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Looking at the two Demi-Gods killed at full speed towards themselves, Baili Qingfeng had to regret the idea of ​​ending his watch.

Demi-God …


With the help of the special environment of the foggy mountain range, hide and then wait for the opportunity to assassinate.

At this point, Baili Qingfeng withdrew and retreated.

“Retreat? Can you retreat, Divine Art, Star Devouring.”

Sheng Xingyao put his hands together, and the starlight that swept the body of Baili Qingfeng turned into a huge one vortex, forming a very powerful Gravitation Force, madly pulling his body, making him figure stopped during the retreat.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Frost Dragon was killed in the air, right hand was shocked, and a long spear had been assassinated by lightning.

Still in the void, long spear Dragon Transformation, there is a terrifying roar of horror!

“Heavenly Dragon chanting!”

Dragon roar spreads, the powerful will contained in the sound waves rolls towards Baili Qingfeng, there is a way to completely remove his will Core The trend of coercion is immovable.

The will of God in the magic!

However, Baili Qingfeng has already been suppressed by this will when dealing with the sword of Burning Yuan Chengyan. At present, the will in this magical art exhibited by Demi-God is better than that in the magical art of Chengyan The will of God is powerful, but …

This is all about.

After all, the will of the God of Fear, True God of Immortality, and Divine Emperor of Immortality has not been confronted.

Moreover, Will Core ca n’t bear the will of God contained in their divine arts, he can continue to change to Spirit, anyway, his Spirit is thick, the quality is not good, the quantity can come together.


Powerful spirits instantly flow into the body, controlling every key position of itself, quickly eliminating the interference caused by the stagnation of will.

At the same time, the remaining spiritual force broke out at the same time, and the Lesser Universe Cultivation Technique was running to the extreme, making him escape into the mysterious state of the stars in one fell swoop, and it suddenly became True Dragon He pulled out of a normal shot.

Not only that, when Baili Qingfeng withdrew and flew back, the sword in his hand was assassinated by lightning, one after another bright golden light bloomed instantly …

“I ’m already preventing you from being a god Surgery! “

Facing Baili Qingfeng’s counterattack, Frost Dragon a long whistle, robe burst, revealing a set of Battle Armor inside.

This Battle Armor seems to be made of crystal, full of crystal clear and near-transparent.

Sheng Xingyao without the slightest hesitation left hand held high, the bright starlight condensed on his hand again, forming a vortex that had appeared at the beginning, vortex exuded an amazing power of pulling, just avoided Baili Qingfeng was caught by this suction, and there was a delusion of thinking and consciousness that would be pulled out of fleshy body.

“This is Demi-God …”

Baili Qingfeng’s figure flashes.

After some confrontation, he clearly felt the difference between Demi-God and Legendary.

The strength of Demi-God has increased in quality compared to High Level Legendary not at all, but …

Having the will of God and infiltrating the will of God into his own In a cell, they have too much control over themselves.

This kind of Absolute Control-like magic makes them almost no delay in their Strength operation.

In other words, under the circumstances of energy, they can burst their strongest attacks at any time, changing thousands of means, and the connection between divine art and divine art is not cooled at all.

This feeling …

More difficult than fighting ten High Level Legendary at the same time.


Sheng Xingyao ignored Baili Qingfeng ’s thoughts, condense the black hole-like starlight vortex, his virtual hand pressed, and the starlight was already aimed at him and swallowed , Devouring Power is getting bigger and bigger as he rolls towards him, and pulling and Devouring Power also climbs sharply.

Wait for Baili Qingfeng to get out of this Devouring Power range, the shock roar of Divine Soul ’s dragon roar sounds through Nine Heavens!


long spear is broken!

Frost Dragon ’s gun carries soul-like penetration and kills.

“hong long!”

A big earthquake!

Baili Qingfeng once again used the strength of the Star Realm to flash rapidly, and the sword glow in his hand swept the Frost Dragon with incredible speed.


Starfire burst!

The moment when Baili Qingfeng ’s sword was slashed on Frost God Armor, it seemed to trigger the anti-shock effect of Frost God Armor, and finally …

More than failed to defeat Frost God God A torn, the Divine Sword made of the red god steel in his hand instead cracked under the shock, exploded into debris …

At this opportunity, Frost Dragon took a left hand and punched The majestic blood turned into a terrifying force fiercely impacting Baili Qingfeng’s body. The explosive strength made him fly back several dozen meters!


Waiting for Baili Qingfeng to land, Sheng Xingyao strode the meteor, and hurriedly met Baili Qingfeng who was struck by the frost dragon. The sword with terror and sharpness in his hand was cut down by lightning!

“Om weng!”

Void concussion!

In midair, Baili Qingfeng ’s toes are a little bit on the ground, and the starry state is excited. The figure seems to be blessed with invisible power, and it is incredible to get out of the blade light of the holy star.

“Damn, this weird speed … If we do n’t check and balance, he is already in an invincible position!”

Sheng Xingyao complexion sank.

“According to the data, his recovery is very amazing, it is not a long battle!”

Shuanglong followed closely: “There is a little girl with him, so short How far was her impossible hidden in the time, and pulled her out to force him to fight, I do n’t believe Baili Qingfeng can watch her die! ”

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