will become clear. But remember, "The Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" is too bad for the sky. , You must take it back! If nothing else, this will be the best way, or even the only way, for you to become a **** on the battlefield."

Du Bian said, "Which is more important, "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Falling" or "Sudden Stars"?"

Weird Light and Shadow said: "The Star Absorption Dafa must also be recycled, otherwise it will subvert the entire martial arts, and there will be a powerful and unbalanced masterpiece, especially a peerless master who is not under our control. So the legendary cheat "Star Absorption Dafa" is recovered. It’s imminent. The Eighteen Palms of the Dragon is the only way to make you a **** on the battlefield."

Du Bian said: "I understand that at the strategic level, "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" is much more important. But the current situation is more urgent, and it is extremely important to me."

Weird Guangying said: "Yes, once someone has learned the "Star Absorption Dafa" for more than ten years, a martial arts master will be born. At that time, even if you want to get rid of him, it will be extremely difficult."

Du Biandao: "The ancestors of the Northern Ming Sword Sect became the **** of war in this world by virtue of "North Ming Sword Dafa" and founded the Northern Ming Sword Sect. Wouldn't he break the balance of martial arts in the world?"

Weird Light and Shadow remained silent for a while and said, "Because he is controllable."

"My day." Du Bian couldn't help but cursed, and said: "I find that many things in this world are your fault."

Weird Guangying said: "In order to complete the ultimate mission, we continue to try, so there are many huge consequences. And this consequence, you need the ultimate host to save the situation."

Du Biandao: ""The Method of Attracting Stars" is a mission that I must complete right now, and "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" is my future strategic mission, right?"

Weird Guangying said: "Yes, and if you want your martial arts to break through the master in just one or two years, you must first grab the "Star Absorption Dafa"."

Du Bian was shocked, breaking through the master in just one or two years?

In other words, Du Bian broke through the master before the age of twenty?

That's really shocking, right? There is no one before, and there is no one afterwards, right?

Weird Guangying said: "So first, you must get the "Star Attraction Dafa", and you must obtain the Star Attraction Dafa by all means. With this set of legendary cheats, you will be able to break through the master at the age of twenty."

But at this moment, the sound of fighting sounded in the sea a few kilometers away!


Mo Qiu and a handsome middle-aged man are hunting down two women, two women who are very closely related to Dubian. Li Daozhen and Du Bian's biological mother Ji Minzhi.

Mo Qiu, the aunt of the brain-disabled queen Mo Han, the former admirer of Ning Daoxuan, the master of the Beiming Sword Sect, the master-level powerhouse, and the first beauty of the island of Great Enchou.

A woman who is almost more beautiful than Mo Han, but has a feminine heart.

Li Dao wailed blood at the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: "Uncle Mo Qiu, this is still the domain of the North Ming Sword Sect, do you dare to kill here?"

"Don't call my uncle, I'm almost two years older than you, and I look much younger and more beautiful than you, Jiang Xie, right?" Mo Qiu said charmingly.

Suddenly, the handsome middle-aged man was overwhelmed and nodded frequently, "Yes, yes, Mo Qiu is not only the number one beauty of my Great Encourage Island, but also the number one beauty of the North Ming Sword Sect."

"That's not dare, and the little **** of Fairy Nishang, after all, is younger than you and tenderer than me." Mo Qiuhan said.

Jiang Xie, a handsome middle-aged man, said: "She is beautiful, but where is the charm of Sister Mo Qiu?"

Mo Qiu stopped paying attention to the middle-aged man, his eyes turned to Li Daozhen and said, "Are you sure, didn't you tell anyone the secret we two knew?"

The secret the two of them know together is of course the whereabouts of the "Star-absorbing Dafa".

Li Daozhen shook his head and said, "No."

Stupid, if Du Bian was here, he would scold her. She said that if she didn't tell anyone the secret, then Mo Qiu could kill people with confidence.

"That's good, it's convenient for me to kill people." Mo Qiuhan said.

Sure enough.

Li Daozhen trembled: "Are you killing me in the domain of the North Ming Sword Sect?"

Mo Qiu sneered and said, "This is the sea area of ​​Tianji Island, and there are no ghosts. And the owner of Tianji Island, Old Ghost Jiang, is dead. You are dead here completely unknown, ghosts do not know!"

After that, Mo Qiu suddenly lifted his jade palm.

In an instant, a faint blue inscription appeared on her palm, and the entire jade palm was enveloped by a terrifying ghostly death.

"Nether God Palm?"

Mo Qiu said: "Yes, the palm of the Nether God, the palm of the Nether God without solution and no salvation."

Li Daozhen exhausted all his skills and wanted to retreat quickly and escape.

However, Mo Qiu's other palm sucked sharply, and Li Daozhen's body was sucked back alive, and then the Nether God palm of his right hand slammed Li Daozhen's delicate powder back.

"Ah..." a faint blue blood spurted out.

In an instant, a terrifying netherworld palm print appeared on the back of Li Daozhen's heart, and almost hopeless nether energy spread in her body.

Li Daozhen vomited blood one after another, and said towards Ji Minzhi: "Sister Ji, you went out with me to find Du Bian, and this was the disaster. You go, go..."

"Killing and killing, of course, we must kill all." Mo Qiuhan said.

Then, his left hand sucked violently, Ji Minzhi's delicate body was sucked violently into his hand, and then the Nether God palm of his right hand lightly patted Ji Minzhi's back.

"Puff..." Ji Minzhi opened her mouth and spouted a mouthful of blue blood.

"Sister Ji, I'm sorry, you are really unlucky. There was no business with you, but you and Li Daozhen were going out to find the little **** Du Bian, but they died in my palm." Mo Qiu sneered.

This Mo Qiu's martial arts is really against the sky.

Li Daozhen is the pinnacle grandmaster, and Ji Minzhi is also a grandmaster-level master.

As a result, in front of Mo Qiu, there was almost no force to fight back. Fleeing with one enemy and two, and even unable to escape.

Although Mo Han is domineering and insidious, his martial arts is really terrifying.

Mo Qiu looked at the handsome middle-aged man Jiang Xie and said, "Your father, the master of Tianji Island, Jiang Laogui, are you sure he is dead?"

"Definitely dead." The middle-aged man said: "My master is his twin brother, and he has clearly felt that the moment he died, and his vitality statue also shattered in an instant."

Mo Qiu sneered: "Your father's wives and concubines are all occupied by your uncle, and you have also become your uncle's half son. It's interesting and interesting."

Then, Mo Qiu said with a cold expression: "You saw that I killed Li Daozhen and Ji Minzhi, but I don't want to kill you, do you know what to do?"

The middle-aged man Jiang Xie said: "Know, know, **** Li Daozhen and Ji Minzhi, two beauties while they are hot, and then annihilate them first and then kill them, so that we can bear the murder together.

"Be smart, so you can save your life." Mo Qiu smiled: "It's cheaper for you. These are two stunning beauties. Before the nether energy has spread in their bodies, you can still be devastated for a quarter of an hour."

The handsome middle-aged man, Jiang Xie, the son of the Heavenly Mystery Island Lord, stripped off his clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts. He saluted Li Daozhen and Ji Minzhi meticulously: "It would be a shame for the two juniors to die like this. I would take With the two juniors and sisters boarding the Paradise of Elysium together, is it good to die unknowingly?"

Then, the middle-aged man Jiang Xie rushed directly at Du Bian's mother Ji Minzhi.

At this time, Du Bian walked out of the stone room on Tianji Island and saw a scene in the distance, almost cracking his eyes.

No matter how Ji Minzhi is his biological Although the relationship is cold, but if Du Bian allowed the middle-aged man to tarnish Ji Minzhi and Li Daozhen's innocence, then Du Bian would be inferior to a beast.

The biological mother must be saved, and Li Daozhen must also be saved.

But Mo Qiu's martial arts is so high, and that middle-aged man's martial arts is also very high, how should Du Fan save?

Don't fail to save the two, but take your own life.

Suddenly, Du Bian's mind flashed, and he had an idea in his heart!


Note: The first one is more than six thousand words, please ask for support, ask for monthly pass, thank you!


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