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“Baili Qingfeng! Scattered ashes and dispersed smoke is your only end!”

Seeing the silhouette submerged by the bright starlight, the fluctuations of Taimo, Shengxinghui, Shengxingmang, Shengguiyue and the others spirit became extremely fierce, and it seemed to be full of resentment and curses.

“hong long long!”

A circle of ripples burst all around.

The pillars of starlight strikes Baili Qingfeng while sweeping the ground, lifting up the ground where he stood on several dozen meters, and then torn to pieces by a shock wave in a violent explosion.

In that bright starlight, the rays of light belonging to the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique in Baili Qingfeng suddenly exploded, and a violent golden flame just had time to rise from him and was slammed into the sky. Starlight suppression.

Despite the extremely tenacious performance of this layer of gold flame, it is continuously burning under the energy transmission of the annular magnetic field of Baili Qingfeng within the body. However, because the Fleshy body withstands the limit and the output power, it ca n’t match Starlight ’s strikes. In less than half a breath, the golden flame was extinguished, and the bright beam of light carried the violent Strength to the frost god armor he was wearing!

After being attacked, the reflection effect of Frost God Armor was stimulated to the extreme, and the bursts of light were continuously guided to the ground, almost raze to the ground.

Even though the Frost God Armor is a defense against Divine Item, it still ca n’t stop the bombardment of the Starlight Pillar. When supporting less than half a breath, the surface of the Frost God Armor has gradually melted and has been completely eliminated. Defeated.

Just at this moment …

The attack of the column of stars is stopped!

There is obviously a power limit for the attack of the Wan Star God formation. The bright starlight that burst out continues to breathe, and it will fall into a self-protection mechanism and stop the attack because of the divine force crystal overload on the tower.

This result makes Baili Qingfeng startled in his heart.

However, immediately without reaction, he without the slightest hesitation broke out within the body Golden Core, while the body ’s Strength continuously skyrocketed, and instantly entered the Legendary realm.

At the same time, his feet were violent and the arc was spattering. With the sinking of the earth, his body was like a shell that hit a shatter void under electromagnetic catapult, sweeping with a deafening sound. The stars rushed outside.


The sound wave breaks through!

In an instant, everyone ’s eyes are all focused on the silhouette with the starlight as the background.

“Baili Qingfeng !? He … he is not dead?”

“Actually resisted Divine Punishment of Wan Star God Formation !? How is it possible!”

“That’s … Frost God Armor! Frost Dragon’s Frost God Armor on him! Our guess is true!”

“Stop him! Frost God Armor is nothing more than an extension A little bit of his death time that’s all! Step into Wan Star God formation, unless he is True God, otherwise he will definitely die! ”

Holy star, holy star and the others shouted at the same time.

Temo, the Demi-God powerhouse, took a direct shot, with one empty hand, and four Black Dragons in the palm of his hand. These Black Dragons roared under the guidance of spirit will moved towards Baili Qingfeng Strangled away.

“Divine Skill · Phantom Dragon Slaughter!”



The long sword in Baili Qingfeng’s hands was broken, and the horizontal sword swept through the dreadful sharp mane to tear the sky, and a Black Dragon in front of him was swept and broken by sword light.

And his figure is not slow, the dim golden flame shines again under the energy injected continuously by the annular magnetic field, so it was carried towards the thunderbolt, and the momentum was moved towards the other three Black Dragon fiercely. go with.



The air waves explode!

It ’s like a falling star!

The three black holes seemed to be torn by a mighty force of terror, and blasted into a black mist at the moment of impact.

This scene fell to the eyes of Marquis Saitama, Marquis of Roaring Lions, Bishop of Torch, Burning Judge and the others in a hurry.

Break the magic with the flesh and blood! ?

Even if he was wearing Frost God Armor, such a shocking scene still made everyone breathe.

Especially the salary, the pace at the foot is involuntarily slowed down.

“How is it possible!”

Temo expression is awe-inspiring.

As a divine spellcaster, he knows the formidable power of the magical dragon slaughter, but now …


This At that time, in the sky, a ripple rippled again.

The starry sky on the other high tower, carrying the majestic energy of terror, slammed down, and Baili Qingfeng, who broke into a slaughter of the magic dragon and was also involuntarily stopped, drowned.

“hong long long!”

The energy in the column of stars breaks the erupting golden flame, and then hits the frost god armor with powerful defense and reflection effects for a time. Hundreds of kilometers seemed to be swept by a high-power laser cannon. All buildings were leveled like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood under the starlight reflected by these frost armor, and countless Imperial Palace personnel were affected. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

When the starlight dissipates, Baili Qingfeng’s figure rushes out of the starlight again.

At this time, the frost god armor seems to be more damaged, especially at the location where it was hit, and there are cracks in the road, which seems to be cracking.

Seeing this scene, everyone was relieved to be sighed in relief.

What about Divine Item Frost God Armor?

It still cannot match the vast Divine Power of the Star God formation.

Timo took a deep breath, striding meteor, and approached Baili Qingfeng again, while the new magical dragon slaughter had condensed in his hands.

“With this Demi-God blocking, although I can escape the Star God formation, when the time comes the Frost God Armor will be completely destroyed!”

Baili A trace of clear comprehension flashed through Qingfeng’s mind.

Frost God Armor is Divine Item.

Once it is damaged, no one can complete the repair unless True God personally shoots it.

At this point, his body is still running at a very fast speed, but a Flying Sword has already automatically flew in front of him, and quickly rotated in the arc.

“Thank you Taimo, be careful of his flying Sword Technique, this Sword Technique speed speed to the pinnacle!”

Spirit star ’s spirit fluctuations immediately rippled.

Temo sees that, the magic dragon slaughter that he was preparing directly transforms into another magic art-magic mirror art!

For a time, his figure like a was divided into five, true and false, confusing the audio-visual, in addition, these five silhouettes are also preparing a magic dragon slaughter, which can escape Baili Qingfeng ’s figure Lock completely.

Baili Qingfeng saw no change in his face.


next moment, a mirror light breaks through the sky, and the real body of Tamo ’s five silhouettes is accurately locked …


“Jianshen Mirror!?”

The expression on Tamo ’s face suddenly solidified.

“zi zi!”

The arc escapes!

Flying Sword cast by Red God Steel instantly bursts into the void and shoots!

“open for me!”

Timo struggled fiercely, and his strength and strength were surging, and the difficult self-assessment mirror was locked out of the mirror light.

But …



With a wave of unwilling shouts, the blood mist is filled!


Temo ’s Demi-God body was shot directly into the sky!


The holy moon that witnessed this scene was completely stunned.

For a time, even the curse could not be continued.

But Baili Qingfeng ignored it.

Feeling the will of the divine moon belonging to the holy moon in the white stars, he felt a little regret in his heart.

After all, he is too weak.

As a newcomer to Martial Dao who has n’t entered Martial Dao for as long as nine years of compulsory education, it ’s the limit to hold a Demi-God with the white stars, and the two will be wiped out together. Cause the two people to get out of trouble at the same time.

Only when the spirit splits into sixty-four ways can the two Demi-Gods be destroyed at the same time.

When I read this, I did n’t see Taimo ’s remaining will of God, and turned and ran.

“hong long long!”

At this time, the starlight of the ten thousand Star God formation in the sky strikes down again, once again completely submerging Baili Qingfeng ’s figure.

But at this time, everyone in the field shouted loudly without surprise.

Looking at Taimo who has only one will, then look at Baili Qingfeng, Holy Starlight, Holy Star Soul, even though he is in starlight strikes, but even the frost god armor has not been completely destroyed. Shengxingmang, Shengxingheng and the others felt a suffocating weakness.

Among them, I heard that I was going to help Imperial Family to intercept Deli-God’s salary in Baili Qingfeng’s domain temple.

“Why … how is it possible … Will Star God’s formation not help him!?”

Holy Star Spirit spirit was in a trance.

“Impossible! Wan Star God array should avoid its sharp edge even True God, not to mention a trifling Baili Qingfeng! Xing Yun, to stimulate the Formidable power of Wan Star God array to the extreme! Enter the overclocking state!”

Holy Stars shouted unwillingly.

“Your Majesty, however, the overclocking state is extremely damaging to the Wan Star God array. An accident may cause the Wan Star God array to collapse …”

“Overclocking status Wan The formidable power of the Star God formation will reach the extreme, it will not take much time to kill Baili Qingfeng, it is nothing more than to consume some divine force to crystallize that’s all, and now Lord St. Crescent is suppressed by Baili Qingfeng, the will is getting weaker and weaker, we can’t keep our eyes open. Watch him be wiped out. ”


Holy Star shows that Sacred Star ’s intention has been decided, and he no longer speaks, immediately reawakening the Star God formation.

And this time …

Baili Qingfeng also felt something was wrong.

Too few.

There are too few Demi-Gods in the Star Empire.

He has also been in the Imperial Palace for some time, but apart from a tamo for so long, no Demi-God came to stop him?

Even if all the Demi-Gods of the Star Empire go to the front line to fight with the Three Great Kingdoms, the Demi-Gods staying in the capital do n’t say ten or eight, five or six must have, but now …

Just one?


There is definitely a conspiracy!

With this fear, Baili Qingfeng involuntarily glanced at the Jian Shen mirror held by him.

Almost at the moment when he saw the Jianshen Mirror, the Jianshen Mirror was also slightly vibrating. In the phantom projected by the mirror, a bright red light almost spread all over the small half of the mirror, from outside the Star City Come quickly …

For a time, Baili Qingfeng, who was planning to run in that direction, stopped suddenly …

The rays of light …

True God!

This is the glory that True God can have!

He finally understands why the counterattacks of the Imperial Family here are not tepid, and only one Demi-God has been playing for so long!

It ’s not bottle gourd, baby salvation grandfather.

The Imperial Family of the Stars knew that he was Baili Qingfeng, the first assassin in the Heavenly Wasteland, and assassinated the High Level Demi-God, the Holy Demon Moon, how could he let the ordinary Demi-God one by one before Come to deliver food! ?

They showdown.

Wang fried!

They go directly to the king to fry, please come out True God, want to crush him into powder by smashing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

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