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“You ca n’t come!”

The open hands of Baili Bamboo are aligned with the Paragon Divine Sword Sword Intent fiercely that seems to be flooding the whole World!

“hong long long!”

Sword Intent shock!

Sword Intent torrents and Sword Qi storms, which spread over the stars, brought horror, despair, and destruction to countless people. With the push of Bai Lizhu, they were slowly retreating.


This scene opened the eyes of Paili Divine Sword Sword Intent and Sword Qi, the powerful Baili Qingfeng unable to bear.

Xiaozhu …

Is n’t it just breakthrough to Refining Spirit?

Body Refining, Qi Refining lineage, even the supreme powerhouse are not available.

How …

I forced the Sword Qi and Sword Intent of Paragon Divine Sword back?

Not only Baili Qingfeng, but also detaching True God is also somewhat incredible.

His eyes immediately fell on the thin body of Bailizhu, and he seemed to want to see how her terrifying monster was hidden in her body that looked like a little girl.

Although he does not hold the real ancient Divine Item Paragon Divine Sword in his hand, it is also the god in his mind that omnipotent devotes great energy to refining with Paragon Divine Sword Sword Qi and Sword Intent as templates A kind of super killer, with this thing, he can kill even a real god of the same level as him, not to mention the life below the god?

Kebaili Bamboo …

The breath fluctuations on the body are not even Legend Level, actually …

Blocked the Sword Intent and Paragon Divine Sword Sword Qi! ?

What a ridiculous thing this is! ?

But …

“No matter what you are, no one can save Baili Qingfeng today, whoever saves me will kill whoever!”

超脱 True God squeezed his empty hand, and Paragon Divine Sword, which was originally repelled by Baili Bamboo, suddenly shocked, and the more violent Sword Intent and Sword Qi swept out of Paragon Divine Sword.

“Om weng!”

The shape of the Baili bamboo is shaking, and the pretty little face is full of white.

The Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit that emerged from her volley was even a shock, seeming on the verge of collapse.

She is too weak!

The strongest spirit together is nothing but breakthrough to the tenth of Refining Spirit.

No matter what mysterious methods she masters, this shallow foundation is placed here, and any magic method is difficult to reverse the world.

“Qingfeng big brother, I can’t beat it …”

There is a trace of pain on Bailizhu’s pretty little face.

Baili Qingfeng is a shivered, without the slightest hesitation, withdrawing from Xiaozhu, the mirror is excited, and the bright mirror shines through shatter void, shining on the detached True God.

“Something struggling.”

True God sneered detached, a circle of golden light escapes from his body, and the mirror light formed by the Kamian mirror constantly cancels each other, making this Jingguang could not shine on his body smoothly.

Divine Item’s treatment of Demi-God may be amazing, but in front of the true True God …

formidable power is ultimately one point behind.

Of course, it depends on people.

If Jian Shen Mirror is held in the hands of a True God, even if he detaches True God, he will not dare to fight against it by his own divine force.

“Om weng!”

See Divine Item is invalid, Baili Qingfeng without the slightest hesitation escapes into the starry realm, the golden flame breaks through the sky, and goes straight to the sky, at the same time , The horizontal sword assassination, the golden sword light of one after another Tearing the Void stabs toward the detached True God with incredible speed.


This kind of Sword Qi has made True God ’s gaze biased. The left hand lightning pointed out that the golden light that crossed the void was directly smashed and blown by the volley. After disintegrating into golden Sword Qi, there is still a block that has crossed the detachment True God, and has passed through the sturdy god body of the detachment True God.

However …

There is no blood flowing out of this wound through the hole.

Not only there is no blood, as the detached True God ’s powerful will sweeps, a large amount of energy is quickly poured out of his almost half-energy True God body, just a moment, this wound has been repaired As before, it looks the same as before the injury.

“God Body …”

This scene makes Baili Qingfeng pupil suddenly shrink.

This is the characteristic of the god body.

Ordinary injuries can hardly affect them, even if they cut off their limbs, as long as they accumulate enough energy within the body, they can still be broken and reshaped, and it will not take much time. .

“I can’t think of what you actually did, and it will leave you even worse!”

True God right hand excites the Sword Intent torrent and Sword Qi storm formed by Paragon Divine Sword, the left hand is held high, the bright divine light rises from his body and condenses above the palm of his hand, a giant sword exuding a strong breath is very Quick cohesive molding.

Although the energy contained in this giant sword cannot match the Paragon Divine Sword, with the detached True God waving his hand, the wrapped sword light and Sword Intent are still rolling down, the vast Divine Power diffused, almost crushing Heaven and Earth.

“hong long!”

Baili Qingfeng within the body The electric light of the toroidal magnetic field shines to the extreme, the continuous Strength is injected into the body, which makes his golden flames rise, accompanied by the A large number of electric arcs burst.


Flying Sword cast by Chishen Steel shot out, carrying thunderbolt striking strikes on that giant sword, and exploded into countless iron filings and sword light.

Unfortunately …

Not useful!

Like a soldier carrying a bazooka, this bazooka may be able to kill any opponent, even raze to the ground a house, facing the towering mountains of millions of tons, he All the struggles and revolts of Doom are destined to end in vain!

He can choose to escape into the starry realm and take advantage of the mysterious dodge of the starry realm, but Xiaozhu stands beside him to block the edge of the Paragon Divine Sword. Once he leaves, True God turns to attack Xiaozhu, Xiaozhu is inevitably unable to resist.

Once Xiaozhu died, the edge of Paragon Divine Sword swept toward him again, and the only thing waiting for him was death.

No refund!

Baili Qingfeng took a deep breath, the sword in his hand stabs wildly, the bright sword light explodes indiscriminately, the golden flame fills Heaven and Earth, and these Sword Qi howling wind and torrential rain are aimed like that The sword light cut down by the road was bombarded indiscriminately, weakening the power of this giant sword as much as possible.

Under this weakness, when the giant sword finally cut to Baili Qingfeng’s body, the rays of light were already dimmed by 50%.

The Great Sword annihilates the dazzling golden flame on his body and consumes 20%.

Sword light then tears the frost god armor unabated, and consumes another 20%.

The remaining 10% hit Baili Qingfeng’s body, and the blood burst.

Fortunately, the continuous strengthening of his flesh and blood body with too much first-class gold also has amazing defense, and finally it can bear the sword.

“Final Struggle.”

Seeing this scene, a new Sword Qi that detached from True God ’s high left hand condenses again.

His attack frequency is slow, but any sword he cut can cause fatal damage to Baili Qingfeng, if Baili Qingfeng does not do everything he can to weaken the sword light he cut, even if he Wearing the Divine Item Frost God Armor will still be beheaded on the spot.

“Qingfeng big brother …”

Xiaozhu ’s voice became more and more painful.

She ca n’t stop the edge of Paragon Divine Sword.

After seeing this, Baili Qingfeng decided in his heart.

All his methods are a little bit different from the killing of a True God ’s body. There is only one way to destroy his body …

Starry Realm!

“Give me a country in the field!”

Baili Qingfeng spirit shakes.

Xiaozhu immediately throws out the Divine Item, the country of the field.

And when this Divine Item was thrown out, Baili Qingfeng ’s field had been integrated into this Divine Item. As his field moved towards detached True God, Divine Kingdom on the ground directly detached True God is included.

“en !? Divine Kingdom manifested on the ground with a Divine Item in front of a True God? Naive!”

True God sneered off, a piece almost transformed into the true Divine Kingdom trend The realm of the world emerged, and it was full of mountains, rivers, palaces, and Holy Spirit.

The two major Divine Kingdoms confronted, collided, and melted, and for a time there was a tendency to stalemate.

This scene makes Chao God a little surprised: “It ’s a good Divine Item! Very good! I want this Divine Item!”

next moment, he manifests The Divine Kingdom illusory shadow that came out suddenly skyrocketed, devouring the Divine Kingdom on the ground that manifested Baili Qingfeng as the kingdom of the territory.

“Want? I give you!”

Baili Qingfeng Divine Kingdom on the ground based on the country of the field does not resist at all, and it is swallowed by True God.

This anomalous scene makes True God feel a bit wrong.

While he did n’t figure out what Baili Qingfeng had planned, a huge, majestic, and horrible strength suddenly came!

The kind of greatness and boundlessness that instantly made the transcendent Divine Transformation look: “Ancient God!?”

Baili Qingfeng stands behind an ancient god! ?

Do n’t …

He was thrown out by an ancient deity, the purpose is to search for the Divine Lord to deal with the Divine Lord ’s chess pieces! ?

“Not good!”

For a time, he no longer had confidence at the beginning, and he quickly wanted to pump Paragon Divine Sword from Xiaozhu at the fastest speed To counter this great power of terror.

Bai Lizhu who struggled in front of Paragon Divine Sword felt the pressure was relaxed, and he saw that the violent Sword Intent torrent and Sword Qi storm direction changed, and they seemed to condense into a sword again, so that Launching a new round of attack …

This scene moved Baili Bamboo’s heart.

When the Sword Intent torrent and Sword Qi storm were taken back, she stepped out and took hold of both hands, which seemed to be re-condensed into True Sword Intent torrent and Sword Qi storm by the detached True God. Condensing the void, it seems …

She was “pulled” by her.

A Refining Spirit ten cultivator, “pulling” Paragon Divine Sword’s Sword Intent torrent and Sword Qi storm! ?

What a ridiculous thing this is! ?

“who you are!?”

Beyond True God angry roar, the powerful will of the gods surged and swept through, quickly integrating into the Sword Intent of Paragon Divine Sword torrent and Sword Qi storm In the middle, I want to forcefully take this Strength from Baili Bamboo by my own will …

Bai Lizhu watched for a moment, and a heart gradually relaxed: “This is not you Strength. “

She looked at True God who made every effort to regain control of Paragon Divine Sword:” This kind of strength is not used this way. “

Faith, her Tightly “pull” Paragon Demon Sword Sword Intent torrent, Sword Qi storm hands loose, and push forward ……

Simple can not be simple operation.

“hong long long!”

The torrent rewinds!

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